Corinfesta International Competition for Choral Composition

Corinfesta International Competition for Choral Composition CORINFESTA International Competition for Children Choral Composition is organized every year by AERCO

Ecco le classifiche finali dei brani selezionati per il secondo step del Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Corale ...

Ecco le classifiche finali dei brani selezionati per il secondo step del Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Corale 'Corinfesta'. Categorie A e B.

Here are the final rankings of the pieces selected for the second step of the 'Corinfesta' International Choral Composition Competition. Categories A and B.

Announcement, by John Rutter, of the Winners of the 2023 Corinfesta International Competition for Choral CompositionAnnu...

Announcement, by John Rutter, of the Winners of the 2023 Corinfesta International Competition for Choral Composition

Annuncio, da parte di John Rutter, dei vincitori di Corinfesta International Competition for Choral Composition, edizione 2023 A (Towards Polyphony):3rd prize: 'Cose Strane' by Francesco Castellani (Italy)2nd prize: 'La storia più...

The evaluation process of the pieces received in the CORINFESTA International Composition Competition has begun!The jury...

The evaluation process of the pieces received in the CORINFESTA International Composition Competition has begun!

The jury, consisting of John Rutter (president), Tullio Visioli, Tim Sharp, Chris Artley and Daniela Nasti received the material for their evaluation work.

We received 64 compositions from Italy, Austria, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Indonesia, Hong Kong, USA, Australia, UK, Hungary...

Good luck to all!

Let's get to know the jury members of the 'Corinfesta' International Choral Composition Competition for Youth Choirs!htt...

Let's get to know the jury members of the 'Corinfesta' International Choral Composition Competition for Youth Choirs!

Tullio Visioli (Italy) – Member of the Jury

Composer, choir conductor, recorder player and singer, he was born in Cremona. He is a lecturer in Musicology and Music Didactics in Rome, at the Lumsa University, and in Childhood Vocality and Voice Disorders in the age of development in Ravenna (UniBo), at the Master's Degree Course in Artistic Vocology. He directs the Children's Choir and teaches recorder in Rome, at the Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio. In 2006 he created (and directed until 2018) the integrated choir Voc'incòro for the ASL of Centocelle (Rome) and, since 2014, he has activated, together with a team of specialists, the choir Mani Bianche Roma, inspired by Venezuelan experiences of integration between deaf and hearing people. Active in writing new musical repertoires for children and young people, he has published compositions for children's choir, youth choir and recorder, condensing his pedagogical vision in the books VariAzioni, elementi per la didattica musicale (Anicia 2004), Il Baule dei suoni (Multidea 2011) and Canto Leggèro, coro e voci di bambini (Ets 2020). A trainer and speaker at conferences and study days on music pedagogy, musical inclusion, choral music, musical composition and phoniatrics, since 2018 he is among the founding members and promoters of the Associazione Il jazz va a scuola.

Let's get to know the jury members of the 'Corinfesta' International Choral Composition Competition for Youth Choirs.htt...

Let's get to know the jury members of the 'Corinfesta' International Choral Composition Competition for Youth Choirs.

John Rutter (UK) – President

Born in London, he studied at Highgate School with John Tavener. He also studied music at Clare College, Cambridge University, where he was later appointed professor of organ first and then choral conducting from 1975 to 1979. In 1981 he founded the Cambridge Singers choir, which he continues to conduct today and with who has recorded a vast repertoire of sacred music (including his own compositions), specifically with his own record company, Collegium Records. He lives near Cambridge and is often called upon to conduct other leading professional and amateur choirs and orchestras around the world. Rutter’s compositions are mainly aimed at choral music of the a ca****la motet genre, but also of a more structurally complex nature with very extensive works such as the Gloria and the Requiem. In 2002 his version of Psalm 150, commissioned for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, was performed for Thanksgiving Mass at St Paul’s Cathedral, London. Rutter also composed a work for young people called Bang! His compositions are published primarily by Oxford University Press but also by his music publishing house Collegium. Rutter’s music clearly shows influences from the contemporary English and French choral tradition, as well as pop music and the American choral tradition. Although he has often composed and conducted religious music, Rutter told the US television program 60 Minutes in 2003 that he is not a particularly practicing person, but that he receives particular inspiration from the spirituality of sacred verses and prayers. The 60 Minutes episode, which aired a week before Christmas 2003, focused on Rutter’s vast popularity with choral groups in the United States, Britain and elsewhere, and on his composition Mass of the Children. Children”), composed after the untimely death of his son Christopher, a young student.

