Kollam Town

Kollam Town Kollam is the capital of Kerala's cashew industry. Entertainments and News, Recipes, Kitchen tips

Kollam is a coastal city on the banks of Ashtamudi Lake that took the title God's Own Country without much demur. The braids of Ashtamudi Lake lie about 71 kilometres (44 mi) north of the state capital, Thiruvananthapuram. The city hosts the administrative offices of Kollam district and is a prominent trading city for the state. The proportion of females to males in Kollam city is second highest among the 500 most populous cities in India.

ഈ ചെടി എവിടെ കണ്ടാലും വിടരുത്! 😲👌ഈ വെള്ളം ദിവസം കുടിച്ചാൽ യൂറിക് ആസിഡ് സ്വിച്ചിട്ടപോലെ മാറും;🙆‍♂️ പനിയും ജലദോഷവും അകറ്റാ...

ഈ ചെടി എവിടെ കണ്ടാലും വിടരുത്! 😲👌ഈ വെള്ളം ദിവസം കുടിച്ചാൽ യൂറിക് ആസിഡ് സ്വിച്ചിട്ടപോലെ മാറും;🙆‍♂️ പനിയും ജലദോഷവും അകറ്റാൻ ഈ മൃതസഞ്ജീവനി മാത്രം മതി.!!😱👇

മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g7q

Panikoorkka Ila Water Benefits : Panikoorkka is a common herb found in our country throughout the year. This leaf plant is one of the most effective remedies for many diseases in children. It is known locally as Kanjikorkka and Navara. Drinking water boiled with Panikoorkka leaves and drinking water boiled with Panikoorkka leaves is very beneficial for everyone. Drinking this water is good for getting rid of fever, cold, cough, etc. very quickly. This herb is an important part of the traditional medicine for many health problems. It is also very beneficial for children as well as adults to get rid of fever, cold, and cough in an instant.
Panikoorkka is very helpful in increasing the immune system. It is an excellent remedy for prostate cancer, arthritis, uric acid, etc. Drinking water boiled with pani kurka leaves is beneficial for digestive problems and diarrhea. To eliminate worms, add pani kurka leaves to it and you will see a change immediately. Watch the video to know more. If you find this information useful, don't forget to like and share it. For more videos, don't forget to subscribe to the EasyHealth channel and click the bell icon to enable notifications.

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g7q

കത്താത്ത സ്റ്റൗ പോലും ഒറ്റ സെക്കൻഡിൽ റോക്കറ്റ് പോലെ ആളി കത്തും..😲👇ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്‌താൽ ഗ്യാസ് അടുപ്പിൽ ഇനി തീ കുറയില്ല.!! 25 ...

കത്താത്ത സ്റ്റൗ പോലും ഒറ്റ സെക്കൻഡിൽ റോക്കറ്റ് പോലെ ആളി കത്തും..😲👇ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്‌താൽ ഗ്യാസ് അടുപ്പിൽ ഇനി തീ കുറയില്ല.!! 25 വർഷം വരെ സ്റ്റവ് കേടാവില്ല..💯🤩 ഒരു രൂപ ചിലവില്ല.!!

മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g7J

Tips To Repair Gas Stove Low Flame Problem: In the past, most homes had firewood for cooking purposes. Cooking food on firewood can enhance the taste and at the same time reduce the use of cooking gas. But today, due to busy work, many people do not have time to use firewood. Therefore, most people use stoves that use gas cylinders. However, when using such gas stoves for a very short time, there is a situation where the fire does not come out properly. Let's understand in detail what can be done to eliminate it. If the fire does not come out properly from the burner of the gas stove, the first thing to do is to remove all the plates on the top of it. After washing them all once and cleaning them with a cloth, wipe them with a cloth.
After that, use a needle or pin to poke all the small holes on the top of the burner. Then turn the stove upside down and look at the place where the gas comes out at the bottom. All such things can be done only after the cylinder is completely turned off. There will be a special k**b that connects to the cylinder just below the burner. You can see a small hole inside it. The reason why the gas does not reach the top properly is due to dust getting stuck in that hole. Gently tap it with a small needle or copper wire. When you do this, the gas will start getting well into the stove. You can watch the video to understand more in detail. Tips To Repair Gas Stove Low Flame Problem Credit : White petals by shameema

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉https://bitl.to/3g7J

നരച്ച മുടി വെറും 2 മിനിറ്റിൽ കറുപ്പിക്കാം;😲👌ഒരു പിടി ചെമ്പരത്തി മതി നിങ്ങളുടെ മുടി കറുപ്പിക്കാൻ.!!🙆‍♂️ ഇത് ചെയ്താൽ നിങ്ങ...

