The Society of Economics and Development The Society of Economics and Development is a a registered society. The Society of Economics and Development is not-for-profit association. The Society of Economics and Development is a scientific society of individuals and institutions interested in the field of Economics and related disciplines. Being a scientific society, its principal aim is to promote
the research effort in the field of Economics, Sociology and Business Studies.The membership of the society is open to all professionals all over the globe who are actively involved for the betterment of society and their work addresses a broad range of disciplines such as economics, applied economics, rural development, resources and environment, food and consumer issues, and agribusiness. The Society of Economics and Development brings together researchers and others professionals interested to solve the problems of society and to enhance the knowledge and understanding of Economics, Agricultural Economics, Consumer Behavior and development and to exchange experience, ideas and information between economists, agricultural economists, social scientists and business management scientists. The Society also ensures that its scientific journal, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, NAAS Score: 4.82, UGC Approved, and Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (Emerging Sources Citation Index) is regularly published, widely read and circulated, has high impact and attracts an adequate supply of high-quality papers from national and international authors and to organize Conference/Seminar every year for providing an excellent forum for both general lectures and presentations to enable the students and scientists to update their knowledge. VISION The Society of Economics and Development is for professional advancement and dissemination of knowledge about agricultural development, environmental, consumer behaviour, natural resources and associated areas of economics, applied economics and other related disciplines. MISSION The mission of The Society of Economics and Development is to advance the subject of economics as a vehicle for understanding economic development and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of economic well-being.