Maple Death Records

Maple Death Records Maple Death Records.

Tv Dust’s ‘Transition’ out today.Transition like the transformation of the group, you still get the original package of ...

Tv Dust’s ‘Transition’ out today.
Transition like the transformation of the group, you still get the original package of furious hypnotic grooves, shortwave radio alien funk, devo-id convulsions, jittery no-wave and Italo post-punk tradition alongside dada-jazz and freeform freakouts. Transition is our natural condition. No one is excluded.
Artwork by , sleeve printed on Fedrigoni Materica ‘Gesso’, fluo ink.
Grab a copy, now. forever!

Third and last single from the upcoming  record ‘Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica’.‘Solvay Beach’ is a slow thumping i...

Third and last single from the upcoming record ‘Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica’.
‘Solvay Beach’ is a slow thumping infectious alien cut that builds slowly into a 9 minute hypnotic groove. Listen wherever you get music.

“2087. Italy is now a country with a tropical climate and the days of low-cost flights that took Italian couples on holiday to exotic places for just a few euros are now part of a distant past now that Italians live in exotic places and the world’s elite land with their wind-powered vessels at Solvay airport, a place famous for its beaches as white as bicarbonate and its waters as crystalline as ammonia...” - Laura Agnusdei


Lunghissimo articolo e intervista su Laura Agnusdei nel numero di Gennaio di Rumore a cura di Alessandro Besselva Averam...

Lunghissimo articolo e intervista su Laura Agnusdei nel numero di Gennaio di Rumore a cura di Alessandro Besselva Averame con le foto di Matilde Piazzi. ‘Il confine tra il possibile e l’impossibile’. Un viaggio in profondità all’interno del microcosmo di ‘Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica’, dalla lavorazione del disco alla collaborazione con Daniele Castellano per la collana Opale.

“Flowers è un album ricchissimo di dettagli, che ancora scrittura, improvvisazione e postproduzione a solidità compositiva ed efficacia comunicativa, con ciascun elemento inserito in un dialogo vivace... alimentato da una elettronica contrappuntistica e brulicante...ritmiche imbevute di groove” 80/100 Rumore

A Buzz Supreme / Canicola edizioni/ Panico Concerti / Emilia-Romagna Music Commission/ Audioglobe /

We’ve been dreaming about it for years and it’s finally here, the ultimate Maple Death scarf to keep you warm and sgronk...

We’ve been dreaming about it for years and it’s finally here, the ultimate Maple Death scarf to keep you warm and sgronkin’ in the winter.

Designed by Andrea De Franco in collaboration with . Cotton bliss.
🔗 in comments to grab one.

Feat. our motto ‘Your Life Is Free Fallin’ But You’re In It For The Long Run’

Photos by

Section26 on the new TV DUST double corker 'Lila / Smelly Floor'."une éruptions de saveurs, aux frontières du free jazz,...

Section26 on the new TV DUST double corker 'Lila / Smelly Floor'.

"une éruptions de saveurs, aux frontières du free jazz, du krautrock et des musiques électroniques."

Du côté de Bologne, Jonathan Clancy (Brutal Birthday, His Clancyness …) et son label Maple Death Records sont toujours à la pointe de l’obscurité. Un catalogue singulier, ou se rencontrent punk hardcore, musiques expérimentales et pop de chambre. Cindy Lee, Qlowski, Trans Upper Egypt, Theor...


