Today is the Lunar New Year of the Snake which means it is also a New Moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Both mark times of fresh energy and new beginnings.
Snake energy represents calmness and introspection and brings a time to draw on wisdom and grace to guide our lives.
Aquarius energy is expansive and invites us to open to new potentials and pathways. It is a time to think big. Open to new possibilities, other viewpoints and fresh ideas and try to see things from different perspectives.
Both Snake an Aquarian energy support intuition and in this time of heightened intuition open your mind and your heart to the new and positive. Listen for divine messages to guide you.
You may find under this New Moon that old wounds open or unfinished business resurfaces. This is a time to bring these to a close and finish with them for good.
Right after the New Moon the energy shifts. If you have been feeling undecided about new directions or changes you may wish to make you should find things opening up to bring movement and progress. Change should happen quickly and open the way forward.
This current energy is expansive. It is a time to think big. Open to other viewpoints and new ideas. It is a time to try to see things from different perspectives and to explore all new possibilities.
Art by SoulBird Art by Roberta Orpwood