നരച്ച മുടി വെറും 2 മിനിറ്റിൽ കറുപ്പിക്കാം;😲👌ഒരു പിടി ചെമ്പരത്തി മതി നിങ്ങളുടെ മുടി കറുപ്പിക്കാൻ.!!🙆‍♂️ ഇത് ചെയ്താൽ നിങ്ങൾ ഇനി ഡൈ കൈ കൊണ്ട് തൊടില്ല..💯👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g6k

Grey Hair To Black Naturally: Greying hair is a common problem among young people these days. If it is a natural process of greying, then it is okay. When you say that your hair is turning grey at a very young age, even while you are still in school, it is a matter of concern. The video below is a solution to that. This video shows a hair oil that is used to blacken white hair. The one used for that is the hibiscus that is growing in our yard. The hibiscus that blooms in many colors is a great joy to the mind. But this hibiscus is not a simple one. The hibiscus has many medicinal properties. Take an iron pan and heat the coconut oil well. Add some fenugreek to it.
After that, wash and clean four handfuls of hibiscus flowers and two handfuls of curry leaves well and add them to this oil. The color of the fenugreek will turn black. Oil pulling and applying it on the head is very good for the hair. Using hair dye is not good for us at all. Using dye that contains a lot of chemicals is also bad for the rest of the black hair. Instead, if you use this natural oil, your hair will become black and grow healthily. Watch the entire video to know the exact benefits of this oil. Video Credit : Tips Of Idukki

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g6k

വെറും 5 രൂപ ചിലവിൽ.!! സോപ്പ് കൊണ്ട് ഈ ഒരു സൂത്രം ചെയ്താൽ..😲🙆‍♂ 20 ദിവസം നിൽക്കുന്ന ഗ്യാസ് 3 മാസമായാലും തീരില്ല..😱👌 ഇത് ക...

വെറും 5 രൂപ ചിലവിൽ.!! സോപ്പ് കൊണ്ട് ഈ ഒരു സൂത്രം ചെയ്താൽ..😲🙆‍♂ 20 ദിവസം നിൽക്കുന്ന ഗ്യാസ് 3 മാസമായാലും തീരില്ല..😱👌 ഇത് കണ്ടാൽ സമയവും പൈസയും ഇരട്ടി ലാഭം.!!💯👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g6W

Cooking Gas Saving Tricks Using Soap: Completing kitchen chores easily is a headache for most housewives. Moreover, making very healthy meals every day is not that easy. You may know some great tricks that you can try in such situations. Ragi is a food item that children and adults at home are reluctant to eat. But instead of using it directly, you can add a cup of ragi powder while making regular dosa or idli flour. Then, leave it as you would leave regular flour to ferment and then make idli and dosa. Similarly, you can make juice using ragi in a very healthy way for children. For this, take a cup of ragi powder
Add a little water to it and mix it well without making it too thick. Pour it into a pan and chop it finely. Then take a mixer jar and add enough milk, a small piece of Robusta fruit, a piece of beetroot, sugar for sweetness, condensed milk, and the prepared ragi mixture. Mix well and serve as juice. Dishwashing soaps are one of the things that are regularly used in the kitchen. But to make it last longer, take a dishwashing bar and grate it with a grater. Then add two cups of hot water, two teaspoons of vinegar, and a little salt to it, mix well, and store it in a bottle. For more such tips, you can watch the video. Cooking Gas Saving Tricks Using Soap credit : Pachila Hacks

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g6W

കറപിടിച്ച ബാത്രൂം ഇനി വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങും..😲👌 വെള്ള വസ്ത്രം എത്ര കടുത്ത കറയും കരിമ്പനും പോയി പുതുപുത്തനാക്കാൻ മുട്ടത്തോട് മ...

