Formed in 2011, HRS is primarily focused on supporting the underground music scene in the Himalayan alpine region. HRS is born out a passion for good music and a meticulous understanding of the music industry. Our services include artist consultancy & management, integrated music production & custom-designed audio experiences for your business and pleasure. We have a seasoned team of composers, p
roducers, strategic brand consultants and client servicing executives to develop a robust product blue print to suit your requirements, and decently equipped soundlabs (studios) to bring the product to life. The music industry in India is struggling to find an identity of its own – a conflict of sticking to pre independence music, which caters to a select audience and post independence music, nurtured by the movie industry and which is subjected to the whims and fancies of a film producer. Based in the lap of Himalayas HRS is a record label that promotes rock music in India. Himalayan Records and Studios was created to push to the forefront some of the most talented and extreme metal bands. It is focused on releasing these bands worldwide, organizing tours and creating an active as well as a sustainable metal scene and community.