Alcune uscite molto recenti e ancora diversi recuperi dello scorso anno, tra gli album che aprono le notti di Battiti di questa settimana. Tante collaborazioni inedite, come quelle che ci portano in estremo oriente tra il percussionista franco-libanese Wassim Halal e il collettivo Gamelan Puspawarna con il progetto Polyphème, o la colonna sonora immaginaria venata di funk, psichedelia e sci-fi realizzata dai taiwanesi Mong Tong e i cinesi Gong Gong Gong; un incontro basato sulla libera improvvisazione, quello tra l’ottetto guidato da Marek Pospieszalski e la sassofonista Zoh Ambah per Instant Classic, una musica spirituale profondamente legata all’Africa centrale e orientale negli strumenti autocostruiti di Randall Fisher e Dexter Story. E poi gli ecosistemi fantastici di Laura Agnusdei, con il nuovo album “Flowers Are Blooming In Antartica” su Maple Death Records (in foto); la riflessioni su radici e memoria di Nicolas Jaar con “Piedras”; i remix di “Benhayyi Al​-​Baghbaghan (Salute The Parrot)” di Maurice Louca, in occasione del decennale dell’album; l’elettronica dub ed elegante dei Seefeel, tornati su Warp a oltre dieci anni dall’ultimo album. Infine le chitarre: angolari e umorali, nel post punk dei Gustaf di Lydia Gammill, soul e ultra elettrificate nella veste live dei Black Pumas in “Live From Brooklyn Paramount”.

Laura Agnusdei intervistata su Rolling Stone Italia da Damir Ivic per parlare di 'Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica'.“C...

Laura Agnusdei intervistata su Rolling Stone Italia da Damir Ivic per parlare di 'Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica'.

“Con l’elettronica invece sei nella condizione di non avere dei limiti. Sono proprio due approcci diversi […] a me piace mescolare le due cose, mi piace fare tutto. Magari lo faccio male, che so […] ma mi diverto molto a farlo”

Emilia-Romagna Music Commission / A Buzz Supreme / Panico Concerti

Classica, elettronica colta, musica afroamericana, avanguardia, sperimentazione. Quella di ‘Flowers Are Blooming in Antarctica’, che uscirà a fine mese, è musica dell’altro mondo. A Bologna (e non solo) oggi l’underground suona anche così



Laura Agnusdei in this weeks recommended music from Resident Advisor with her upcoming album ‘Flowers Are Blooming In An...

Laura Agnusdei in this weeks recommended music from Resident Advisor with her upcoming album ‘Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica’.

We round up ten new music announcements from the last few days.

Laura Agnusdei’s new single ‘The Drowned World’ from the upcoming LP is out today. A post-apocalyptic elegant march, a j...

Laura Agnusdei’s new single ‘The Drowned World’ from the upcoming LP is out today.
A post-apocalyptic elegant march, a jazz standard for an artificial civilization on the brink of self-destruction.

“This track takes its name from the psychedelic post-apocalyptic novel The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard, whose protagonists wander dazed through the warm waters of a Europe now reduced to a huge lagoon, immersed in a climate regressed to the Triassic era due to rising temperatures and solar radiation. A painting that is becoming every day closer to reality” Laura Agnsudei

📸 by Matilde Piazzi
Artwork by Daniele Castellano

Thanks to Emilia-Romagna Music Commission A Buzz Supreme Panico Concerti

Revisit our last Kiosk Radio Outsiders show, this time helmed by head honcho James Jonathan Clancy. Seeping through the ...

Revisit our last Kiosk Radio Outsiders show, this time helmed by head honcho James Jonathan Clancy.
Seeping through the mix are new deep cuts from upcoming releases by Tv Dust, Laura Agnusdei and J.H. Guraj. Pure gold.
Link in comments to listen.


Whitney Johnson - Kouklia
Tolouse Low Trax - Copy Machine
Masami Makino - Sagawa Chika .allora
76% - Soft Soil
Francesco Fonassi - Quadratura
Laura Agnusdei - Ittiolalia
Tv Dust - Volcanic Collapse
Teishi 1 - Ghost II
Grip Casino - Science Fiction
J.H. Guraj - Everything Sideways .h.guraj
Adrián de Alfonso - Voladura

Photo by
Drawing by Julian

Anteprima su Rumore del nuovo singolo ‘The Drowned World’ di Laura Agnusdei e piccola preview dell’articolo sul nuovo al...

Anteprima su Rumore del nuovo singolo ‘The Drowned World’ di Laura Agnusdei e piccola preview dell’articolo sul nuovo album ‘Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica’ in edicola nel numero di Gennaio.

