Nickland Media

Nickland Media Media partner for events and campaigns, with speakers, press agents, photographers, videomakers, ads managers.


For the second consecutive year, Nickland Media had the opportunity to produce the live broadcast of the Bear Wool Volle...

For the second consecutive year, Nickland Media had the opportunity to produce the live broadcast of the Bear Wool Volley Biella finals.
Now in its 20th edition, the tournament, held over three days in early January, has gained global recognition, consistently hosting teams from all over the world.

Once again, the goal was to make this event accessible to the widest possible audience. While over 3,000 people attended the final day at the sports arena, just as many followed the matches via the online YouTube platform.

Like most sports events organized by associations, it was necessary to optimize technical efforts in relation to the particularly tight budget, without losing sight of the goal of quality.
We positioned two Canon CR-N300 PTZ robotic cameras elevated above the playing ground — one for wide-angle shots and the other for more specific, close-up views, both controlled remotely.
Additionally, we implemented and operated an efficient on-screen scoring system that continuously displayed set scores, the overall match status, team names, national flags, and even a space for a sponsor. This was all managed via an Elgato Streamdeck+ keypad.
The production was directed using a Blackmagic Design system, the ATEM Television Studio, along with a Hyperdeck Studio HD Mini video recorder and a Web Presenter encoder.
The live stream on YouTube channels was handled through a 4G connection, with the stream management carried out using vMix.

The 8 hours of live broadcasting were transformed into more than 500 hours of online viewing by the audience — a result that makes us incredibly proud, considering how many people we were able to reach with our video production.

The management and direction were handled by Nicolò Caneparo; however, we must sincerely thank Diego Vannini for his coordination and support with the end client (Scuola Pallavolo Biellese), and Enzo Tass for the technical assistance provided. A special thanks goes to Stefano Vicario of Scuola Pallavolo Biellese for the graphic and organizational support provided at any hour of the day or night!

We would also like to thank Canon EMEA Pro for the latest developments released regarding the firmware and management software for their PTZ robotic cameras. The latest updates have helped us deliver an even better product.

Centro commerciale Gli Orsi Canon Italia Giacomo Moscarola Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo Fede Barazzotto Città di Biella Biella Turismo Giusi Cenedese

🙋‍♂️Giusto una settimana fa Nickland Media, in collaborazione con Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo, ha pro...

🙋‍♂️Giusto una settimana fa Nickland Media, in collaborazione con Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo, ha prodotto la puntata “Annuncio dei finalisti” del Premio Biella Letteratura e Industria 2024, giunto alla XXIII edizione.

📚 L'evento, promosso da Città Studi Biella, presieduto da Paolo Piana e coordinato da Mariangela Gasparetto, è stato protagonista di un'importante novità: il debutto all'interno degli spazi della Biblioteche Città di Biella, grazie alla calorosa ospitalità di Anna Bosazza.

🎤 Valentina Berengo ha tenuto l'ouverture dell'edizione 2024. Insieme a lei sul palco c'erano anche Claudio Bermond e Alberto Sinigaglia in qualità di Vicepresidenti della Giuria per intervistare i 5 finalisti.

🎥 Abbiamo implementato tre telecamere remote, un mixer video, un sistema di registrazione, un sistema audio, 4 microfoni di cui tre palmari e uno headset, un sistema di illuminazione controllato tramite DMX e alcune centinaia di metri di cavi per collegare i vari dispositivi. Abbiamo portato anche vari elementi hardware, come treppiedi, piantane e due palchi.

🖥 Il prodotto audiovisivo è stato finalizzato con grafica animata, didascalie sottopancia, musica e correzione/grading del colore, presso il quartier generale di Nickland Media e successivamente trasmesso al pubblico.

📸 Queste immagini del dietro le quinte sono state scattate rispettivamente da Antonio Mantovan, Mariangela Gasparetto e Nicolò Caneparo.

