EK Product

EK Product EK Product is a independent record label dedicated to forward-thinking electronic music. Is the addition to the Elektro Kommando organization.

EK Product is a independent record label dedicated to forward-thinking electronic music, this includes EBM, Electro, Synthpop, Futurepop, Industrial. The label was launched in the summer of 2010 amid a growing number of independent labels. EKP first release has been the new work “Out Of My Ego” by the Hungarian historical industrial/electro act “Escalator”. Escalator has been very well reviewed by

important and eminent magazine all around Europe. EKP has become some the home of talented bands such as Gin Devo and Vomito Negro, Restricted Area, Darkmen, Endless Shame, Liquid G., Grandchaos, Spektralized, Void Kampf amongst many others during these years. Unparalleled diversity. Our criterias are creativity, originality. Our genres of interest are not mainstream. Now, just a few years later, EKP is a self-contained hotbed for new talent like Struck9, Impakt!, Oldschool Union, Protectorate, Cardinal Noire, Invoke The Insult, Atropine, 11Grams, Hexadiode… It’s one of the things that the label does best. This project merges an open state of mind, in line with EKP program mission, and objectives, while ensuring quality. It’s everyone’s responsibility.


Produced for a broadcasting on Saturday, 24 June 2023 on Radio Libertaire at 89.4FM to the Paris and its surrounding suburban area. — Interview in ENGLISH. — (en) Vomito Negro is one of the prominent electro-industrial and EBM bands to emerge on the Belgian alternative electronic scene in the ea...


CD's all the way from Lappeenranta in Finland arrived at the office today.. Thank you Kalle Lindberg! 🖤 (Protectorate / Cardinal Noire / EK Product). Don't miss out on the big interview with Kalle that's included in #9. Pre-order your copy, try a copy of #3 or #4 for for only 10 SEK+postage or sign up for a #9-12 subscription at www.svartpunkt.store - All subscribers have the chance to win a copy of these CD's, merch and more in our regular lotteries and competitions! ⚫️

PS. Regarding #9 we worked our asses off during the last 2 months, but we realize that we took a LITTLE water over our heads! It will arrive at the end of next month.. That you for your patience and support!


The seven songs of the tracklist spread claustrophobic, disturbing industrial electro atmospheres, in which one perceives an aggressiveness ready to strike ruthlessly and an overwhelming sense of inquitude. The sonic scheme of the full lenght is a murky, alienating set of distortions and saturations of synths that rise in space like clouds charged of caustic effervescences, within which poisonous vocalizations, abysmal reverberations and electric guitar riffs face each other, all this punctuated by an exasperatingly slow and discontinuous drumming. W424 imprints torment and annihilation on the music, dragging the listener into a horrific tunnel from which he will come out with the desire to re-enter it, longing to see again that liberating glimpse of light at the end of the path. All of this is extraordinary, perverse and "Carnal".

Read more ...https://www.ekproduct.com/artists/w424/

W424 - CARNAL // This solo act is one of the four artistic conjugations of the multifaceted Finnish musician Lasse Aland...

W424 - CARNAL // This solo act is one of the four artistic conjugations of the multifaceted Finnish musician Lasse Alander ( most notably as one half of Cardinal Noire and as a contributor to Protectorate and Tyhjä ). The album "Carnal" represents the official and definitive launch of W424, whose inventiveness has created an album whose main reference is a particular electro-industrial experimentation that leaves you amazed by its intensity and ability to involve. Lasse's technological elaborations cyclically overheat and cool the sound material in the dark, shaping it a solid form suspended between reality and an incubotic dimension.


Finnish solo-project Protectorate is now active for a couple of years. Driven by Kalle Lindberg who’s also involved with Cardinal Noire, this new project soun


Pour le second assaut de son projet solo Protectorate, Kalle Lindberg a balancé 8 titres d'electro-indus dévastateurs aux frontières du méta...


from the album II


Some metallic shadings are added to Protectorate's tribute to Vancouver-school electro industrial.

