“The idea behind the Seven Sisters Social project is to enable reporters in North-East India to tell their stories to the world via a deep integration of mobile phone and Facebook. India has over 900 million mobile connections, which gives us an advantage and a ready network to tap into and leverage on the accessibility of the same. The technology would simply combine an Interactive voice response
system and Facebook application to create a mobile reporting network for North-East India, with the aim of spreading news through Facebook to users in different parts of the country. This platform will be deployed in North East India where reach of traditional news media is non-existent to a large extent. While high tech infrastructure remains underdeveloped, the usability of new media platforms such as Facebook are on an all time high. The Seven Sisters Social platform would not only fill this vacuum but also create a much needed replicable model to reach different parts of North East.”
Read more: www.sevensistersproject.org