"UNITE FOR HUMANITY" established to work in the field of NEWS, education and human services for a considerable change in the country. Statistics tell that India is one of the fastest emerging economic powers in the world. Its mega cities and high rise buildings tell the story of a new India. India is poised to be the world's next superpower with its sound and transparent financial system, flourish
ing IT industry and academic and military preparations. This is an unreal picture of the country. Beyond this ocean of material prosperity there is another India, full of misery and pain. Where a dark shadow of acute poverty and illiteracy is prevailing. This country of 1.1 billion people still has at least 410 million people living in poverty. Amongst them 238 million Indian are described as being chronically hungry. Crushing poverty and malnutrition remain harsh realities for millions of Indians. People are deprived from basic facilities of health and basic needs of life. The bright future of their children is lost in the hotels and factories. This gloomy situation is calling every citizen of India to come forward and start a struggle. UNITE FOR HUMANITY FOUNDATION is determined to work for the achievement of socioeconomic, cultural and political empowerment of these downtrodden and deprived people irrespective of cast, creed and religion. Join us in our efforts to change lives and extend your moral and financial support for the cause. We collect and utilize all types of donations and charities. A thing, in which we have inner faith and to keep faith in it is symbolic for our nationality, is known as Matribhubmi-vast motherland. We are all its sons and to serve it is our duty. This land by which our nationhood became possible should be naturally served by sincere and high reputation. On 15 August 1947 we got independence from the century long slavery but before getting it our dear Motherland-Bharat was divided in parts. Any how on 26th January 1950 a constitution was adapted in which some fundamental duties are also in-corporated in its section 51-A. To fulfill these duties are compulsory for all men and women of Bharat. But it is very unfortunate that due to negligence, our people and society became irresponsible towards these duties. Therefore to work sincerely towards these duties is today’s foremost compulsion. All are running for their rights. No one is bothering for duties which are also mentioned in the same constitution. For making Bhartiya Culture active and effective. "UNITE FOR THE HUMANITY FOUNDATION" whose first and foremost work would be to obey and to make others obey these constitutional duties sincerely. To inculcate awareness of these duties among the people of the land the trust will develop a group of leadership having social mindset and sincerity towards these duties. NGO will pull its resources to fulfill its fundamental necessities and establishment expenses from the society and citizens of the land. The Co-ordination of all these works will be done by the trust itself. Ignorance is the root of all evils. To overcome them,UNITE FOR HUMANITY FOUNDATION Volunteers work towards educating and creating awareness among the illiterate and under privileged people. Just like a tiny lamp that lightens up the darkness, UFHF consistently take initiative to spread education among the illiterate and under privileged folks in the rural areas. They identify the needy people who are deprived of quality education and assist in imparting improved standards of education to them. UFHF constantly strive to their maximum for achieving the motto of ensuring that quality education is provided to the needy. UFHF are chosen based on series of tests. Once they are selected, they are educated on the current educational scenario through a residential training program. If you have the passion to serve the society by imparting education, you are welcome to be an UNITE FOR HUMANITY FOUNDATION Volunteer. The Unite For Humanity Foundation, Taking our mission forward is our Trust, backed by accomplished individuals from all walks of life. For Quality Education, Life is like two sides of a coin, people who are in need of help and people who are able to and willing to offer it. The same can be said about educational assistance. Just as a Blood bank enables the donor to donate blood to save the life of someone in need; Our database aims at introducing our patrons to the worthy and deserving candidate, to whom quality education would grant a fresh lease of life. In this age where quality education comes at a cost that not everyone can afford, there are Samaritans who are willing to offer financial assistance to those in need. Many socially responsible individuals and organizations have approached us in the past, expressing willingness to offer financial assistance for imparting education to the needy. It is hence that we decided to be the bridge between the deprived candidate and quality education which is made possible through a sponsorship from our Patron. A small deed by someone can create a big difference in another’s life. We work towards identifying and authenticating the deserving candidate and also the cost associated with sponsoring quality education for the candidate. Depending upon the quantum of sponsorship and preferences recorded with us, details of the Sponsorship and Educational Institution for the appropriate Candidate are then made available to the benefactor. Upon confirmation the details of the Sponsorship (Candidate, Benefactor, Educational Institution etc…) are then recorded on the database, post which the Benefactor can then directly provide their contribution to the respective educational institution. On behalf of the benefactor we also maintain the academic records of those students chosen for sponsorship.