Protectorate - II  🇫🇮 OUT NOW!Protectorate's sound is authoritatively ruthless, played without compromise and destined t...

Protectorate - II 🇫🇮 OUT NOW!

Protectorate's sound is authoritatively ruthless, played without compromise and destined to enter the listener’s brain to stay for long! "II" is above all the album of the definitive turning point of this project, whose sonic strength will annihilate any attempt to resist to it, dragging you into an electro stimulating spiral from which you hardly want to leave! A MUST for fans of classic DAF, Nitzer Ebb…


1 Industrial Action
2 Hexz
3 Asymmetric
4 Teargarden
5 Necromancer
6 Lethe
7 Tribunal
8 Deathbringer










Protectorate - Hexz // Extract from new album "II" out soon 🤘

Protectorate - Hexz // Extract from new album "II" out soon 🤘

Official Music video for Protectorate - Hexz from Protectorate II out on 14.10.2022 on EKP.

Protectorate - II  🇫🇮 OUT Oct. 14, 2022Strobe lights colored with the shades of apocalyptic sunsets illuminate the retur...

Protectorate - II 🇫🇮 OUT Oct. 14, 2022

Strobe lights colored with the shades of apocalyptic sunsets illuminate the return to the electronic scene of the Finnish Kalle Lindberg, who with his solo act Protectorate spreads an energetically dark, merciless music, capable of disturbing, dynamizing and by vibrating every cell of the body. Epigone of the old school electro industrial, the artist has managed to create a specific sonic imprint that characterizes his music, always full of aggressiveness and technological energy. The 2016 self titled debut album “Protectorate” had already demonstrated the amazing creative potential of this explorer of synthetic sound, who with the new full length “II” makes a strong qualitative progression that sends him into the highest orbits of the alternative electronic universe. The tracklist of “II” presents eight high-powered sonic performances, charged with a caustic combination of different stylistic orientations that blend together to generate a single material in which electro industrial and EBM resonate loud, spinning into alienating structures overflowing with vocal and instrumental harshness. Bursts of electronic sonic flames come out from a tracklist capable of dynamizing the mind and moving the body in frenzied uptempo – midtempo dances, during which the sense of hearing experiences razor sharp frequencies, composed of pounding lines of drum machine, murky streams of synths, precise sequencing trajectories, abrasives electric guitar riffs and chant sections that spread whirlwinds of destructive anger.

Protectorate’s sound is authoritatively ruthless, played without compromise and destined to fix for a long time in the memory of the listener who is passionate about this genre: “II” is above all the album of the definitive turning point of this project, whose sonic strength will annihilate any attempt to resist it, dragging you into an electro stimulating spiral from which you will never want to leave!



The work is done. 💪🏻💪🏻The new album for Protectorate () is currently being mastered. After that we continue with the upcoming EP for - Exciting releases are waiting for you friends. 😃😃

Happy international EBM Day 24/2 ⚙️🛠Free download DAS FATSCHENKIND track "E.B.M.L." from EK Product soundcloud here >>> ...

Happy international EBM Day 24/2 ⚙️🛠
Free download DAS FATSCHENKIND track "E.B.M.L."
from EK Product soundcloud here >>>

"Your profile picture in rainbow colours, now your conscience is clear..." FREE DOWNLOAD

Guilt Trip- Roots  ( 5/5 ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Review by Ján Peter Háber // Peter RybyBC:https://guilttripswe.bandcamp.com/EK Prod...

