Cronache Internazionali

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L’Associazione Pangea e il sito Cronache Internazionali nascono nel marzo 2012. Si tratta del progetto di un gruppo di studenti di relazioni internazionali dell’Università di Bologna, che decidono di creare un luogo di discussione e confronto su temi di politica estera e affari internazionali. Il sogno era quello di costruire una realtà capace di informare e offrire riflessioni inedite e, al cont

empo, di valorizzare il talento nella scrittura di studenti e appassionati di relazioni internazionali. L’Associazione Pangea, attraverso gli eventi che organizza, mantiene uno stretto legame col territorio bolognese e con le istituzioni accademiche. Il sito Cronache Internazionali, che ha finora ospitato più di 70 scrittori, è una finestra di dialogo nazionale per chiunque intenda dare o ricevere ‘ogni giorno, uno sguardo sul mondo’. Il lavoro volontario e la passione di tutte e tutti noi ci hanno permesso di crescere e diventare un punto di riferimento in materia di politica estera. L’interesse dei lettori e i riscontri positivi dal mondo accademico ci spronano a continuare a offrirvi i migliori risultati di cui siamo capaci. La speranza è che il nostro percorso di crescita, come individui e come gruppo, possa incrociare il vostro in un’osmosi creativa che ci aiuti reciprocamente ad aumentare la nostra consapevolezza su ciò che accade nel mondo. Carmelo Galeano,
Presidente Associazione Pangea

Who we are
The idea to create this student-run website dedicated to international affairs was born in November 2011 in the page of the University of Bologna International Relations students. Fortunately, such an idea did not remain just an idle dream. Although we faced difficulties, we did not give up on our project, and today we can state that we have created something of which we can be proud of. In order to reach our goal, we formed the cultural association PANGEA, from which this website was developed. Our project is not limited to merely analyzing international affairs; there are several websites which already offer very rigorous analyses on such issues. Rather, our ambition is to also create a strong link with the city of Bologna and its academic institutions, developing a website that is of use to as many people as possible, particularly students. We also hope to increase the interest and awareness of the city towards the issues we study through open meetings, workshops, discussions and seminars. This website was made by students for students, with sections dedicated to career counseling and placement opportunities. We hope that such services will be of some use to young adults as they enter the workforce. Ultimately, this website is an attempt to create a public forum in which students can prove their worth and re-acquire a sense of dignity, which unfortunately tends to be squashed by the Italian university system, within which, for instance, BA theses are becoming mere formalities (as they are neither read by the professors nor discussed in a formal defense) and the hard work of students is not treated with the respect it deserves. We are not experts or professors, nor are we professional journalists. However, we feel that this website will be a useful tool which will allow us to refine our skills and put our knowledge and capabilities to the test
This project is a daring adventure which receives no outside support, and is held together exclusively by our own economic and intellectual resources: the project (and us, along with it) is growing little by little; hopefully it will continue to grow. We took a risk and challenged ourselves; we think this dream of ours is worth it. Carmelo Galeano, President, Pangea Cultural Association.



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