Zepto’s “Free Cash” Scam – A Deceptive Practice?
Today, I had an unpleasant experience while using Zepto that left me feeling scammed. Here’s what happened:
Zepto showed me that I had free cash to use on my next order. Excited to save some money, I started adding groceries to my cart. However, as I proceeded to place the order, I discovered the “free cash” wasn’t actually allowed on my purchase. The amount was still showing in my account but conveniently “expired” within minutes of completing my order.
This isn’t just disappointing—it feels like a calculated move to lure customers into thinking they’re getting a benefit, only to pull it away at the last moment. Such deceptive practices might help boost orders in the short term, but they erode customer trust in the long run.
Businesses that offer genuine deals, rather than engaging in misleading tactics, are bound to capture the market. Zepto, if you continue this way, you’ll push loyal customers into the arms of competitors who value integrity over quick gains.
To all fellow shoppers: Be cautious and double-check your offers. And to Zepto: Do better. Customers deserve transparency, not tricks.
Have you faced a similar experience? Let’s discuss.