Guilt Trip- Roots ( 5/5 ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Review by Ján Peter Háber // Peter Ryby
EK Product

Guilt Trip je švédske industriálne duo, ktoré tvoria Karl Lindberg (mal aj pseudonym X!LE) a Magnus Nillson. V deväťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia komponovali hudbu pod názvom Chirurgie Esthetique. Kapela hrala štýl EBM Industrial. V roku 1997 vydali jednu kazetu Encore Une Fois. Karl Lindberg skúšal tvoriť aj sólovo ako Kallegula. Na discogs.com som našiel iba jednu skladbu na kompilácii z roku 1999. V rovnakom roku vyšiel prvý album dvojice pod novým názvom skupiny Guilt Trip s príznačným menom Reborn. Najnovší počin Roots je v poradí už ôsmym. Kapela silne čerpá z takzvaného vancouverského soundu. Nie je to však dvestoštyridsiataštvrtá kópia Skinny Puppy, či Numb. Hoci je odkaz na ne rozhľadenému poslucháčovi jasný, nejedná sa o žiadnu vykrádčku. Zároveň akoby sa spomínané kapely zrazili s Nine Inch Nails. Správne tušíte, dôjde na gitary. Aj keď len spolovice. Album je totiž dvojitý. Prvý disk digipaku obsahuje originálnu verziu novinky. Druhý disk je remixový. Jedna vec je na ňom však jedinečná. Obsahuje totiž všetky skladby pôvodného albumu v rovnakom poradí a úplne všetky remixy na ňom má na svedomí Sebastian Komor (Icon of Coil, Komor Kommando, Bruderschaft, ex-Zombie Girl a mnohé iné projekty). CD1: Originálny album. Vyvážená porcia temných industriálnych gitár a synthetizátorov. Sólovanie či vybrnkávanie tu nehľadajte. Gitary sú použité čisto na vyludzovanie jednoduchých chladných riffov. Pomedzi ne sú veľmi šikovne prepletené rôzne klávesové linky. Či už podmazové, alebo takisto riffové. Nekompromisná nálož plná hnevu a z neho planúceho vzdoru pozitívne nakopne úplne každého. Vysoko testosterónová vec. V textoch je asi najviac používaným pojmom slovo klamstvo (anglicky lie). Hudobníci ho majú radi ako koza nôž (lies breed more lies/klamstvá tvoria viac klamstiev v tretej skladbe Lie Breed). Jedna smršť strieda druhú až miestami nestačíte stíhať. Ukludnenie prichádza napokon v ôsmej skladbe Fairy Tale. Po nej divoká jazda pokračuje. Naštvané vokály miestami evokujú nekompromisnú pasívnu agresivitu. V podaní Guilt Trip je viac než sexi. Máte v sebe dlho potláčané negatívne pocity a neviete čo s nimi? Zapnite si Roots a vypustite paru. Ak nestačí raz (a nie nestačí), pokojne opakujte dookola. Album ponúka mnoho temných elektronických zákutí, ktoré odhalíte až keď si album poriadne napočúvate. Kompozície síce pôsobia jednoducho, no sú veľmi jemne chirurgicky zošité. Posledná pieseň s názvom Sickening v silne gothickej atmosfére končí slovami good bye. Ale keďže máme pred sebou druhý disk, ako poslucháči sa lúčiť vôbec nemusíme.
CD2: Zremixovyný album od Sebastiana Komora Pre všetkých fanúšikov tanečného industrialu pripravil svoju verziu Roots Sebastian Komor. Stálica scény zodpovedná za nejednu futurpopovú, či aggrotechovú hymnu. Remixový disk má jeho silný rukopis. Komor si jednoducho prekopal celý Roots podľa seba. Vdýchol skladbám iný, alternatívny život. Ten, ktorý je vhodnejší na parkety klubov (ak sa raz snáď otvoria). Mám silný pocit, že mnoho fanúšikov prilne skôr iba k jednej verzii albumu. Ono sú totiž dosť rozdielne. Zvyčajne sme zvyknutí v 2CD edíciach na pôvodný album a na bonusovom disku sa potom opakujú zväčša singlovky v remixoch rôznych interpretov. Tu je to one-man show, alebo tretí člen kapely, tvoriaci si alternatívny vesmír. Ostrieľaný nórsky industriálny matador jeho stavbu zrealizoval na najvyššej možnej úrovni. Pôvodné skladby ponúkajú mnoho a ako poslucháč dostanete ešte viac. Jednotlivé kúsky ukrývajú tonu prekvapení. V technickom, chladnom EBM ohýba Komor pôvodný zvuk do rôznych virtuálnych podôb. Okrem EBM Industriálu používa občas prvky Dub-Stepu/Tech-stepu, či dokonca Drum´n´baseu. Takisto má v talóne nekonečnú paletu priemyselných samplov. A ak skladba začína v jednom žánri, neznamená to, že to tak zostane až do konca. Na futurepopovú polohu zabudnite, túto tvár Sebastiana Komora na zremixovanom Rootse nenájdete. Spomínal som na začiatku Nine Inch Nails? V jedenástom tracku Self Inflicted je veľmi jasný odkaz na Closer. Príjemných momentov je v remixovej verzii neúrekom. Dvojjediný album Roots je ojedinelý počin. Ako som už spomínal, mnoho fanúšikov najskôr ostane iba pri jednej verzii, jednom z dvoch CD. Na druhej strane si každý príde na svoje. Milovníci gitár nebudú sklamaný zo syntetizátorov a naopak. Aj preto dávam plný počet bodov.