കറപിടിച്ച ബാത്രൂം ഇനി വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങും..😲👌 വെള്ള വസ്ത്രം എത്ര കടുത്ത കറയും കരിമ്പനും പോയി പുതുപുത്തനാക്കാൻ മുട്ടത്തോട് മാത്രം മതി😱👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g5d

Easy Tip To Dress Whitening Using Egg Shells: Washing white clothes and getting them white is not an easy task. The same is true for blackened dishes. But for all such problems, you can understand a great powder made from egg shells that can be prepared at home. The most important and necessary ingredient to prepare this powder is egg shells. You need to wash and dry the shells of four or five eggs and grind them. When you put the egg shells in the jar of the mixer to grind them, you can also increase the sharpness of the blade of the jar. After grinding the egg shells, put them in a bowl. Add two teaspoons of salt, baking soda, and soap powder to it and mix well. Then, take a little powder from this bowl and sprinkle it on the bottom of the blackened dishes and then scrub it with a scrubber. The dishes will be easily cleaned.
Similarly, stains stuck on ceramic glasses and dishes, and black stains stuck on steel dishes can be cleaned and removed using this powder. Also, to remove stains stuck on the walls of the bathroom, put this powder in your hand with a glove, spread it on the wall, rub it well, and wash it. To remove tough stains stuck on white clothes, take a little from the prepared powder container, add a little water, and mix well. After that, if the cloth to be cleaned is soaked in it for a while and then washed, it will be very clean. By preparing this powder mixture, you can easily find solutions to many problems. You can watch the video to understand more in detail. credit : Ansi's Vlog

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3g5d

എന്റെ പൊന്നോ.!! ഇത്രയും കാലം ഈ വലിയ സൂത്രം അറിയാതെ പോയല്ലോ..😳😳 കഷ്ടം ആയി.!! കണ്ടുനോക്കൂ..👌👌മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fK...

എന്റെ പൊന്നോ.!! ഇത്രയും കാലം ഈ വലിയ സൂത്രം അറിയാതെ പോയല്ലോ..😳😳 കഷ്ടം ആയി.!! കണ്ടുനോക്കൂ..👌👌
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fKo

Cooker With Thread Useful Kitchen Tip: Nowadays, a cooker has become an indispensable item in the kitchen. Most housewives use a cooker to cook food every day. Time and fuel savings have made it more popular. The fact that food can be cooked quickly is also a good thing. But it can be said that there is nothing more dangerous if not used carefully. Housewives regularly face various problems surrounding the cooker. This video includes a permanent solution to one such major problem. One thing that is often seen is that the handle of the cooker becomes loose. All housewives must have faced this problem at least once. When this happens, even if we tighten the handle, it returns to its original state within a week.
When this happens, you can easily make a thread using thread. After removing the screw, wrap the thread around the screw everywhere. Then, you can screw it into the handle of the cooker and tighten it. By doing this, the grip of the cooker will become very tight and it will last for a long time. This little thing is simple but very powerful. This is a very effective tip that will definitely be useful. Don't miss it and try it. If you find it useful, don't forget to share it with others. If you like it, don't forget to like and share it. For more videos, don't forget to subscribe to the Grandmother Tips channel and click the bell icon to enable notifications.

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ഈ ചെടി എവിടെ കണ്ടാലും വിടരുത്! 😲👌ഷുഗർ 300 ൽ നിന്നും 90 ലേക്ക്.!! ശരീര വേദന, യൂറിക്ക് ആസിഡ്, മൂത്രാശയ രോഗങ്ങൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കാ...

ഈ ചെടി എവിടെ കണ്ടാലും വിടരുത്! 😲👌ഷുഗർ 300 ൽ നിന്നും 90 ലേക്ക്.!! ശരീര വേദന, യൂറിക്ക് ആസിഡ്, മൂത്രാശയ രോഗങ്ങൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കാക്കും..😱👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fKc

Cherula Plant Medicinal Benefits: Although there are many medicinal plants around our homes, many do not recognize their uses or names. All the medicines for the lifestyle diseases that most people suffer from today are around our homes. Cherula is a plant that can be used in such a way. This plant has many medicinal properties. Let's understand everything in detail. Cherula has been considered a good medicine for diabetics for a long time. Apart from this, Cherula is also used as a medicine for many other diseases. This plant is known by many names in many languages. Cherula is used as a medicine for common hand and foot pain, back pain, etc. It is also used as a good medicine for urinary tract diseases.
Cherula leaves are used to prepare the medicine. After removing all the parts like the stem and root, the leaves should be washed well and crushed. Pay special attention to whether all the dirt on the leaves is gone. The leaves should be taken in the amount of a handful. Put it in a mixer jar and add two teaspoons of yogurt. Add enough water and grind the leaves well. Then strain it and pour it into a glass. This drink should be drunk once a week. Under no circumstances should this drink be drunk continuously. Drinking this drink will help you get rid of diseases very quickly. You can watch the video to understand more about the uses of cherula in detail. credit : beauty life with sabeena

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fKc

എത്ര അഴുക്കു പിടിച്ച സ്വിച്ച് ബോർഡും വെറും ഒറ്റ മിനിറ്റിൽ ഠപ്പേന്ന് ക്ലീൻ ആക്കാം..💯👇 ഇനി സ്വിച്ച് ബോർഡുകൾ പളപളാ വെട്ടിത്...