A Buzz Supreme / Panico Concerti / Emilia-Romagna Music Commission

Laura Agnusdei, protagonista del nostro numero in edicola con una lunga intervista, è in arrivo con il nuovo album Flowers Are Blooming In Antarctica. Ascoltiamo un nuovo estratto in anteprima.


Buon anno!
Un augurio di felice anno nuovo vi viene da tutta la redazione di battiti, consapevoli di cosa possa significare oggi felicità quando la stessa sopravvivenza diventa complicata.
Gli ascolti di questa notte riflettono la mutevolezza e l’incertezza dei tempi presenti, ne dilatano le contraddizioni, mettono in luce i paradossi, alimentano la complessità.
Qui e là emerge una dolcezza del suono, ancora possibile…
E’ la vita pulsante.

James Jonathan Clancy con ‘Out And Alive’ da ‘Sprecato’ nella playlist 2024 di Chiara Colli su Battiti (Radio 3).

James Jonathan Clancy con ‘Out And Alive’ da ‘Sprecato’ nella playlist 2024 di Chiara Colli su Battiti (Radio 3).

Ecco la scaletta del 29.12.2024 - "Playlist 2024 di Chiara Colli"

MELOS KALPA, Melos Rhythm, da “Melos Kalpa” - Hands In The Dark HITD 068
OLIVIA BLOCK, f2754, da “The Mountains Pass” - Black Truffle BT117
RAFAEL TORAL, Take the Train, da "Spectral Evolution" – Moikai M14
ARIEL KALMA, JEREMIAH CHIU & MARTA SOFIA HONER, Breathing In Three Orbits, da “The Closest Thing to Silence” - International Anthem IARC0077
ORCHESTRE TOUT PUISSANT MARCEL DUCHAMP, Coagule, da “Ventre Unique” - Les Disques Bongo Joe BJR104
SANAM, 94, da “Live At Cafe Oto” - Mais Um MAIS061CA
MOIN, Lift You feat. Sophia Al-Maria, da “You Never End” - AD 93 WHYT082
AMIRTHA KIDAMBI’S ELDER ONES, New Monuments, da “New Monuments” - We Jazz Records WJCD65
JEFF PARKER ETA IVtet, Freakadelic, da “The Way Out of Easy” - International Anthem Recordings IARC0089
JAMES JONATHAN CLANCY, Out And Alive, da “Sprecato” - Maple Death Records MDR075
MORE EAZE, PARDO & GLASS, Le grand souffle céleste, da "Paris Paris, Texas Texas" - OOH-sounds OOH-038B
YARA ASMAR, In Fields Of Translucent Pearls I Am The Richest Man In The Graveyard And I Will Never Have To Bury Anyone I Love Ever Again, da “Stuttering Music” - Ruptured rptd053
ONDAKEIKI, Verso Mondi Sconosciuti, da “Canti Vol. I” - Sentiero Futuro Autoproduzioni SFA017
SAAGARA, Northern Wind Brings Redemption, da "3" – Glitterbeat GBCD159
HOLY TONGUE MEETS SHACKLETON, The Fruit Of The Fall, da “The Tumbling Psychic Joy of Now” - AD 93 WHYT080
GIOVANNI DI DOMENICO, Crapulando, da “Padre! Fammi Partire (a tribute to Franco Battiato)” - Canti Magnetici 2024

Taking a breather for a few days has only reinforced what an unusual and shimmering mosaic our 2024 in releases has beco...

