Friends, it gives me immense pleasure to inform you all that our KECT ACADEMY which is a labour of love of all of us would be attaining three years of its existence on the 16th of January 2022.
You are all aware that the world has seen an unprecedented time during the last two years in the shape of the Covid 19 pandemic, the accompanying lockdown and the economic and social distress in its fold which has led to a severe drop-out ratio from educational institutions. Our community is the worst affected, the distress persists till today.
Yet, we take pride in informing you that all the upheavals could not suppress our indomitable spirit to serve humanity.
We have continued with our mission to provide free education to the underprivileged children at our Academy and un-interrupted "online classes" have been going on ceaselessly during the intervening period.
Controlled physical classes too have begun now for the 186 number of the enrolled students at the moment.
This year we have embarked on an ambitious project and would be celebrating the "Foundation day" of the school in a grand manner for which preparations are going on in full swing. The children would be putting up an English Play and showcasing their various cognitive skills in songs and dances at Gyan Manch.
Rehearsals are going on under trained experts and it would be a great show InShaAllah.
We would be publishing a souvenir on the occasion and it is for this that I make a fervent request to you all to come forward and lend a helping hand in the collection of advertisement for the souvenir to accumulate fund for the school which has depleted drastically owing to the prevailing economic distress of the past two years.
This school is a humble effort in self help to extract the community out of the morass of its pitiable existence and it has been possible with 'your' co-operation and it will be successful with 'your' contribution and the dream of providing education till the secondary level for the marginalised would be
We are on the lookout for land for further expansion and hopefully would be successful by Almighty's grace and support of our philanthropic friends.
We have in this group around 200 members and I hope that they would definitely respond to this fervent request and come forward to co-operate.
Please collect our advertisement form or let us know where to reach it to you. We would like this to be handed back to us within 15 days with the publishing material.
A sincere effort would definitely yield results.
This is for a noble cause, the contribution for dissemination of literacy comes under the category of Sawab e jaariya and I am sure you wouldn't like to be left behind.
Thanks from the inner core of my heart.💖💖and for bearing with me.
Jazakallah khairan kasira!!