WWDX Studio

WWDX Studio Where we define the Xanadu
Bologna, Italy & Xi'an, China WWDX Unfinished Business is an international creative team based in Europe and China.

Our areas of expertise are creative marketing, film and advertising production, art curation, as well as the projecting, content production and implementation of cross-media events. We are also based in Italy to develop projects and integrate commercial resources. WWDX未完待续是深耕于欧洲与中国市场的跨国创意团队。我们的领域是创意营销、影视广告制片、艺术策展,以及跨媒体活动的策划、内容制作与落地。同时,我们以意大利为据点进行项目开发与整合商业资源。


We are delighted to have completed our first web3 metaverse project in spring 2022. This collaboration with StarryNift has been very challenging. We were…


We were invited by Casting Call, a Chinese media group, to do a news coverage at the 2022 Rome Film Festival, and follow the only Chinese film at the festival,…


È stato un anno molto ricco di sfide per tutti noi.
Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di ottenere la fiducia di molti clienti in diversi settori lavorativi ed è stato un piacere lavorare con queste persone interessanti.
Insieme, abbiamo creato e condiviso molte storie interessanti, storie che vagano tra l'Europa e la lontana Cina.
Speriamo di continuare a muoverci anche nel prossimo anno, raccontando storie meravigliose e creando immagini che vanno oltre la nostra immaginazione.
Grazie a tutti i nostri colleghi per il loro impegno e a tutti coloro che hanno avuto fiducia in noi.
Continuiamo a creare contenuti transculturali e transmediali!
Tanti auguri per un Natale pieno di amore.

It has been a very challenging year for all of us.
And we were fortunate to be able to gain such trust from many customers in diverse working fields, and it’s been a pleasure working with those interesting people.
Together, we created and shared many interesting stories, stories that wandering between Europe and far away China.
We hope to continue to keep on moving in the upcoming year, telling wonderful stories, and creating images that go beyond our imagination.
Thank you to all of our colleagues for their efforts, and to all of those who had trusted in us.
Let us keep on creating more cross-cultural and transmedia contents!
Merry Christmas with a lot of love.



Via Santo Stefano 43


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