SEIPERDUE Animation studio and production. Seiperdue è uno studio che si occupa di progettazione, sviluppo e produzione di contenuti grafici e animati.

Realizziamo progetti utilizzando la Suite di Adobe, Cinema4D, e i principali programmi di animazione sequenziale come Tv Paint e Dragon Frame...

Very happy that The Angst and the Bliss will continue its international tour. On September 15 we will be guests of the 3...

Very happy that The Angst and the Bliss will continue its international tour. On September 15 we will be guests of the 3 Shorts Days program, the first offline program of the -Shortt Animated Festival hosted by Karlsruhe


The film will also be available online during the festival for German citizens and those who are accredited to the festival.
Information here:

Wir freuen uns, die Ergebnisse der Filmauswahl für das T-Short Festival 2024 bekannt zu geben.

We are pleased to announce the results of the film selection for the T-Short Festival 2024.

Finally, our film The angst and the bliss can be seen by anyone who wants to see it on We Short, a new Italian platform ...

Finally, our film The angst and the bliss can be seen by anyone who wants to see it on We Short, a new Italian platform created with the aim of enhancing the short format.

Very easy: just go to this link

and register for free on the platform to see it!

Watch it and tell us what you think, we are interested in your opinion!

A writer locks the door and ingests pills, drags the mattress to the center of the room and lies down on it. The next morning, his partner finds his co**se. But is he really dead?

We are about to leave for Lleida, Catalunya, with two films in our pockets. The Angst and the Bliss is in the official s...

We are about to leave for Lleida, Catalunya, with two films in our pockets.
The Angst and the Bliss is in the official selection of shorts in competition at Animac Lleida 2024, and Green As Hell, our new project has been selected to participate in INCUBATOR a pitch that the festival organises to give an acceleration to projects in development.


This is an opportunity for us to test the solidity of our project on a new playing field, Spain, which is producing together with France, Portugal, Italy new extraordinary talents in traditional animation panorama.


Always thanks to IKKI FILMS , Bo Film, Kilowatt and Varicoloured for their work and sustain!

Animac 2024 Del 15 al 18 de febrer


Il 14 luglio 1933, lo scrittore francese Raymond Roussel muore all’Hotel Le Palme, a Palermo, in circostanze misteriose. Si chiude nella sua stanza, si spoglia, prende dei sonniferi, trascina il materasso in mezzo alla stanza e si distende. Sotto alla sua finestra strepita la processione di Santa ...

In Pont Menou dans le bois, Far West in Bretagne, a self defined "Multiple place, refuge space, common margin, area for ...

In Pont Menou dans le bois, Far West in Bretagne, a self defined "Multiple place, refuge space, common margin, area for experimentation, zone of collective activity, and artistic activities"

the 1st of November, day of the deaths, day of the saints
will take place

a screening of Babis!, a feature film that we produced 10 years ago, and the despite the time is passing, it's still actual, and still rocking hard.

Proud and happy to be there with Nicolas Lebras, our friend and producer!

The XR Creative residency at Pôle Image Magelis allowed us to clear many doubts about the non-linear storytelling model ...

The XR Creative residency at Pôle Image Magelis allowed us to clear many doubts about the non-linear storytelling model that VR provides, to immerse ourselves in the subject matter and to develop a 3D maquette and a new exciting version of the screenplay!

La résidence mise en place par Magelis, Syndicat Mixte du Pôle Image à Angoulême, et le Cnam-Enjmin, l’École Nationale du Jeu et des Médias Interactifs Numér...


In Bagheria, few days left for Animaphix Festival 2023 : the national competition program put The Angst and the Bliss by Mangoosta beside other beautiful short film realized in Italy between 2022 and 2023 by a bunch of artists, alives and kicking in Italy:

Fabio Bozzetto, Diego Zucchi, Tiziana Napoli, Chiara Covello, Gianni Allegra, Salvo Carramusa, Rita Casdia, Simone Massi, Irene Conti Mosca, Ilaria Perino, Anita Cisi, Isabella Pasqualetti, Massimiliano Marianni, Michele Tozzi, Maria Zilli, Sara Priorell, and Claudia Cecchetto...

Smell like a little Renaissance!
This make us feel really proud!
😎 this link you will find an interview with Michele Ziegler, president of the NewImages Festiva...

At this link you will find an interview with Michele Ziegler, president of the NewImages Festival since 2022.
The festival brings together the best of what has been produced this year in the world of XR and will be produced in the coming years.

As we delve deeper into this form of expression, we also realize that it is not just a medium (as the mobile phone screen can be), but a real language, with great flexibility like all languages, but its own rules, which we can bent but not bypass.
A huge potential for experimentation.

