Kyaaaaa bhaiiii link comments mei hain 👇👇👇
Sure! Here are 10 interesting facts about girls:
1. **Higher IQs and Relationships**: Women with higher IQs often find it harder to find a partner. They prefer being single over being with the wrong person.
2. **Sense of Humor**: Women tend to be more attracted to men with a good sense of humor. Laughter is often associated with intelligence and honesty.
3. **Social Influence**: Women may find men more attractive if they see other women smiling at them. This is due to social proof and shared preferences.
4. **Anxiety Levels**: Anxiety is more common in younger women, especially between the ages of 18 and 24, due to brain chemistry and hormonal fluctuations.
5. **Friendships with Men**: Women who have more male friends tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer.
6. **Voice Attraction**: Women are generally more attracted to men with deeper voices, which are perceived as more masculine.
7. **Emotional Memory**: Women are likely to remember sentimental things said by their partners for a long time.
8. **Special Gestures**: Girls love receiving letters and surprises, which make them feel special.
9. **Daydreaming**: Girls often daydream about their crushes but might not openly show it.
10. **Forehead Kisses**: Women particularly like forehead kisses, finding them very affectionate.