Regia: Nicolò Caneparo
Fonico: Diego Vannini
Assistenti: Massimo Ariatta, Corrado Garbaccio Joria
Service AV: Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo
Una produzione Nickland Media
Responsabile della comunicazione Giulia Mosca
Letture a cura di Ilaria Gariazzo e Mattia Becchio di Ars Teatrando

🎥 Per il quinto anno consecutivo Nickland Media ha l'onere ma soprattutto l'onore di produrre e mandare in onda le punta...

🎥 Per il quinto anno consecutivo Nickland Media ha l'onere ma soprattutto l'onore di produrre e mandare in onda le puntate del premio Premio Biella Letteratura e Industria, quest'anno giunto alla sua XXIII edizione.

📚 L'evento, promosso da Città Studi Biella, presieduto da Paolo Piana e coordinato da Mariangela Gasparetto, è stato protagonista di un'importante novità: il debutto con la prima puntata (quella dell'annuncio dei finalisti) presso gli spazi delle Biblioteche Città di Biella, grazie all'ospitalità di Anna Bosazza.

🎤 Valentina Berengo ha condotto l'overture dell'edizione 2024. Sul palco con lei anche Claudio Bermond e Alberto Sinigaglia in veste di Vicepresidenti di Giuria ad intervistare i 5 finalisti.

📖 Franco Amatori • L’impresa italiana. Storie e contesti - Treccani

📖 Francesca Coin con "Le grandi dimissioni. Il nuovo rifiuto del lavoro e il tempo di riprenderci la vita" - Einaudi editore

📖 Stefano Cuzzilla, Manuela Perrone Iacobone con "Il Buon lavoro. Benessere e cura delle persone nelle imprese italiane" - Luiss University Press

📖 Gianfranco Dioguardi • L’impresa enciclopedia. Organizzazione come strategia per il Terzo Millennio - Guerini Next

📖 Stefano Gallo, Fabrizio Loreto • Storia del lavoro nell’Italia contemporanea - Le edizioni del Mulino

📡 LIVE alle ore 20:00 e a seguire ONDEMAND sul canale 'nicklandtube'

Riprese e regia a cura di Nicolò Caneparo
Fonico di sala Diego Vannini
Assistenti di studio Massimo Ariatta Corrado Garbaccio Joria
Service AV Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo
Una produzione Nickland Media
Responsabile della comunicazione Giulia Mosca
Letture a cura di Ilaria Gariazzo e Mattia Becchio di Ars Teatrando

Un immancabile saluto al Professor Pier Francesco Gasparetto che ha seguito lo svolgersi delle operazioni da casa.

Fondazione Gianfranco Dioguardi, Edizioni Guerini, Lions Club Biella Bugella Civitas, Massimiliano Gaggino, Città di Biella, Biblioteca Luigi Squillario - Città Studi Biella, Mondoffice, Irma Garbella, Cristiano Gatti

Dagli spazi della Biblioteca Civica di Biella ( ) l'annuncio dei finalisti della XXIII edizione del Premio Biella Letteratura e...

🗣 «Per un architetto o un designer la bellezza è un potente strumento di comunicazione per veicolare messaggi di ogni ti...

🗣 «Per un architetto o un designer la bellezza è un potente strumento di comunicazione per veicolare messaggi di ogni tipo: dalla pubblicità, alla religione, all'arte. Si tratta di un codice universale, oggettivo, e riconoscibile dalle persone di qualsiasi provenienza e cultura. Rappresenta dunque un linguaggio che unisce».

🎙 É così che Luisa Bocchietto ha scelto di rispondere ad un tema importante: il concetto di BELLEZZA.

🎬 Questo video è il primo di una serie che Nickland Media ha prodotto per il Premio + bellezza in Valle con l'intenzione di diffondere l'attività che quest'ultimo svolge sul territorio biellese e stimolare la discussione su temi fondamentali come la cura del territorio e del patrimonio di bellezza che lo contraddistingue.

🏆 Il Premio viene promosso da Rotary Club Valle Mosso in collaborazione con Fondazione Biellezza.

