The People’s Journal is an e-format Quarterly publication of Rongmei Chamnac Phwam Delhi (Rongmei Students’ Organization Delhi), with an intent to inspire the students, youths, and civil society leaders from Northeastern India to write on the contemporary issues which are relevant for the required wholesome development of North East India. We are committed to provide quality papers for free to int
erested readers. The objective is to showcase the talented and creative writing, arts of tribal communities. The People’s Journal aims to provide a medium for students, academicians, religious leaders, and the general public to discuss any disciplines related to the requirement for the upliftment of the North-Eastern community. We would like to be able to publish articles, creative writings, and comments which will:
- Encourage young people to pursue their dreams;
- Contribute to the advancement of our society, especially through describing existing good practices and identifying the required changes.
- Identify the weaknesses through the critique of the currently dominant view of Northeastern Tribal social norms.
- Assist us (Tribal communities) to identify the solution to our common challenges.
We will be accepting the following submission:
1) Article (no more than 3000 words)
2) Poetry (within 600 words)
3) Arts and Photography (must submit in JPEG, PNG format with short descriptions explaining the arts)
4) Book Review (within 1500 words)
5) Short stories (not more than 5000 words)
Submission of Manuscripts:
We do not charge for the publication of articles. Manuscripts should be sent as email attachments in Microsoft Word (.docx) format to [email protected]
The author must warrant that the work does not infringe any existing copyright and does not contain material of defamatory or scandalous nature. By submission of a paper to the Journal, the author warrants the copyrights to the Rongmei Chamnac Phwam Delhi (Rongmei Students’ Organization Delhi) for any further publication. Material published in the Journal may be reproduced with giving sufficient credit to the Author and Publisher (Rongmei Students’ Organization Delhi). Format and Style
The manuscripts should include:
*No more than 3000 words
*The title, the author's name(s), position/post and institutional affiliation (university, civil society, ministry, etc), an email address;
*Limited use of abbreviations to improve ease of reading
*appropriate references to the literature on the subject to support facts, assertions, and opinions;
*all quotations should be fully referenced
(Referencing the text_ References in the text to books, articles, etc should include the author’s name, the year of publication, and the specific page numbers if direct quotations are provided (e.g. Kaling & Mary, 1968, p.24). For more than two authors, the citation should be abbreviated as follows: (Kramdon and others, 1988, p.1). Multiple citations of the same author(s) in the same year should be distinguished in the text by a, v, c, tc following the year of publication.) Optional
*If the author includes an abstract, it should not exceed 100 words- summarize the articles purpose, information, and conclusion;
*an abstract should be followed by four or five keywords that will assist in indexing the paper;
*A bibliography may be included at the end of the text containing details of all books, articles, papers, etc which have been referred to in the text. The bibliography, if included, must also include references cited in the text. (Note: The People’s Journal is for the public, students, and not specific academic discipline. Hence, the inclusion of abstract and bibliography has been optional for the author.) Poetry
Manuscripts should be sent as email attachments in Microsoft Word (.docx) format to [email protected]
The author must warrant that the work does not infringe any existing copyright and does not contain material of defamatory or scandalous nature. By submission of a paper to The People’s Journal, the author warrants the copyrights to the Rongmei Chamnac Phwam Delhi (Rongmei Students’ Organization Delhi) for any further publication. Format and Style
*The writing should be original. Plagiarism of any sort would lead to cancellation for future publication.
*Poems should not be more than 600 words.
*The poems should not have obscene language or any vulgar innuendos.
*The title, the author's name(s), position/post, and institutional affiliation (university, civil society, ministry, etc), the email address should be included. Arts
We wish to publish an Expressionism, Symbolism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Contemporary Arts, Abstract Arts, Pop Arts, Sketch, and Photography related theme of North Eastern Regions. By submitting your work to us you have agreed that The People's Journal has the right to reproduce the artworks with due credit given to the artist. Post-submission, The People Journal will have exclusive control over literary and art pairings, placement of art, and any changes to size and/or resolution that it deems necessary for publication. Format
*All artwork should be submitted in electronic format.
*Artwork must be in JPEG, PNG digital format.
*Photos MUST be at least 2,000 pixels wide.
*Artwork must include the name of the artist, the title of the artwork, and an explanation of the art.