എത്ര അഴുക്കു പിടിച്ച സ്വിച്ച് ബോർഡും വെറും ഒറ്റ മിനിറ്റിൽ ഠപ്പേന്ന് ക്ലീൻ ആക്കാം..💯👇 ഇനി സ്വിച്ച് ബോർഡുകൾ പളപളാ വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങും.!!😲😱 ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത പുതിയ സൂത്രം;😱👌
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fKU

Switch Board Cleaning Easy Tricks: Try this to clean even the dirtiest switchboard in minutes; Now the switchboards will shine! Unknown secrets. Just follow this secret to clean even the dirtiest switchboard in minutes. You have been unaware of it for so long. Keeping the kitchen clean is one of the biggest tasks. It is more difficult than cooking food. Keeping the walls and other parts of the kitchen clean and safe is very common for the switchboard in the house to get dirty and dirty after some time. To do this, take a toothpaste and rub it well on the switchboard with your hand. After that, brush it well for five minutes. After that, you can wipe it with a soft cloth or something else. You can see the switchboard that was dirty and damaged sitting beautifully.
The biggest headache that housewives face while cooking is that water leaks out through the lid of the cooker. This situation especially occurs when making curry. To change this, you can put a small bowl inside the cooker while putting the curry in the cooker. If you close the cooker with the lid and open it, you will see that the small bowl is full of excess water. The rest of the tips are shown in detail in the video. Watch the entire video and try the same. Very useful knowledge for everyone. Switch Board Cleaning Easy Tricks credit : Resmees Curry World

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fKU

കൊഴിഞ്ഞു തീരാറായ മുടിയിൽ ഇത്രയ്ക്ക് റിസൾട്ട് കിട്ടുമെന്ന് വിചാരിച്ചില്ല😲😍 ഒരു മാസം കൊണ്ട് വളർന്നത് ഇരട്ടി മുടി!!💯👇 ശെരിക...

കൊഴിഞ്ഞു തീരാറായ മുടിയിൽ ഇത്രയ്ക്ക് റിസൾട്ട് കിട്ടുമെന്ന് വിചാരിച്ചില്ല😲😍 ഒരു മാസം കൊണ്ട് വളർന്നത് ഇരട്ടി മുടി!!💯👇 ശെരിക്കും ഞെട്ടിക്കും.. ഡോക്ടർ പറഞ്ഞു തന്ന സൂത്രം.!!😲
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fK0

Small Onion Oil For Fast Hair Growth: Most of us would like to have black, thick hair. But hair loss is seen in everyone today due to the water used to wash our hair and changes in our diet. For those who have bought many hair oils from the shops and have not got any results, let's understand in detail the oil mixture that you can definitely make at home. The ingredients required to prepare this hair oil are two hibiscus flowers, a few hibiscus leaves, a handful of curry leaves, a handful of fenugreek, four to five small onions, and coconut oil. First, take all the ingredients in a bowl and pour a glass of warmed coconut oil. Then turn on the stove and boil this mixture well. When all the essence of the hibiscus flower has entered the oil and the color starts to change slightly, you can turn off the stove. Then you can set this mixture aside to cool.
After that, take a sieve and strain it well and transfer the oil to a bottle. After pouring the oil into the bottle, it is good to put a small onion used while cooking. Then, this oil should be rubbed well on the scalp and washed off. For those who do not have problems like dandruff, it is enough to apply the oil at night and wash it off in the morning. Otherwise, make sure to apply the oil for at least an hour before washing it off. You can watch the video to understand more in detail. credit : Naithusworld Malayalam

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fK0

ഒരു രൂപ ചിലവില്ല.!!🙆‍♂👇ഇതറിയാതെ തുണി വെളുക്കുന്നില്ലാ എന്ന് മെഷിനെ കുറ്റം പറയല്ലേ!😲😱 വാഷിംഗ് മെഷീൻ വീട്ടിലുള്ളവരും ഉപയോഗ...