🎤 Coordinamento e intervista a cura di Mara Cucco Rigola
🎥 Riprese e montaggio a cura di Nicolò Caneparo, Nickland Media


World Design Organization Ordine Architetti PPC Biella Biella Turismo

Il Premio, giunto quest’anno alla V edizione, ha chiesto ad alcuni Amici di raccontare CHE COSA È LA BELLEZZA e quello che vedrete è il loro modo di vivere e...

It is now customary for Nickland Media and Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo to produce the provincial even...

It is now customary for Nickland Media and Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo to produce the provincial event of ANDI Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. This time, however, we also dealt with the major congress, the regional one of ANDI Piemonte.

We spent two wonderful days at the magical location of the Principato di Lucedio, Trino, in the province of Vercelli; an ancient abbey from 1123 AD.
The assembly of all structures and the electronics on Friday. An hour of rehearsals on Saturday and then the kick-off of the event, which was spread across multiple rooms.

As always, one room was in the hands of Nicolò Caneparo, the other in Diego Vannini's.

Chairs, stage, lighting, projection, microphones, slide management, management of multimedia contributions, remote systems, paper and digital whiteboards, distributed sound system: in short, so on and so forth.

Thanks obviously go to the entire team who collaborated in the flawless success of the event: Corrado Garbaccio Joria, Massimo Ariatta, and all the other supporting technicians. Special mention to Laura Cartotto for coordinating the "gang" from start to finish.

See you in September at the Città Studi Biella auditorium.

Midas Consoles Sennheiser Fohhn Audio AG Blackmagic Design

Nickland Media had the pleasure of managing the technical production of a great event by CNA Biella, which took place on...

Nickland Media had the pleasure of managing the technical production of a great event by CNA Biella, which took place on Saturday April 6 at the Città Studi Biella auditorium, entitled "The Sustainable Future of the Biella area: prospects and challenges for the energy transition of the territory".

A sort of one-man show within the control room for Nicolò Caneparo, who managed sound adjustment for two handheld and two headset radio microphones by Sennheiser on stage, a handheld microphone for questions and the gooseneck microphone on the lectern.
And more: the management of video contributions through a Blackmagic Design ATEM switcher, with two laptops (main+backup), the new Interspace Industries Ltd. remote slide cueing system, and finally the lighting compartment with 6 DMX channels.

An almost three-hour "dance" during which a multitude of people (including Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security of Italy) could speak on stage and discuss about how to satisfy the needs of today's youngsters without compromising those of future generations! The morning was entirely dedicated to sustainable development topics with a particular focus on energy transition towards ecological management of resources. An event developed and introduced by Valentina Gusella, CNA Biella's general secretary, and hosted by the journalist of Il Sole 24 ORE, Maria Chiara Voci.

A special mention for professionalism goes to Alessandra Eusebio (Aeon Media) and her photo/video team, while a huge thank you goes to Valeria Florio, trusted adventure companion in the tech both, together with Simona Perino and Alberto Antonello.

Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica CNA Piemonte Gionata Pirali Stefania Crotta Vittorio Porta Alberto Prospero Tiziana Monterisi Ricehouse ALLEN & HEATH SEADA Technology Ltd

Premium fabrics, pins, polystyrene boards, scissors and chalk, but above all a professional scanner and a laptop. What a...

Premium fabrics, pins, polystyrene boards, scissors and chalk, but above all a professional scanner and a laptop. What are these unusual devices doing on the table at Nickland Media headquarters?
This time, high-quality scans of some of the best jacquard and velvet fabrics were commissioned to Nickland Media by the prestigious Drago Lanificio in Biella woolen mill.
Nowadays, 3D samples designed using a CAD system are often used. However, in the case of particular fabrics such as jacquard and velvet, in order to obtain the best visual performance, digitalization through the physical acquisition of the image is more suitable.
🤯 The process was long and laborious, and involved an initial phase of mounting each piece of fabric on a polystyrene tablet, subsequent cleaning by suction, scanning tests to define a custom profile for all the items, the actual scanning of each article, the subsequent post-production and, last but not least, the authoring activity, with the naming and production of ready-to-use files of different sizes, quality and weight.
📻 The professional scanning device, the legendary Epson Perfection 3200 Photo, made it possible to acquire the image of each fabric at the incredible quality of 9600 dpi with a truly high color depth in bits. It is also necessary to mention Hamrick Software's VueScan, the software that allowed us to perform perfect scans and with all the adjustments we needed, using a rather dated scanner on a modern platform such as Windows 11 Pro.
🙆‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️ A different job than usual for Nicolò Caneparo, who for the occasion was able to count on the fundamental support of Nicole Preacco especially in the difficult operation of assembling and tensioning the fabrics on the boards.
Every day there's a new challenge for us!

