Are people becoming sinners? The first of the two photos below is a photo taken during a forest fire in Iraq. Where a bird can be seen dead due to fire. Even though it had wings to fly, the bird did not fly, because it knew that the egg it laid had life in it. She sacrificed her own life to save that life.
The photo of the child and mother in the second picture is related to an incident that happened in America a few months ago. This little girl's name is Jaylin, who was only 16 months old. But her mother locks Jaylin in a room and goes on a walk for 10 days. When she returned after ten days, the child died very painfully due to lack of food and water. Not a neighbor, not a person who hears the cry... no one comes to save. 16-month-old Jaelyn dies a heartbreaking, cruel death.
A bird that takes less than a second to fly, endures the flame and burns itself but does not fly. A living being knows the duty of a mother for which it can sacrifice its life. But how can a person with wisdom, conscience, love, resources, and resources leave his children to die in such a harsh way?
Is 'mother' no longer a mother?! Are 'people' not people? That people are filled with sinful thoughts and sinful behavior in Kali Yuga?!