ഒരു രൂപ ചിലവില്ല.!!🙆‍♂👇ഇതറിയാതെ തുണി വെളുക്കുന്നില്ലാ എന്ന് മെഷിനെ കുറ്റം പറയല്ലേ!😲😱 വാഷിംഗ് മെഷീൻ വീട്ടിലുള്ളവരും ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നവരും നിബന്ധമായും കാണുക!!😱👌ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത പുതിയ സൂത്രം..😲👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fJS

Washing Machine Cleaning Tips: There is hardly a home in our country that does not use a washing machine to wash clothes. But even if you use a washing machine regularly, many people may not know how much dirt has accumulated on its internal parts. If you use a dirty washing machine again, it can cause various types of diseases. Therefore, it is important to clean the inside of the washing machine at least once a month. Let's understand in detail what needs to be done for this. If you are using a top loading washing machine, there will be a rotating wheel in the middle. Most of the stains will be accumulated at its bottom. Therefore, it is important to first remove the wheel and clean it. For this, first unscrew the screw in the middle of the wheel.
After removing the wheel, pour some water and scrub it with a brush to remove the stains accumulated at the bottom. In the same way, you can scrub the back of the removed wheel and the sides of the washing machine. After fitting the wheel, clean the inside of the washing machine by pouring some baking soda and water and letting it sit for a while. Then, spin the washing machine for five minutes. Doing this will easily remove all the stains stuck inside the washing machine. You can watch the video to understand more in detail. Washing Machine Cleaning Tips credit : Ansi’s Vlog

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fJS

വെറും 2 മിനിറ്റിൽ കിലോക്കണക്കിന് മത്തി ക്ലീൻ ചെയ്യാം.!! അരിപ്പ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ഇതൊന്ന് ചെയ്തു നോക്കൂ..😲😱 ഇത്രകാലം അറിയാതെ പോയ...

വെറും 2 മിനിറ്റിൽ കിലോക്കണക്കിന് മത്തി ക്ലീൻ ചെയ്യാം.!! അരിപ്പ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ഇതൊന്ന് ചെയ്തു നോക്കൂ..😲😱 ഇത്രകാലം അറിയാതെ പോയത് കഷ്ടായി;💯👇 മീൻ കാരൻ പറഞ്ഞു തന്ന കിടിലൻ സൂത്രം.!!👇👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fJF

Sardine Fish Cleaning Easy Trick: There are many tasks that take a lot of time in household chores. The truth is that even after trying various tips, the desired results are not achieved. In such cases, let's understand some great tips that you can definitely try in detail. The first method is how to use soap liquids effectively. When using soap liquid purchased from stores directly, more quantity is required. To avoid this, if you have used capsule covers at home, cut off the cap part of it. Then pour soap liquid inside it and freeze it for a while. If you take one or two capsules from this and use it while washing dishes, you can reduce the amount of liquids. When cleaning fish like sardines in the sink, the smell and scales tend to accumulate.
To avoid this, if you have an unused strainer at home, cut its end to the size of the sink pipe and fix it. If you clean the fish while standing on top of it, all the scales will fall into the sieve. After cleaning the fish, if you clean the sink with the soap capsules prepared earlier and a little vinegar, you will get rid of the bad smell. If you have an unused sieve at home, you can easily clean and remove all the small dust by sticking a cello tape around it and pulling it over the sofa. For more such useful tips, you can watch the video. Sardine Fish Cleaning Easy Trick Credit : Simple tips easy life

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3fJF

5 പൈസ ചിലവില്ല.!! ഒറ്റ സെക്കൻഡിൽ പാത്രങ്ങൾ പള പളാ വെട്ടി തിളങ്ങും.!!😱👌കുക്കറിൽ ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്‌താൽ എത്ര കട്ട കറയും ഇളക്കി പോ...

