Welcome aboard this exclusive page created with a view to discuss, share and take up the burning issues that the people in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands are faced with on a day to day basis. This is also to make daily news updates of Hawk Eye available to you, which you can share with all of your friends and contacts on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and so on so that the issues and informat
ion about the faraway Island territory of the A&N Islands reaches the concerned as well as the interested souls the world over. In order to play the fundamental role of bridging the gap between the government and the people, Hawk Eye needs your continued support in living up to the very spirit of providing a Free, Fair and Fearless daily to you. Hence, as an esteemed reader of Hawk Eye, you are welcome to provide any kind of information, views, comments and opinion that is relevant to the A&N Islands and their development. I also urge our valued advertisers to come forward with their adverts on a regular basis, which Hawk Eye will take to thousands of readers across the length and breadth of the Islands, giving you a potent, smart and increasingly popular medium to reach out to a substantially large number of avid readers who can also turn your customers everyday. This is highly imperative as these adverts are the only fodder that your Hawk Eye is purely going to thrive upon. Mind you, a Free, Fair & Fearless newspaper needs a strong financial support and Hawk Eye seeks such a reliable patronage not in a political party, not in the Administration, not in one particular business outfit, but solely in the shrewd yet munificent business community i.e. you, the people, who really wish to see the Islands flourish fluently free of corruption. So, come, let's join hands and do our daily bit to make a worthwhile difference in the lives of the ingenuous Islanders of Andaman & Nicobar and their generations to come. Cordially Yours,
Shrinath Vashishtha