Guilt Trip is a Swedish industrial duo consisting of Karl Lindberg (also under the pseudonym X!LE) and Magnus Nillson. In the nineties of the last century, they composed music called Chirurgie Esthetique. The band played EBM Industrial style. In 1997, they released one tape cassette Encore Une Fois. Karl Lindberg also tried to work solo as Kallegula. On discogs.com, I found only one song on compilation from 1999. In the same year, the duo's first album was released under the new name Guilt Trip with the distinctive name Reborn. Newest attempt Roots is already the eighth in a row. The band draws heavily on the so-called Vancouver sound. However, it is not a two hundred and forty-fourth copy of Skinny Puppy or Numb. Although the reference to them is very clear to the listener, it is not a rip-off of any kind. At the same time, it is as if the mentioned bands collided with Nine Inch Nails. You guessed it right, there will be also guitars. Although only partially. This is the double album. The first digipak disc contains the original version of this new piece. The second disc is a remix. But one thing is unique about it. It contains all the songs of the original album in the same order and Sebastian Komor (Icon of Coil, Komor Kommando, Bruderschaft, ex-Zombie Girl and many other projects) is responsible for all the remixes on it. CD1: Original album. Balanced portion of dark industrial guitars and synthesizers. Don't look for soloing or strumming here. Guitars are used purely to make simple cold riffs. The various keyboard lines are very cleverly intertwined between them. Whether it is as a background or also as the riffs. An uncompromising charge full of anger and from that flaming defiance will positively kick everyone. High testosterone thing. Probably the most commonly used term in the lyrics is the word lie. Musicians like it like a goat likes the knife (lies breed more in the third song Lie Breed). One tornado replaces another until you can't catch it up anymore. Calming finally comes in the eighth track Fairy Tale. After that, the wild ride continues. Angry vocals sometimes evoke uncompromising passive aggression. In Guilt Trip performance it is more than sexy. Do you have suppressed negative feelings in you for a long time and you don't know what to do with them? Turn on the Roots and release the steam. If once is not enough (and not it's not enough), you can freely repeat it around. The album offers many dark electronic corners that you will only discover when you listen to the album properly. Although the compositions look simple, they are very finely surgically sutured. The last song called Sickening in a strongly gothic atmosphere ends with the words good bye. But since we have the second disc in front of us, as listeners, we don't have to say goodbye at all. CD2: Remix album by Sebastian Komor Sebastian Komor has prepared his version of Roots for all fans of the dance industrial. Constant of the scene responsible for many futurpop or aggrotech anthems. The remix disc has a strong handwriting. Komor has simply dug through the entire Roots on his own. He breathed a different, alternative life into the songs. The one that is more suitable for club floors (if they reopen once). I have a strong feeling that many fans will stick to only one version of the album. They are quite different. We are usually used to the original album in the 2CD editions, and the bonus discs are then mostly repeated in remixes by various artists. Here's a one-man show, or a third member of a band, creating an alternate universe. Experienced Norwegian industrial matador completed its construction at the highest possible level. The original songs offer a lot and as a listener you get even more. The individual pieces hide plenty of surprises. In the technical, cold EBM, Komor bends the original sound into various virtual forms. In addition to EBM Industrial, he sometimes uses Dub-Step / Tech-Step elements, or even Drum´n´base. He also has an endless variety of industrial samples. And if a song starts in one genre, it doesn't mean it will stay that way until the end. Forget about the futurepop pattern, you won't find this face of Sebastian Komor on the remixed Roots. Did I mention Nine Inch Nails at the beginning? There is a very clear reference to Closer in the eleventh track Self Inflicted. There is a lot of pleasant moments in the remix version. Double album Roots is a unique attempt. As I mentioned, many fans will initially stay with only one version, on one of the two CDs. On the other hand, everyone gets their own way. Guitar lovers will not be disappointed with synthesizers and vice versa. That's why I give the full number of points.



