paparazzi understands the pulse of the media – be it print, television, internet or radio – and knows what information needs to be sent out and when, hence making each communiqué with the media count. CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS: Strategic planning depending on the needs of a client includes methods to lead, motivate, persuade and inform the public and employees. The effort is not merely to focus on
external communications, but to look within as well. CRISIS COMMUNICATION: Exaggerated crises and media embarrassments are a fact of today’s corporate life. Even the most routine niggles such as litigation; corporate leadership reputation or corporate restructuring could snowball into a perceived or genuine crisis. POSITIONING: Placing a client and its products or brands in the right place before society at large is crucial for sustaining a business. Mapping the message with the target audience and picking the right media mix for optimal impact is the key to obtaining the appropriate position. EVENTS
paparazzi aids you in all stages of event management and promotion, from planning and conceptualization to ex*****on. Our team is also experienced in extending personal invitations to key figures in the media, communicating with celebrities and managing the function itself. We advise our clients on executing events and promotions in the most “news worthy” manner.