Verydarkblackman how ee come be now 🤣 😂
who dey check ham dey learn h@rd oohh 💯
can you just imagine 😳
Valentine's Day
@Valentine's Day
@valentine's coming
saida come come come your mind nor go torch ground
saida come come come your mind nor go torch ground hnnn 🤪
you go geth matter with Verydarkblackman
watch what is say here on social media
watch what you say /mind what you say here on social media
else you myth learn like this guy 😄 🤣
#Very #verydarkblackman
#VDM #everyonehighlightsfollowers
#followers #Nigerians
watch what is say here on social media
watch what you say /mind what you say here on social media
else you myth learn like this guy 😄 🤣
#Very #verydarkblackman
#VDM #everyonehighlightsfollowers
#followers #Nigerians
what kind of prblm is this one again 🤔 😳
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Shiva Frank Terlanga, Barecha Dhera, Ferran Alvarez Joni, Raju MD Raju, A A Joseph Madaki
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Wayesh Ahmed Kamruzzaman, Adodo Stella, Wk Wk, Naigan Zardo, Jimoh Musbau, Rosito Badilla
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Son Gobai, Angelina Tayco Candontol, Tuoyo Fredrick, Morgane Skylër, Atheng Adjie Dhamar Reels
#Godbless you all 🙏