Tangent Strategy – Revenant (Album – Ek_Product)

Genre/Influences: Industrial, EBM, Power-Noise.

Format: Digital, CD.

Background/Info: Tangent Stratery is the newest signing to EK Product. Based in the US, this Japanese solo-project was set up in 1996 by chd.y. After several productions ``Revenant“ is an album that will maybe catch the attention of a wider audience.

Content: The album features 2 parts; brand-new songs and older cuts originally released on EP. The sound is hard to define yet always driven by Electro-Industrial elements. It takes off in a rather Dive style, but rapidly evolves incorporating other influences to the work. You’ll notice EBM bass lines, but still harder cuts coming closer to pure Power-Noise. Some of the older cuts also reveal a colder electro style, which might remind you of Mortal Constraint and The Klinik. On top of it all you’ll discover ghost-like vocals while a few cuts remain instrumental edits.

+ + + : The originality of this project is its atypical approach. It’s much more than simply Industrial music, but a true offspring between Industrial, EBM, Power-Noise, Dark-Electro and even vague Techno and Acid elements. This project is a sonic chameleon, which will however appeal for Industrial lovers. I like the album’s diversity and the spooky produced vocals. The album is a discovery and a true sonic trip in Industrial music. I personally like “Dead Reckoning (Reverse/Action)” for its harder, danceable approach with a kind of Acid sequence on top. In a more Dark-Electro way I recommend “Accept Death” and “Hark! For I Am The Portent Of Misery”; both songs having a strong 90s sound. Last, but not least I also want to mention “And The Lies”, which sounds to me like ‘Industrial Prodigy’.

- - - : The main strength of the album might be also be seen as its weakest spot: a mishmash of influences.

Conclusion: Tangent isn’t really innovating although creating an atypical, original Electro-Industrial sound.

Best songs: “Dead Reckoning (Reverse/Action)”, “Accept Death”, “Hark! For I Am The Portent Of Misery”, “And The Lies”, “Fountain Square”, “The Rising Sun And The Behemoth”.

Rate: 7½.

Artist: https://tangentstrategy.net / www.facebook.com/tangentstrategy

Label: www.ekproduct.com / www.facebook.com/EKProduct

Officially out today >> "REVENANT"  by 🇺🇲/🇯🇵 Tangent Strategy  #ノイズ

Officially out today >>
🇺🇲/🇯🇵 Tangent Strategy


🇺🇸 / 🇯🇵 Tangent Strategy - REVENANT
US electro-industrial-power noise project based in #日本
Out November, 26th 2021

Officially out today via Space Race Records   solo-project 🇩🇰 Second Complex  album "Therapy" (  #15 at   best sellers)....

Officially out today via Space Race Records

solo-project 🇩🇰 Second Complex album "Therapy" ( #15 at best sellers).
Don't miss this work magistrally mixed by Rob Early ( 11grams / Retrogramme )



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