Epson Italia

Following the previous post about Mondoffice Convention 2024 (go to the main page and check it out!), we'd also like to ...

Following the previous post about Mondoffice Convention 2024 (go to the main page and check it out!), we'd also like to mention and celebrate the immense job done for organizing the party after the convention itself.
The aforementioned project (as regards the technical sector) at the party location, Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, was entirely managed and coordinated on behalf of Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo by Diego Vannini. He did a terrific job with sound and lights together with Ohm Live Service.
Whilst the stylistic and emotional aspect was managed by the dream team formed by Ela Ghiotti and Francesca Garrino.
Both teams worked effortlessly together to ensure the best experience and atmosphere till the very end of the night.
Many entertainment professionals brought their skills to the stage, entertaining the guests with energy and elegance, taking them on a journey from the 50s to today, so as to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the RAJA group.
It's time to think about next year's edition!

Midas Francesca Garrino Free Style Events Nicolò Caneparo Carletto e gli Impossibili

For the fourth consecutive year, Nickland Media was involved in the production of a top-class event: the annual Mondoffi...

For the fourth consecutive year, Nickland Media was involved in the production of a top-class event: the annual Mondoffice convention. The collaboration, which began in the hybrid era of the pandemic period, has evolved more and more every year.

A combined event: first a conference at the Città Studi Biella auditorium (in charge of Nicolò Caneparo), and then a gala dinner at the Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto spaces (in charge of Diego Vannini). And for such a complex event of this size, the tech team has obviously grown over time.

Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo, as the general contractor, has managed the relationships between the various collaborators: Telesystems Professional for filming and translation services, ASM for sound and lights management, Matteo Zin - Creative Studio, Antonio Mantovan and Corrado Micheletti for video/photo coverage!

The memories that everyone takes home are fundamental: Ela Ghiotti and Francesca Garrino of Francesca Garrino Free Style Events led the team responsible for style and emotions (graphics, flowers, catering, and more...).

Over time, the relationship of trust between suppliers and the client's management has been cemented: working closely together, sharing energy and thrills, doubts and smiles, for meetings, decisions, and rehearsals was inspiring. So thanks as always to Gioia Bellomo, Marco Destefanis, Anna Russo and Valentina Morelli.

A special thanks to Irma Garbella, who despite the enormous amount of things she has to think about in such moments, never skimps on smiles in the most challenging moments and collaboration and dedication during the refinement of every detail.

An important thank you also to the new director of Città Studi Biella Giuseppe Distefano, who chose to dedicate time to us to better understand right away what happens in the heart of the auditorium!

And now, once a journey is over, we immediately set off again towards a new destination, even bigger figures, even more interesting challenges.

Massimo Ariatta, Corrado Garbaccio Joria, Laura Cartotto Avolites DPA Microphones Blackmagic Design

I'd been eager to visit the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE). It represents the ideal opportunity to talk to the product ...

I'd been eager to visit the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE). It represents the ideal opportunity to talk to the product engineers of the various companies in the audiovisual sector.
Then, meeting your points of reference, your professional heroes, is always inspiring for the discussions that arise from them. This way Nickland Media can always be aware of the latest technologies on the market.

Here some of the pics that describe my visit:

1) at the Skaarhoj booth I spent just over an hour chatting with Kenneth Kikkenborg talking about PTZ controllers and integrated solutions based on Blue Pill and Reactor systems. I hope that next time I'll be able to shake hands with the legendary Kasper Skårhøj!