Let us try to summarize what Ziegler says:

- the newcomers to the industry, particularly from other creative industries, did not have all the keys to understanding XR.

- The XR has many specificities and formats: real fields of exploration in 360 video, video games that go beyond video games to propose social themes, devices that are more like theatre, with real staging, new formats on Instagram or Snapchat, 'augmented' web-series.

- There is a part of the XR ecosystem that wants to open up, also to find new distribution opportunities. and new audiences. There are many initiatives towards virtual worlds in Europe and elsewhere. Is this a real opportunity?

We will probably find an answer after our return home from Paris!

We are experimenting with an adaptation of The Angst and the bliss. It's a fun game to imagine how to repurpose a 2D fil...

We are experimenting with an adaptation of The Angst and the bliss.
It's a fun game to imagine how to repurpose a 2D filmic storytelling into a 3D interactive space. You can expand meanings, imagine new narrative solutions, make people interact with its imagery!

This is how Roussel Music Box was born, in collaboration with two great collaborators, two invaluable artists, Michele Pedrazzi and Mads Vasholt. Now we have been selected at the NewImages Festival in Paris for the XR development market.


Le festival XR international de la création numérique et des mondes virtuels (produit par le Forum des images) revient pour une 6e édition à Paris et en ligne du 5 au 9 avril 2023.

We have been waiting for the right opportunity to publish Mangoosta's first short film. Thanks to Zippy Frames we now ha...

We have been waiting for the right opportunity to publish Mangoosta's first short film. Thanks to Zippy Frames we now have it!


A short story about a rebellion. Because the strongest law that governs us is that of gravity, but nevertheless, utopia, which is the political action of the imaginary, of which animation is a powerful tool, can break that too!


We self-produced the film, thanks to the work of Maud Faverjon , Lilou Connes, Paul Cazals and the excellent musician and sound designer Bob Meanza

The Mangoosta talked to Zippy Frames about their 2D animation short, 'Flocks'.

One of the best things about working for Mammut Film, with Alessandro Rossi and Michele Mellara on I'm in love with my c...

One of the best things about working for Mammut Film, with Alessandro Rossi and Michele Mellara on I'm in love with my car was the great space they gave us to experiment with different, non-obvious solutions, to co-design with them some unassuming visual solutions.

The animation reacts with different footage, non-trivial testimonies, scientific data and lyricism, all distilled into a montage with a strong concept and great syntactic freedom. We enjoyed it.


Now on Netflix.

"Il cinema che ci piace" dice Marco Melani "è un cinema dialettico, che entra in conflitto con le cose..."Anni fa Chiara...

"Il cinema che ci piace" dice Marco Melani "è un cinema dialettico, che entra in conflitto con le cose..."

Anni fa Chiara è venuta a chiederci se potevamo darle una mano su questo film, e non ne siamo stati capaci. Forse non eravamo ancora abbastanza in conflitto con le cose.
Oggi cerchiamo almeno di essere partigiani con chi è in conflitto:

Sosteniamo Chiara con Produzioni Dal Basso, e quel momento della storia in cui piacere non era l'unica vocazione del cinema!

Montaggio teaser: Margherita Malerba

Click here for the English version. "Fossi costretto a raccontare la storia di Marco, potrei intitolarla “L’uomo dall’occhio d’Oro”, cercando in essa quale fosse il suo braccio, il suo talento, il suo ritmo invisibile".  enrico ghezzi   …

10 years ago is a lot of time! SEIPERDUE and BATOUTOS, a production based in Marseille, worked together in a crazy crazy...

10 years ago is a lot of time! SEIPERDUE and BATOUTOS, a production based in Marseille, worked together in a crazy crazy venture: a mixed media feature film, based on misunderstanding, a untranslatable buddy film about migrations and borders. Not so much the border between two peoples or two nations, but between past and present, between differing identities, between life and death.


Now this film has come home!

Sharing is the prerequisite for the economy to be accessible, creative and not standardised and industrialised. Not just...

Sharing is the prerequisite for the economy to be accessible, creative and not standardised and industrialised. Not just sharing communication, but sharing spaces, resources, know-how.

We are happy to have had the opportunity to host Mads Vadsholt in our studio. This kick-started a collaboration that is the most valuable thing you can achieve...

The Forest Quartet is out. An adventure game with a magnificent soundtrack, directed by Mads Vadsholt who worked on his game for a little while in our studio!…

The Angst and the Bliss, latest short of will be screened the 13th of December, in Paris at Carrefour de l...

The Angst and the Bliss, latest short of will be screened the 13th of December, in Paris at Carrefour de l'animation 2022, Forum des images

Thanks to our producers Bo Film Kilowattand IIKKI FILMS and our distributors Varicolouredfor this chance!


