For over 25 years Equinox has hand-crafted some of India’s most path-breaking and memorable commercials, ranging from the evergreen Hamara Bajaj and the socially-motivated Lead India films to the internationally celebrated Happydent White commercial that became the toast of the fraternity. Along the way there has come together a diversity of directorial talent – Sumantra Ghosal, Ram Madhvani and M
ilind Dhaimade – who, between them, have the maturity and range of experience to shine in every cinematic genre. And so, we now add three new talents to our roster: Naren Multani and Deb Medhekar. These are people of vision and craft. And, very valuably, of proven mettle. Naren has been part of top-notch advertising agencies (Ogilvy, McCann) for over 18 years, and has directed over 100 commercials. Having always had film in his bloodstream he decided that it was time he gave it his undivided attention. Enter Equinox. With an established production company to take care of the details, Naren is finally free to fully realize his cinematic potential. For Equinox Deb is home-nurtured talent - something the Company has been singularly successful in pulling off over the years. Fresh out of FTII, it was a logical progression from assisting Ram to directing his own commercials. His background in animation and VFX gives his work a contemporary, graphic edge that allows his exploration of the real world a twist of quirk. Two directors from three very different backgrounds. But, with one common need – to realise their dreams unshackled from the chains of production. Equinox is proud to be part of their creative journeys. Helming this abundance of energy is Manoj Shroff. Having worked his way up the ranks from assistant to director and, now, producer at Equinox, Manoj brings discipline to our creativity. His organizational skill keeps Equinox supple and its directors free to do their job. It is a strength that has not gone unnoticed. Over the years Equinox has worked with every major client and every major advertising agency in the country. Emotional, slapstick, earthy, stylish, classical, contemporary – we have done it all. (Some of it even began with us.)