The Hawk is an English Daily Newspaper of Northern India which is being published with cent-percent regularity from Haridwar (Uttarakhand) and Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) since 1979. The Hindi Edition is Dainik Hawk being brought out simultaneously from the same places and together the four newspapers constitute The Hawk Group of Newspapers. Owned, Published, Edited & Printed by Mr Pushkar Raj Kapoor, who also founded them, these newspapers primarily serve Uttarakhand and Western Uttar Pradesh but also available in the National Capital Region, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal and Union Territory of Chandigarh. All the newspapers of the Group are delivered in hard copy and online formats ( Besides this, there are regular updates of current affairs and topical items in the newspaper's website
The Hawk & Dainik Hawk are India’s Foremost English & Hindi Newsdailies. Millions of readers across the world wake up to their Four Editions every morning. Our unparalleled newsgathering brings you up-to-the-minute breaking news coupled with bold and frankest analyses of events taking place all over the world. The overwhelming theme of the newspapers is to let our readers know the news behind the news without fear and favour—without swinging towards one extreme or the other. Each story furthermore is reinforced by iconic images and illustrations.
Before we venture to explain what The Hawk stands for, it is necessary to know what the term means and how we interpret it and why this title became a choice for our newspaper. Plainly speaking, the Hawk means a strong swift bird of prey with sharp eyesight---as opposed to dove which is widely accepted as a symbol of peace and compromise. In modern political parlance, Hawk connotes a person who advocates aggressive policies in foreign affairs rather than negotiation and compromise.
In today's newspapering, this meaning or symbolization of the Hawk is not confined to foreign affairs. On the contrary, it pervades the whole political spectrum. Figuratively, furthermore, it signifies a keen-sighted person. A person who is endowed with penetrating eyes, exceptional breadth of vision and a penchant for minutest of details of anything. When, in 1979, we launched this journalistic venture, we were brimming with ideas such as these. So far as aggression is concerned, we are aggressive in the sense only that we are not docile.
We are forcefully conversant, emphatically articulate and are uncompromisingly independent as against vulnerable and amenable to pressures or ready to accept whatever has been doled out to us---wrong notwithstanding. It never meant taking up an extremist line and giving up moderation, sobriety and other traits of a gentleman. We advocate fast and revolutionary changes for the better, but we don't advocate and support revolutions aimed at overthrowing governments established by law. The most outstanding and notable feature of The Hawk is that it is so thoroughly wedded to the concept of plurality of viewpoint which is the hallmark of a democratic polity.
Our slogan 'Everyone's News, Everyone's Views' so graphically explains our commitment to free debate and defines our stand on selection of news and other items which go into the making of The Hawk.
The Hawk started its journey as a fortnightly way back in June 1979. It metamorphosed into a weekly in 1985 and later to a daily in November 1987. All the three variants of the newspaper were approved for publishing central and state government advertisements. With the onset of the year 2001, the publication launched its daily Hindi Edition Dainik Hawk. The year 2003 saw two more editions of the newspaper viz The Hawk (English) Daily and Dainik Hawk (Hindi) from Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh).
As of today, all the four editions of the newspaper are approved for publishing central and state governments (both Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh) advertisements. The newspaper establishment is armed with a well-equipped and modern printing press and enjoys a vast network of correspondents spread throughout the length and breadth of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal and Punjab.
The newspapers also subscribe to the services of a number of news agencies to strengthen and supplement further their information base. The underlying thought is to allow all kinds of news and opinions representing a cross section of society as vast as possible in our publications so that no one dare complain that we are wedded to or against any one school of thought, group, alliance or political party. We are fiercely independent—our simple, self-assigned role is to give our readers all kinds of news and viewpoints and unleash an endless debate to enable them to arrive at a well-informed, qualified judgement or decision. We do not believe in moulding public opinion; on the contrary, we act as a facilitator to develop a spontaneous, rational and reasonable public opinion.
Our Mission:
To Help Facilitate And Create A Healthy, Well-Informed & Qualified Public Opinion. Our Endeavour Is To Become A Voice Of The Masses And A Highly Circulated Newspaper.
Dainik Hawk:
Dainik Hawk is a leading Daily Newspaper in Hindi from Haridwar (Uttarakhand) & Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) from the family of The Hawk Group of Newspapers. It is widely read in Northern India. It keeps our audience abreast with the latest developments taking place all over the world in every field of human activity—politics, sports, economics, business, finance, cinema, science, health, environment, religion and what not in Hindi— the language which is widely spoken and read throughout the length and breadth of India.