1. RegistrationRegistration to the competition will be accepted exclusively through the appropriate form online by the 3...

1. Registration
Registration to the competition will be accepted exclusively through the appropriate form online by the 30 June 2023

2. Money Prizes
The winning and runner-up compositions in each category will receive a prize of € 1,500 (one thousand five hundred euros) and € 600 (six hundred euros) respectively

3. Publication
The compositions awarded first, second and third place in each category will be published, with the authors’ permission, by an important Publishing House or by AERCO

4. Web Visibility
All the pieces entered in the competition, except those chosen for publication with a publishing house or with AERCO, if authorised by the composers, will be published on the website for choirs to use as new repertoire; they will also constitute repertoire to be used for the special category of the ‘Concorso Corale Nazionale Città di Riccione.

5. Performance
Public and multimedia performance, within 8 months from the announcement of the winners, by the ‘Cincinnati Youth Choir’ (USA) for Section A and by the ‘Crystal Children’s Choir’ (USA) for Section B

6. Other
the winners will be ‘composer in residence’ for AERCO throughout 2024. The winners will also be ex officio jury members of the 2025 edition.
...All with AERCO's usual competence

Ricordate: dalle 00:01 di domani, sabato 20 Agosto... (chi prima arriva, meglio alloggia)

Ricordate: dalle 00:01 di domani, sabato 20 Agosto... (chi prima arriva, meglio alloggia)

Un’occasione imperdibile per tutti i cori associati (ma anche per quelli non...)!!!

Volete che uno dei due nostri 'Composer in Residence 2022', Erika Eccli o Chris Artley componga un brano dedicato esclusivamente al vostro coro? Partecipate gratuitamente alla selezione di AERCO secondo le regole illustrate nel bando. I costi di commissione saranno tutti a carico di AERCO. I cori selezionati potranno scegliere il testo oppure lasciare al compositore la scelta di esso.

Il form di adesione sarà disponibile dal 20 Agosto al 30 Settembre 2022 al seguente indirizzo:

Il nostro premio COMPOSER IN RESIDENCE AERCO 2022 🤩

Il nostro premio COMPOSER IN RESIDENCE AERCO 2022 🤩

Un’occasione imperdibile per tutti i cori associati (ma anche per quelli non...)!!!

Volete che uno dei due nostri 'Composer in Residence 2022', Erika Eccli o Chris Artley componga un brano dedicato esclusivamente al vostro coro? Partecipate gratuitamente alla selezione di AERCO secondo le regole illustrate nel bando. I costi di commissione saranno tutti a carico di AERCO. I cori selezionati potranno scegliere il testo oppure lasciare al compositore la scelta di esso.

Il form di adesione sarà disponibile dal 20 Agosto al 30 Settembre 2022 al seguente indirizzo:



I brani vincitori delle passate edizioni del Concorso di Composizione Corinfesta oggi in gara nelle semifinali del Roman...

I brani vincitori delle passate edizioni del Concorso di Composizione Corinfesta oggi in gara nelle semifinali del Romano Gandolfi International Competition for Choral Conductors! Tante emozioni!!!


Fourth International Competition for Children's Choir Composition CORINFESTA 1. The Associazione Emiliano Romagnola Cori (A.E.R.CO.), together with the Fondazione C.G. Andreoli of the ‘Unione dei Comuni dell'Area Nord di Modena’ and with


International Composition Competition for Children’s Choir

Ri-Componi la vita corale!

Ri-Componi la vita corale!

Ri-Accendiamo la Voce con la


- Scadenza: 31 Luglio 2021
- 2 categorie (Voci Bianche e Giovanili)
- Premi in denaro per un totale di 4.200 Euro
- Pubblicazione dei brani vincitori da parte di AERCO - Accendi la voce
- Esecuzione dei brani vincitori da parte del Romanian Radio Children's Choir e del Coro Gioventù in Cantata - Marostica (VI)
- I vincitori saranno 'Composer on Residence' di AERCO - Accendi la voce
- Diploma



Via Barberia 9


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