But still social media is considered to be the deteriorating agent in academics by some people. Instead of fighting a losing battle, as social media is here to stay, the problem of web usage can be turned into an opportunity for the good. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are used by almost everyone. Social media is about collaborating, networking, sharing and generating knowledge and
content, and all of these features are of great value in the context of higher education. Social media plays an important role in every student’s life. It is easier and convenient to access information, provide information and communicate via social media. Teachers and students are connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms for the working of their education. Social media helps professors to be connected to their students off campus as well as with their ex students. Professors use social media as a way of teaching by creating groups and accounts for students where the information can be accessed. Professors can share ideas with each other and point students to LinkedIn and Facebook. Professors create hash tags that allow students to tag their academic posts, and view submissions to see what the collective has creatively produced. People today are intimately involved with social media at every stage. If you’re missing onto the usage of social media you are pushing away a lot of potential audience. Using it in Higher Ed Institutions can prove to be a very effective measure.