2) at the Canon EMEA Pro booth I was able to chat with some product managers, Simone & Paul, and finally meet with the engineer who developed some of the PTZ controllers: Taiki Takei. Great experience!

3) the Blackmagic booth was the first one I visited as soon as I entered the Fira Barcelona. I met and spent about ¾ of an hour talking with John Herbert, Broadcast Support Manager at Blackmagic Design, about implementing certain solutions based on usage cases and regarding new products. For instance, his expertise helped me to better evaluate some features and the way of thinking about some solutions.

4) I had the opportunity to try the incredible evolution showcased by Panasonic Broadcast & Pro AV Europe... I tried their PTZ cameras (through a controller with very precise and super soft sensitivity and accelerations), and I saw how they manage to shoot in virtual studios without any green screen, but with the pure use of artificial intelligence.

5) I don't have photos with them, but I want to thank Michael Wissmann of Sommer cable for the detailed explanations about their hybrid cables, Handy Lin of OBSBOT_Official for his enthusiasm in listening to my feedback, Jairo Antonio Barrantes Leon of Theatrixx Technologies for taking charge of my contact and sales request, Simone Messina of Kiloview for the technical presentation of very cool modular systems, Massimo D'Angelo and Leonardo Bongiorni of Kennell sas at SEADA Technology Ltd and Alessio Bleve and Davide Cortini of Tasker for the chat. And last, but certainly not least Lars Knobloch at Sennheiser, who spent time explaining to me the future of the RF bands and the brand's new microphone systems, capable of covering a wide spectrum of frequencies with practically no gap.

Thanks to my partners: Nicole Preacco, Corrado Garbaccio Joria and Laura Cartotto (Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo)

Canon Italia Panasonic Pro Video Systems

Nickland Media is back on field, right after Christmas, to broadcast the basketball round LBA NextGen Cup 2023 from Biel...

Nickland Media is back on field, right after Christmas, to broadcast the basketball round LBA NextGen Cup 2023 from Biella, IT, with premium squad: Diego Vannini & Edoardo Ariatta!
Huge thanks to Gregorio Lava & ReteBiella.Tv!
Città Di Biella Giacomo Moscarola Giacomo Moscarola Antonio Pusceddu

Nickland Media torna a gestire la regia di un evento presso l'Aula Magna del Sellalab. Per l'occasione, la presentazione...

Nickland Media torna a gestire la regia di un evento presso l'Aula Magna del Sellalab. Per l'occasione, la presentazione dei nuovi corsi di del Cai di Biella.

Una sala quasi totalmente colma ha potuto ascoltare gli speaker introdurre le iniziative pensate per la prossima stagione sciistica e vedere alcuni contributi video relativi alle avventure sui ghiacciai vissute durante l'anno passato.

Sistema multimediale di Sellalab che vede in campo un paio di proiettori NEC Corporation di ottima qualità, un processore video Analog Way Pulse² con la remotatura RK-350, un mixer audio Yamaha Pro Audio Europe DM-1000, e altri dispositivi vari.

Un grazie a Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo e a Fabrizio Biolcati per la loro cooperazione.

CAI - Club Alpino Italiano Marina Ricci Antonio Perona Amici del CAI Biella


Via Milano 74


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We have a plan B!

Yes, it's a hard job! No, not to work at Nickland Media, but to describe and summarize what this company offers in terms of products, services, and the principles in which we believe.

The best way to introduce our skills it may be using the term «Digital Media Specialists».

Digital Media Specialists

This is way we introduce ourselves when we shake the hands with our customers. But obviously there’s much more beyond that term. The world of digital media is very broad and variegated; therefore, as it happens in many other fields, the need for specialization in every sector is always increasing . The big passion in facing the requests leads to high quality results, the constant care of details brings huge and persistent satisfactions. This is our approach to the projects we get everyday, this is also what keeps us in a permanent state of evolution and research of innovative solutions.