There is always a tendency to overlook the micro-practices of cooperation and collaboration that go beyond a one-to-one relationship between a mentor and a mentee (C***a, 2011; 2013). The conversation that follows seeks to foreground mentoring as a collegial and distributed practice of reciprocity, care, and support happening in the interstices of academia.
Silvia Gherardi — Department of Sociology and Social Research, Università di Trento
Michela C***a — Department of Organization and Management, Mälardalens universitet
Laura Lucia Parolin — Department of Culture and Language, Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark
Mentoring as a Distributed Practice of Care: A Conversation Authors Silvia Gherardi Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7026-2418 Silvia Gherardi recently retired from the University of Trento (Italy). Her research interests include feminist....