Dear Colleagues,
From this journal our efforts is to traverse on a vehicle for the delivery of timely and thoughtful information and opinion on the many issues that involve the community. I also would like to thank those who served on the journal staff and its editorial board, and particularly the reviewers for providing the support and feedback necessary to find, develop and publish high-quality
material. Finally, I really want to thank our TEAM for the excellent job they has done. In the past years, CHANDIGARH NEWS has evolved to become a frequently-cited Newspaper, and it recently received an impact factor that reflects the dedication and expertise of our editors and reviewers. I offer my thanks to both readers and authors, who have helped us by cite articles for our journal. To improve this result, we hope to receive high quality manuscript from avid authors. Starting this month, we've made some significant changes. Our aim, in fact, is to follow the process that had already begun in taking the journal from its infancy to maturity. For this reason, we've decided to meet the standards and have refined our Author Guidelines accordingly. I strongly encourage you to submit your work for consideration for publication in Chandigarh News Paper publications. An enthusiastic submission requires an energetic and dedicated editorial board to ensure that your article will be reviewed and published rapidly. Starting immediately, all editorial communications should be sent via our Online Submission System by logging on to and following the instructions. Now that we've begun to change, we will also hope to continue to evolve and have good idea on how to proceed. In guiding the editorial team in the choices we have to make, we ask our readers to help us to explore new ways to make the journal useful: please share your ideas and thoughts with us. We can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you soon. For readers of our journal, these changes should have a positive impact. We hope you enjoy and learn from our journal, as in the past, and find it a source of up-to-date and high-quality information. We look forward to work with all of you as we continue to make Journal a success and we welcome your submissions, as well as feedback as authors, readers, and reviewers of the journal. The Editors in Chief