5 പൈസ ചിലവില്ല.!! ഒറ്റ സെക്കൻഡിൽ പാത്രങ്ങൾ പള പളാ വെട്ടി തിളങ്ങും.!!😱👌കുക്കറിൽ ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്‌താൽ എത്ര കട്ട കറയും ഇളക്കി പോകും..😲🤩ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത കിടിലൻ ട്രിക്ക്;💯👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eXz

Homemade Dish Wash Liquid Making: Staining on utensils used regularly in the kitchen is a problem that is seen in every home. Similarly, if you cook on the stove, the outside of the utensils also get soot. No matter how much soap you scrub and wash, such sooted utensils cannot be cleaned. In such cases, here is a great liquid that can be prepared using iron powder at home. The main ingredient required to prepare this liquid is iron powder. Once the iron powder season comes, most of them usually fall off. You can prepare this mixture by taking the fruits that fall off in such a way. First, take a cooker of the required size and put a handful of iron powder in it. Add a cup of salt and sufficient water to it. After closing the lid of the cooker, put it on the stove until two whistles are heard. When the heat of the cooker is completely gone, put a little bit of the iron powder in the jar of the mixer and grind it into a paste. You can strain this mixture using a sieve and transfer it to another bowl.
Prepare the liquid in a large bowl. Then add two tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount of baking soda to this bowl. Stir the mixture well and when it is set, you can store it in containers. If you have a dirty cooker at home, you can use it while cooking iron powder, and it will quickly get clean. You can also clean other utensils easily by using very little liquid. You can watch the video to understand more in detail. Homemade Dish Wash Liquid Making credit: Malappuram Thatha

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eXz

ഒരൊറ്റ വെളുത്തുള്ളി ഇതുപോലെഒരൊറ്റ വെളുത്തുള്ളി ഇതുപോലെ കഴിച്ചാൽ മതി😱👇എത്ര വലിയ ചുമയും സ്വിച്ചിട്ട പോലെ മാറും;😲💯 തണുപ്പ് ...

ഒരൊറ്റ വെളുത്തുള്ളി ഇതുപോലെഒരൊറ്റ വെളുത്തുള്ളി ഇതുപോലെ കഴിച്ചാൽ മതി😱👇എത്ര വലിയ ചുമയും സ്വിച്ചിട്ട പോലെ മാറും;😲💯 തണുപ്പ് കാലത്തെ എല്ലാ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾക്കും ഒറ്റ മിനിറ്റിൽ ശാശ്വത പരിഹാരം;🤩 ശ്വാസകോശത്തിലെ കഫം മുഴുവൻ അലിഞ്ഞു പോകും.!!🙆‍♂️👌
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3ef9

Homemade Natural Garlic Cough Syrup: For the past few months, cough and phlegm in children have been a problem that has been bothering all mothers. Everyone is tired of giving them medicines. This problem is not only for children but also for adults. However, it is more difficult when it comes to children. This little one is there to help us when homeopathy, Ayurveda and allopathy have all failed. He may be small, but he is not insignificant. It is the garlic that sits in a corner of our kitchen. The main reason why coughs and colds do not go away is due to a decrease in immunity. Take some garlic, peel it all off and tear it in half. After washing it well, take a steamer and steam it. Do not close it.
After two minutes, cool it. Mix garlic and honey in a fourth clean glass jar. Children can eat one clove and adults can eat four or five cloves. Doing this will help increase our immunity. It also helps in dissolving the phlegm in the lungs. Watch the entire video to understand how to make this herbal remedy. The video also shows a technique for storing garlic that is bought together at a time when the price is low and another tip using garlic. Everyone should watch the entire video and try all these. Video Credit : Tips Of Idukki

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3ef9

ഇനി ഒട്ടും ഉരച്ചു കഷ്ടപെടണ്ട.!!😳👌ഏത് ക്ലാവ് പിടിച്ച വിളക്കും പാത്രങ്ങളും വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങും;🤩💯 ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്താൽ വെറും 3 മിനി...

ഇനി ഒട്ടും ഉരച്ചു കഷ്ടപെടണ്ട.!!😳👌ഏത് ക്ലാവ് പിടിച്ച വിളക്കും പാത്രങ്ങളും വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങും;🤩💯 ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്താൽ വെറും 3 മിനിറ്റിൽ ഞെട്ടിക്കും റിസൾട്ട്.!!😵‍💫👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eXk

Nilavilakku Clealing Easy Tip: We all light lamps in our daily lives. Then one of the main problems we face is the clogs of pots and pans. Let's see how to clean them very quickly. First, pour one-fourth spoon of vinegar in a glass. Then pour one spoon of rock salt into it. If you don't have rock salt, you can just pour powdered salt. Then pour some dishwashing liquid or soap into it and stir it well until the salt dissolves. After it dissolves well, sprinkle it well on the part where the lamp is held and on the charcoal.
Then let it sit for at least ten to fifteen minutes. After 10 minutes, you will see that the cream and other stains on it are slightly loosened. Then take a scrubber and rub it well on all parts. Then you will see that all the stains on the lamp are loosened. In this way, we can remove not only stains and carbon deposits from lamps but also from other containers. Moreover, if we store a liquid that we have made in the first place in any container, it will remain intact for a long time. You can learn more information from the video. The video shows you in detail how to do it. Video Credits : Grandmother Tips Nilavilakku Clealing Easy Tip

