اللغه الانجليزيه لغه متطورة تحتاج تعلم مستمر ونحن في معهد #polyglot نقدم دروس محادثه متقدمه وترجمه وقواعد لغويه مجانا لوجه الله تعالى
مع استاذه من مختلف دول العالم
درس محادثه اليوم مع الأساتذة Raghad Alzubadi
Song Lyrics Becoming Simpler and Angrier, Says Study
A new study suggests that when older people complain that popular music isn't as good as it used to be, they may be right — at least as far as the lyrics are concerned.
According to research published in Scientific Reports, song lyrics have become simpler, more repetitive, more personal, and angrier over the last 50 years.
A team of researchers from Austria and Germany studied English-language song lyrics from 12,000 songs in the genres of rap, country, pop, R&B and rock.
They looked at how many different and complex words songs had, how often words were repeated, and what emotions were expressed.
In all genres, they found that lyrics had become simpler and easier to understand over the 50-year period. Songs are also more repetitive across all genres — and in pop songs, there is now almost double the amount of repetition.
Previous research has suggested that simpler lyrics are becoming more popular because of how people listen to music these days. Often people listen to songs as background music while doing something else — so they don't want to be distracted by lyrics that are too interesting!
The researchers also found that words such as "me" and "mine" are increasing in all genres except country music — which shows that songs have become more personal.
Rap lyrics have become more emotional, while R&B, pop and country music have become more negative. Lyrics in all genres of music are also getting angrier.
The researchers also looked at what lyrics people were looking up on the website Genius. They found that people's in
لقاء وزير التخطيط السابق حفظه الله
الدكتور نوري الكربولي
الادب في اللغه الانجليزيه
نظره عامه
الترجمه الفوريه الدرس الاول
مجانا لوجه الله تعالى
اكملت هذا الكتاب في ثالث ايام عيد الفطر المبارك #في_كل_عيد_نقرا_كتاب
#مجموعه رساءل ايمانيه ونصائح #في_التصوف_سعيد_النورسي_رحمه_الله
👈تكلم رحمه الله عن الرد على الغلاة في التصوف وان الدين لا يكون بشطحات والأفكار الباطله
👈يقول رحمه الله..التكيه لا تمنع المسلم من حضور الصلاة مع المسلمين في المسجد.وينصح بترك التصوف الظاهر ومخالطة المسلمين
👈تكلم رحمه الله عن الفرق بين الإلهام والوحي بطريقه ذكيه وعلميه
👈وضح رحمه الله أن التمسك في السنة النبوية المطهرة افضل بكثير من إظهار الكرامات وان الاستقامه طريق النجاة في الدنيا والآخرة
👈تكلم رحمه الله عن عقيدة الصوفيه في علم التوحيد وأنهم لا يخالفون منهاج أهل السنة والجماعة
👈عن سعيد النورسي أن أهل التصوف هم من حمى بلاد الإسلام من العلمانيه والشيوعيه وهم من قدموا التضحيات من أجل هذا الدين
تفكر الفرق الاسلاميه وماهي أفكارها من الداخل وعلى ماذا تستنتج
اليوم اطلعت على العدد ٤٥٥ من
مجلة البيان...هذه المجلة يعرفها المفكرون المهتمين بالشأن الثقافي والسياسي الإسلامي ...#يعتبرها الدكتور طارق السويدان حفظه الله من افضل المجلات الاسلاميه حول العالم وكتاب المجلة من العلماء الثقات..#وتم اعتقال العديد منهم بسبب الآراء والأفكار التي لا توافق بعض الحكومات العربية..
👈👈المجلة لا يوجد لها فرع في العراق بسبب حقوق النشر وامور أخرى ولها فروع في عدد من دول العالم .
موجوده الكترونيه واشترك سنوي قيمته ١٤$ انصح المفكرين والمثقفين قراءه المجله ...
مستمرين أن شاء الله في دروس اللغة الانجليزية المستوى المتقدم للمحادثه مع الاستاذه من مختلف دول العالم
لا تتعلم لأجل المقابله الشخصيه او لأجل العمل تعلمها من أجل خدمة دينك وبلدك
نقدم لكم كل يوم درس محادثه متقدم #مجانا مع أساتذة من مختلف دول العالم
Denmark Plans to Conscript Women to Military
Denmark wants to increase the number of young people doing military service by extending conscription to women and increasing the time of service from four months to 11 months for both genders, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has said.
"We do not rearm because we want war. We are rearming because we want to avoid it," Frederiksen said at a press conference. She said the government wants "full equality between the sexes."
Denmark currently has up to 9,000 professional troops on top of the 4,700 conscripts undergoing basic training, according to official figures. The government wants to increase the number of conscripts by 300 to reach a total of 5,000.
The country is a member of the NATO alliance and a supporter of Ukraine in its war against Russia's invasion.
Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen stressed that "Russia does not pose a threat to Denmark."
"But we will not bring ourselves to a place where they could come to do that," Løkke Rasmussen said.
All physically fit men over the age of 18 are called up for military service, which lasts roughly four months. However, because there are enough volunteers, there is a lottery system, meaning not all young men serve.
In 2023, there were 4,717 conscripts in Denmark. Women who volunteered for military service accounted for 25.1% of the cohort, according to official figures.
Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said the new system would require a change in the law, which he said will happen in 2025 and take effect in 2026.
The security policy situation in Europe "has become more and more serious, and we have to take that into acco
Most Shoppers Are Tired of Unnecessary Packaging
Shoppers have had enough of unnecessary packaging, according to a new survey from the United Kingdom. Think of online stores sending out small products in big boxes or apples packed in cardboard, wrapped in plastic.
A survey by a UK group called the Local Government Association found that 71% of people think that supermarkets and online stores use too much packaging.
And they want things to change.
More than 2,100 people in England and Wales were surveyed, and 88% thought that packaging should only be made from materials that can be recycled.
More packaging means more waste, and local authorities spend millions trying to manage it.
The survey also found that 85% of people think the government should make companies use less packaging. And almost half of the people surveyed said that the costs of recycling this packaging should be paid for by those companies.
The Local Government Association believes that it's important for local authorities to be able to decide on how they manage waste in their area.
And 52% of people said they are happy with the job that local authorities do, while only 6% would like the government to manage waste collection.
In the UK, most waste collection is paid for through taxes and managed by local authorities, although some have decided to outsource their waste collection to private companies.
However, privatization of waste collection has been talked about in the UK and in many countries around the world as local authorities try to cut costs.
Across the sea in Ireland, almost all waste collection is managed by private companies, and people must pay those companies to take their waste away.