Music is an art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre.
“DRJ RECORDS” is a Music distribution company founded by Managing Director MR. Our company provides a variety of Indian Music to listeners worldwide whether it's a folk, devotional, bollywood, regional, Indi-pop,etc .
“DRJ RECORDS” company dea
ls in the business of developing music, recording artists and then marketing as well as promoting their music across a wide array of formats and platforms.The company also discovers and develops songwriters, and owns and administers copyrights to musical compositions for use in recordings and related uses, such as albums and films . We sell our content (Music) via multiple sales points including online activities, and live performances.Our objective is to combine technology and creative talent to develop and distribute Music Worldwide. We aim to create inspiring stories and memorable characters that appeal to audiences of all ages and nationalities. We're on a mission to build the biggest and most comprehensive music digital distribution in the market .
“DRJ RECORDS” produces innovative and quality album, content through an efficient album making process, by integrating content production, distribution, broadcasting and music rights & digital Distribution through innovative marketing. The forte of “DRJ RECORDS” apart from selecting the right kind of music, lies in hefty music promotion on a regular basis. “DRJ RECORDS” has always been powered by innovation,the ability of the company to adapt itself to changing market trends has been proved extremely relevant in its success. Connect with us
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