A jumbo congratulations to Deestha Foundation on completion of three successful years! On Sunday 05.11.23, the annual program had been held at De Sovrani Salt Lake and it blew the minds of each one present!
Within a short period Deestha Foundation has achieved a lot and the praise goes to Dr. Dipannita Deb and Ms Shrestha Gan. The entire program smoothly glided where we witnessed wonderful performances, came to know about Voice of World, Amitie Trust, Shikhin and Indian Women and Youth Skill Foundation and how they are wonderfully contributing to the society!
Dr. Deb with her caring and compassionate heart has brought smiles on multiple confused and sad faces! We wish her, Ms Sreshtha Gan and all the members of Deestha Foundation a grand success in all their endeavours and may they reach the zenith of achievement by walking down the avenue of positivity surrounded by dreams!