For Sruthy Orchestra Thripunithura, we had initiated a wonderful kick start for the new year 2025. We were fortunate to accompany the versatile young musical prodigy, Navaneeth Unnikrishnan - Singer in his three shows in the first week of the January. Navneeth proved his caliber by choosing different sets of challenging songs, for each platform, which we could learn and prepare for quickly. Mr Unni Vadakkan ( f/o Navneeth ) was sarcastic to say that, during their holidays this time( just 14 days!) they spent more time with Shruthy Orchestra than with their family members! Special mention is to be made here that in all his shows, Navneeth never appeared to be dull or out of mood, inspite of his hectic schedule. A big salute for his cheer, energy, memory and above all to his inimitable simplicity and humility.
All the shows were arranged as private ticket programs, except our Anniversary program on 11th January. Huge flock of music lovers gathered at the Layam Koothambalam Tripunithura. The unprecedented crowd and umpteen number of electronic equipments, made the auditorium, too hot and humid. Several people, from far and near have assembled there well before the show started. Hundreds were listening Navneeth 's mellifluous voice by standing patiently in & out, for about 3 hours, without any murmur. Even after the show concluded, many of them remained in their seats, as if they were fully immersed in the divine mesmerising music.
Shruthy has many happy moments to cherish, during all these 37 years. But this one is unique. We shall ever keep the delightful experience we had with Navneeth, not only for his musical versatility but for his down to earth behavior also. Very much indebted to Unni Vadakkan & Priya, the proud parents of the prodigy, for their love and co operation. Expecting to share more platforms with the young musical wizard.