Taking a breather for a few days has only reinforced what an unusual and shimmering mosaic our 2024 in releases has become.
From the sheer beauty of 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗼 𝗣𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮, 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗮 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗴𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗨𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆’s ‘Spiralis Aurea Trio’, the alien cowboy cosmic folk of 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗝𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗰𝘆’s ‘Sprecato’, 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗨𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗴𝘆𝗽𝘁’s funked up motorik ‘No Dub’, 𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗮‘s industrial landscapes and their ‘Unknown City’, 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲‘s mysterious and sensual ‘Fabulous Soundtracks’, 𝗙𝗲𝗿𝗮’s diamond in the rough ‘Psiche Liberata’, the essential meditations of 𝗣𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮 𝗱’𝗢𝗿𝗼’s ‘Così dentro come fuori’, 𝗤𝗹𝗼𝘄𝘀𝗸𝗶‘s furious and starry-eyed ‘The Wound’, the skeletal balladry of 𝗔𝗱𝗿𝗶á𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗳𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗼’s must-have ‘Viator’ and last but not least ‘𝗕𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗻𝗮 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗣𝗮𝗹𝟯𝘀𝘁𝟭𝗻𝟯‘, a constant reminder that the only way forward is to keep pushing.

Thank you so much for your support during the year. Almost 10 years of Maple Death and the community keeps expanding.

To celebrate we have a sale off everything valid until Jan 6th. 25% off using code ‘mapledeath25’ on our Bandcamp.

Xo xo

Smania was a real treat this year, two days where we loaded up on much needed ‘enthusiasm’, loads of labels that keep in...

Smania was a real treat this year, two days where we loaded up on much needed ‘enthusiasm’, loads of labels that keep inspiring us and are keeping it real, alive, out there, weird, detailed with tons of zonk to back it. See you in 2025.

Thanks to dream.
Thanks to .bologna

Thanks to all the labels that participated and folks coming out.

ADRIÀN DE ALFONSO con 'Viator' nei 5 dischi dell'anno di Marco “Borguez” Borghesi per Battiti (Radio 3)

ADRIÀN DE ALFONSO con 'Viator' nei 5 dischi dell'anno di Marco “Borguez” Borghesi per Battiti (Radio 3)

Ecco la scaletta del 22.12.2024 - "5 dischi del 2024 scelti da Sara Guabello, Alessandro Gambo, Marco “Borguez” Borghesi"

STEVIE WONDER, Signed Sealed & Delivered, da "Signed Sealed & Delivered" – Motown 0737463517621

Sara Guabello

GUSTAVO GALO, Pequena Árvore (feat. Bruna Lucchesi), da "Folhas_Fruto" – Pequeno Imprevisto
LUIZA BRINA, Oração 18 (Pra Viver Junto), da "Prece" – Dobra Discos
CURUMIN, Flecha do Dedo, da "Pedra de Selva" – Altafonte
CAXTRINHO, Merecedores (feat. Tori e Bruno Schiavo), da "Queda Livre" – Quintavant QTV067
QUARTABÊ, Eu cheguei lá (feat Mart'Nália), da "Repescagem" – Fun in The Church FUB052LP

Alessandro Gambo

GANAVYA, Not In An Anthropological Mood, da "Like the Sky I've Been Too Quiet" – Native Rebel Records NRR0008LP
NATE MERCEREAU, Continually Crestin, da "Excellent Traveller" – Third Man Records TMR-990
MICHEL BANABILA, So Far Yet So Near, da "Unspeakable Visions" – Knekelhuis Records KH052
JESSICA PRATT, Life Is, da "Here In The Pitch" – City Slang SLANG50494
MOLLY NILSSON, Summer Cats, da "Sólo Paraíso" – Dark Skies Associations DSA054 / Night School LSSN026R

Marco “Borguez” Borghesi

LAURIE ANDERSON, Flying At Night, da "Amelia" – Nonesuch 075597904765 (in foto)
ADRIÀN DE ALFONSO, Pleamar, da "Viator" – Maple Death Records MDR084
EKUKA MORRIS SIRIKITI, Akemu Mede Ipwodo Dako, da "Te - Kwaro Alango - Ekuka" – Nyege Nyege Tapes NNT063
JIMMY VILLOTTI, Il Kid, da "Jimmy Villotti" – REA Edizioni Musicali/Universal Music
JEFF PARKER ETA IVtet, Late Autumn, da "The Way Out Of Easy" – International Anthem Recording Company IARC0089




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