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eXk

ബ്യുട്ടി പാർലറിലെ ചേച്ചി പറഞ്ഞപ്പോ ഇത്രക്ക് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചില്ല;🙆‍♂️👇 വെറും 1 മിനിറ്റിൽ നാച്ചുറൽ ആയി മുടി കറുപ്പിക്കാം.!!😱👌...

ബ്യുട്ടി പാർലറിലെ ചേച്ചി പറഞ്ഞപ്പോ ഇത്രക്ക് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചില്ല;🙆‍♂️👇 വെറും 1 മിനിറ്റിൽ നാച്ചുറൽ ആയി മുടി കറുപ്പിക്കാം.!!😱👌 100% ഉറപ്പുള്ള ഹെർബൽ ഹെയർ ഡൈ വീട്ടിൽ തയാറാക്കാം💯👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eXA

Natural Herbal Hair Dye Making: In the past, people considered graying of hair as a sign of old age. But today, graying is seen in many people at an early age. Today, premature graying is a problem that is seen in both women and men. Wrong eating habits, lifestyle, and hormonal imbalance are all causes of premature graying. Usually, people who get premature graying easily color or do something else to hide it. But although this gives temporary results, the presence of chemicals in it is harmful to the scalp. Natural remedies are always best. Here, let us see how to hide premature graying naturally at home without any side effects for any age group.
Now, if we do what we are going to tell you correctly for a day or two, we are sure of 100% results. On the first day, we need to prepare henna. For that, we need to take any henna powder. It is better to buy henna powders from Ayurvedic shops. Now, make sure to do what we are going to do the day before the day of henna application. The henna mix we make should be left to sit for at least one night before using it. To prepare henna, pour a cup of water in a bowl and boil it with a tablespoon of tea powder. Boil it for a while and drain some of the water. Increase the heat and boil it well until the color of this mix gets a little more. Then turn off the heat and let it cool down. To know the secret to covering premature gray hair, go ahead and watch the video Natural Herbal Hair Dye Making Credit : Get GLamwith Anjali

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eXA

ഗ്യാസ് സിലിണ്ടറിൽ ഒരു തുള്ളി വാസിലിൻ ഇതുപോലെ ചെയ്തു നോക്കൂ.!!😳👇 20 ദിവസം നിൽക്കുന്ന ഗ്യാസ് 4 മാസമായാലും തീരില്ല..😱👌 വെറു...

ഗ്യാസ് സിലിണ്ടറിൽ ഒരു തുള്ളി വാസിലിൻ ഇതുപോലെ ചെയ്തു നോക്കൂ.!!😳👇 20 ദിവസം നിൽക്കുന്ന ഗ്യാസ് 4 മാസമായാലും തീരില്ല..😱👌 വെറും ഒറ്റ സെക്കന്റിൽ എത്ര കത്താത്ത ഗ്യാസ് സ്റ്റൗവും ആളി കത്തും..💯👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eX0

Repair Gas Stove Low Flame Using Vasiline : Bathroom mirrors and vehicle mirrors can easily become dusty and difficult to clean. To avoid this, take a little Vaseline and spread it on such areas. Then, if you take a little water in a bowl and dip a newspaper in it and wipe it, you can easily clean the mirrors. To keep the shoes and handbags that children wear to school looking new, just wipe them with a little Vaseline once a week. In cases where there is excess hair on the hair, you can apply a little Vaseline and comb it out. To keep the gas burner looking new, you can wipe it with a little Vaseline once a week.
Also, to remove stubborn stains around the area where the stove is turned on, put a little Vaseline on a bud and wipe it off. Also, rub a little Vaseline on the part provided at the bottom of the mixie jar to make it work smoothly. When you wear the same earring for a long time, sometimes the hole in the earring hole becomes smaller. In such cases, before changing the earring, apply a little Vaseline to the earring hole and then put the earring back on. For more tips on how to use Vaseline, you can watch the video. Repair Gas Stove Low Flame Using Vasiline Credit : Ansi's Vlog

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3eX0

ഗ്യാസും ഇൻഡക്ഷനും ഇനി വേണ്ട;😲😱 ചെടിച്ചട്ടി കൊണ്ട് അടിപൊളി അടുപ്പ്..😲👌ഇനി ഒരു മിനിറ്റ് കൊണ്ട് റോക്കറ്റ് പോലെ അടുപ്പ് ഉണ്ട...

