Humans in Ladakh face difficult challenges particularly in winter months when mercury dips to the level of minus 40 degree Celsius or more. All developmental activities come to standstill for more than 5 months and the publication of newspaper is not an exception. Running a Newspaper in these circumstances is full of challenges, it needs highest level of dedication, and love for adventure to keep
the publication work going on besides arranging human resource and finance. The job is very tough because of absence of Private sector in Ladakh which could have energized the activity with advertisement flow. One is left with only option of Government Sector but this sector is completely controlled by a strange department which has no criteria to distribute advertisements on the basis of merit. Since we are a group of professionals working with reputed local and national media. . This endeavor is meant for one of the downtrodden and backward societies which is still mostly unexplored, hence we continue the publication work despite all odds. There are well established religious, social and political organizations in Leh as well as Kargil Districts of Ladakh that could have contributed in the field but whenever they started a newspaper they attempted to thrust certain ideology on masses which resulted to the failure of such ventures. The people understand the propaganda and do not like the society be further fractured on literary front , but unfortunately none of them has so far shown any interest to propagate unbiased activity in this field. So until they wake up this group of professionals will continue to link the Ladakhi masses on informational as well as cultural front. We believe the success achieved so far was a result of sustained effort, unbiased approach, professional zeal exhibited through all these years. The hard fact about our success is our professional deliverance and volunteerism. The fact is that all of us depend for survival elsewhere and none of us depends on the newspaper. Many people see newspaper publication as threat because they have ruled and suppressed the downtrodden society in absence of an effective media. Awareness is growing among masses, people are still conservative and compromise when they should resist. A lot is yet to be done to transform the society to a learned and informed society.