"I was in JNV School , in 9th class , when the quality of food had declined since the new principle joining , his behavior also wasn't good towards students. one day we all locked our hostel gates and didn't attend classes, didn't even go for breakfast , the principle came with some teachers , we didn't open the gates. he kept screaming for a while from outside, some guys threw chappals at him from windows. after he went back we took a rally to the district collector , the collector had to come to campus , he noted down all the problems student faced in absence of the teachers and principle. the principle came to hostel requested all and promised students to complete every request , the snacks were arranged for students within an hour because nobody had eaten anything. and the principle was himself standing besides the counter and made sure everybody is served. he was literally sweating. after that the food quality improved , new events were introduced in campus. monthly meeting. principle made sure he talks to students one on one frequently. there were lot of improvements because students were taken seriously. with that even students became responsible. we followed the rules which we ourselves constructed for the betterment of our school. we eventually started liking our principle. and those years are still my best years in life and always will be. all this happened because some students dared to take the initiative ( i can say i was part of it ) dared to raise the voice and most importantly we made our principle be responsible and he was mature enough to change himself and be empathetic towards us. he changed so much that when he was newly joined everybody hated him but i heard from my juniors when i was no more in that school that he was so good that when he got transfer students cried in his send off program.
i hope we have that daring now to make the administration listen our voice.or may be we just become more coward as we grow up. i hope student reps are aware and empathetic enough , i know they are trying their best but i think student community as a whole need to support them more. because this diro is stubborn and will not listen easily and he won't even take responsibility if anything bad happens.
i don't think he is mature enough to understand, or he just simply doesn't care. i don't consider him as a human. IIT Kharagpur how do you sleep at night ? knowing that just because of your ego students face so much problem.
take care you guys. and most importantly help each other , the times are uncertain , make sure you are united in this. "