Omar Eox is an italian artist born on 3/06/1987 in the suburbs of Brindisi. He takes care of building up and producing 3D Video Mapping, he is consultant for creative video productions and solutions for scenic design for big events. Just barely teenager, finds himself an experimentation space in a recording studio and starts composing his first audio productions taking care meanwhile also of setti
ng up audio and lights for important events. Skills that he sedimented in the upcoming years in other similar companies. After spending years elaborating sounds as DJ in some of the most famous Clubs in Salento, and after being Resident DJ for 4 years in the well known Disco "Torre Regina Giovanna" in the neighbourhood of Brindisi, he starts getting interested in the "video world" creating personalized scenic design for artists of the level of Alessandro Mannarino, Dente, Sud Sound System, Vitalic, Jeff Mills and many other "bigs" of the italian music scene till the dance underground. In 2010 he took part of the "LPM- Live Performers Meeting" event with productions that noticed his potential and talent and introduced him to the in depth analysis of the Skills related to the Visual Sector in Real Time. He later on collaborates with many different projects, also deifferent between eachother with a big international relevance such as a mega 3D Video Mapping for the National Festival of Montenegro in 2012 in partnership with the Crew InSynchLab. He took care of the Formation in Vjing, during the Festival of digital arts "Digital Pride", in Lecce in 2013. From 2012 to 2014 he worked in the field of video making and scene design for some national tv broadcasts such as the beauty pageant "Miss Mondo" and the project "XCube 3D" which participates then to the contest "Italia's got Talent2014" getting to the semi-final. XCube 3D it's an entertainment project with a strong innovative personality based on the interactions between 3D Video Projection, Graphic Games and the artists present on stage, the simultaneity of such an interaction "confuses" the virtual images with the physical performance, creating in the audience an increased perception of reality. From 2015 collaborates with the Production Studio Dice Art di Nicola di Meo, peer and artist with a big fame in the panorama of visual arts, producing videos and installations for some of the best brand and agencies in the world, working for Arab Emirates, and United States, they got the position between the best italian companies in this Field.