Love for nature
Makes a man poet,
Love for knowledge
Makes a man great,
Love for nation
Makes a man patriot,
Love for duty
Makes a man perfect.
Truth is always truth
Nobody cut it by knife
Truth follows till last day of life.
Truth confirm the relation
Truth remember the conversation ,
Truth make the emotion,
Truth ring in the heart palpitation.
Truth is always truth till last day of sensation.
May pretend to forget,
May pretend to neglect,
May pretend to digest,
But truth never deviate.
Every day is also truth.
Make it memorable part of life,
Truth is always truth,
never cut by knife.
O God almighty
Never seen but feel,
In essence of flower,
In presence of water,
In relation of mother- father.
You only bring us closure,
Crossing the sea and river.
Streching long hand may lift,
And choose the place to sit.
You create pleasure and sock,
You create air and rock.
You are mystery of universe,
Untold story of verse.
Every thing possible in sphere,
Give insights to see once where.
Offspring follow gene of parents
Unseen but blooming
in tendents
Genesis carries heridity,
Inspiring good and bad reality,
Feel any time reflection
in action,
Aquired from fusion and fission,
Ugly or lovely seeds of next generation,
Mould in right direction,
Children are hope,
Children are scope,
Take care for
world conservation.
Your smile lits the world
Sparks from clouds
Breaking out between
Sky, air and earth,
Lucky we to live near by
That unprentious sun,
To share its Fire,to feel its Love
To know its warmth so well
Just as the sun's sweet liquid joy
Is captured in the Skin,
So with as your happiness
Is captured in our lives
O God!see the proudy men
Yah!glitters like Gem,
Can't swallow only see
Sparkling rays like neon,
Poison always Poison,
Either in hell or haven!
O God see vermillon,
Sign of life companion,
Cant taste,
Only feel its sweet relation,
Poison always Poison,
Either in hell or haven!
*Mukteshwar prasad singh.