ഗ്യാസും ഇൻഡക്ഷനും ഇനി വേണ്ട;😲😱 ചെടിച്ചട്ടി കൊണ്ട് അടിപൊളി അടുപ്പ്..😲👌ഇനി ഒരു മിനിറ്റ് കൊണ്ട് റോക്കറ്റ് പോലെ അടുപ്പ് ഉണ്ടാക്കാം.💯👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3dn5

Tip To Make Easy Wood Stoves: You can make a stove using a plant pot that doesn't require gas and induction! With the price of cooking gas increasing day by day, it is not easy for ordinary people to pay high prices and book a gas cylinder every month. Even if you use an induction stove as a solution, you will have to pay a huge amount for the electricity bill. But here is how to make a stove very easily using a plant pot. Any food required for the kitchen can be prepared in this stove in a very short time. It does not cost anything. All you need to make this stove is a plant pot of the required size, a paint can in the size of a pot, a small pot, and enough baby metal or brick powder to fill it inside. The first thing to do is to make a hole in the front of the plant pot to put the firewood.
This can be drawn accurately and broken with a marble cutter or hammer. After that, cut the bottom of the large pot to put it inside. If the top is too long, cut off that part and replace it with the circle of the pan. Then, put baby metal on all four sides of it and set it. After doing this, the stove is ready. You can set it by placing a gas burner on the top. Once the gas stove is ready, you can burn two or three small pieces of wood at the bottom and put them to heat. Then the heat will start coming from it upwards. Any food required for the kitchen can be prepared in a very short time with this heat. You can watch the video to understand the method of preparing the stove in detail. Video Credit : Vichus Vlogs

വിശദമായി അറിയാം വീഡിയോ അടക്കം കാണാം👉👉 https://bitl.to/3dn5

ഇനി ക ത്തി വേണ്ട;😲😱 അരിപ്പ കൊണ്ട് ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്താൽ ഒറ്റ സെക്കൻഡിൽ കിലോക്കണക്കിന് വെളുത്തുള്ളി തൊലി കളയാം..💯👇 ഇതിലും എളുപ്പ...

ഇനി ക ത്തി വേണ്ട;😲😱 അരിപ്പ കൊണ്ട് ഇങ്ങനെ ചെയ്താൽ ഒറ്റ സെക്കൻഡിൽ കിലോക്കണക്കിന് വെളുത്തുള്ളി തൊലി കളയാം..💯👇 ഇതിലും എളുപ്പവഴി വേറെയില്ല.!! പാചകക്കാരൻ പറഞ്ഞു തന്ന മാന്ത്രിക വിദ്യ.!!🤩👇
മലയാളം 👉👉 https://bitl.to/3dmf

Garlic Peeling Easy Tip Using Arippa: Most of us try various tips to make kitchen work easier. But finding useful tips among them is not that easy. But let's understand some great tips in detail that are sure to get results. Peeling garlic is one of the most time-consuming tasks in kitchen work. Especially when you straighten some small cloves of garlic, your hands start to hurt. Here is an alternative tip that can be done. First, cut the whole garlic into cloves. Keep it in the fridge for some time to cool. Then tie the garlic cloves in a plastic cover. Rub a thick steel bowl or bottle over the garlic, or you can do the same using a tea strainer. Later, when you open the cover, you can see that all the skins are peeling off the garlic cloves.
We all have the habit of buying and storing products like Boost and Horlicks in small packets in our homes. Once you cut such packets, it is difficult to keep them from getting stuck. But to keep the packets from getting damaged quickly after cutting, first tie the cover well with a rubber band. Then, if you put the packet in a sugar bowl, you can keep it for as long as you want. It is a common sight that when you put a spoon to take curries in the kitchen, it falls into the bowl. To avoid this, just put a rubber band on the top of the spoon and put it into the bowl. When you do this, the spoon will not go in from a certain place for any reason. Starting small with a pencil can be difficult for children to use. In such cases, if you have a finished sketch at home, you can easily use it by removing its back and fitting the pencil there. You can watch the video for more such tips. Garlic Peeling Easy Tip Using Arippa Credit : Thullu's Vlogs 2000

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