Hope that all our beautiful animator friends in Paris could be there!

La saison 2022-2023 au Forum des images, au cœur de Paris !• 4 arts au centre de notre programmation : cinéma, bande dessinée, jeu vidéo, nouvelles images,• ...

Dopo l'anteprima alla Festa del Cinema di Roma, il film di Paolo Fiore Angelini "Pasolini. Cronologia di un delitto poli...

Dopo l'anteprima alla Festa del Cinema di Roma, il film di Paolo Fiore Angelini "Pasolini. Cronologia di un delitto politico", a cui abbiamo avuto la fortuna di partecipare, sarà a Visioni Italiane il 2 novembre alle 19.30.

Un film importante, che ricostruisce i fatti e i depistaggi intorno all'omicidio Pasolini, i cui moventi sono ancora un ombra scura e presente sulle nostre teste...

Nel centenario della nascita di Pier Paolo Pasolini, è stato presentato alla diciassettesima Festa del Cinema di Roma il doc …


Appena finito di lavorare a un video di animazione per lo Studio K2 di Bologna. Ci siamo divertiti!


Condividiamo un concorso per esplorare i recessi della luna. Una gif di almeno 7 secondi in animazione per restituire alla luna 50 anni dopo Armstrong la sua magia!

Si vince una Wacom One e si partecipa a un film collettivo!


Noi siamo cresciuti con sto pezzo d'uomo!


Ora aspettiamo il lungo Davide!

Pubblico numerosissimo anche durante la terza ed ultima serata del Festival!!! Grazie infinite per averci seguito con calore e dedizione!!!
La giuria tecnica ha decretato vincitore della sezione Lavoro "Argento - short film" di Nicola Pertino.
Il premio Cgil è stato assegnato a "Short Movie L'impresa" di Davide Labanti.
Il premio della giuria popolare è andato a "DORIS" di Francesca Silveri.
Il premio della giuria scolastica è stato vinto da "LE GRAND JEU" di Agnès Vialleton.
L'organizzazione ha conferito una menzione speciale a "HOSTAL EDEN" di Gonzaga Manso.
Il premio miglior interprete femminile va a SILVIA CECCARELLI di "Helèna".
Il premio miglior interprete maschile va a Marcello Prayer di "Sonderkommando".
Il premio miglior colonna sonora è stato vinto da “UN DIA DE CAMPO" di Carlos Caro.
Il premio miglior montaggio è stato riconosciuto a "HOSTAL EDEN" di Gonzaga Manso.
Un ringraziamento a tutti coloro i quali hanno collaborato e sostenuto "Taranto in short": la Cgil Taranto il Premio Marcellino de Baggis per il supporto fondamentale, Apulia Film Commission e la FICC per il patrocinio, Ateneo Della Chitarra Taranto, Albergo del Sole, Asfilmfestival, l'artista Massimo Carriero per aver realizzato gli splendidi premi, tutti i giurati (Massimo Causo, Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani, Pino Forresu, Alessandro Contessa, Massimo Modugno), il direttore tecnico Walter Mirabile, Matteo Perico, Dom Col per i suoi scatti, i registi, gli attori e i produttori dei corti, i componenti della giuria popolare e della giuria scolastica!!!
Continuate a seguirci!!!


STILL WORKING. Con Axel e Caterina


Giovedì 16 Giugno (e in replica Sabato 18 Giugno) il nuovo documentario di Alina Marazzi al Biografilm Festival | International Celebration of Lives, prodotto da Mir Cinematografica

Le animazioni sono nostre (Lola Capote, Romina Brus, Gloria Lorenzini, Bianca Vagnoli e Niccolò Manzolini). E anche la locandina (la supergiovane Deborah Bernazzali).

Anna Piaggi una visionaria nella moda il nuovo documentario di Alina Marazzi verrà presentato il 16 e il 18 Giugno al Biografilm Festival | International Celebration of Lives


Se vi trovate a Roma siete seriamente sollecitati a visitare la mostra Bowie Blackstardust allo SpazioCima dove espone un suo lavoro il nostro , ma anche un po' vostro, z.Wax a.k.a. Axel Zani. Daje.

Se in questi giorni vi ritrovate a Roma per un motivo o per caso passate allo SpazioCima, vi saranno in esposizione oltre 70 illustrazioni e dipinti per il concorso Bowie - Blackstardust in onore a David Bowie.
Tra le tante potrete vedere anche il mio ambiguo e emblematico omaggio al duca.
Per quelli che non riusciranno a passare eccovelo qui!


Sante Vincenzi 2/A


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