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The KDP Wing of DPAP in a joint statement through it's President Shri Sanjay Dhar, Chairman Sh.Piaray Lal Pandita, General Secretary Shri Raj Kumar Ticku, and others have appealed the self interested Kashmiri Displaced Lobbies not to use the residents of Camps at Jammu for video graphing large gatherings when the need arises to such self styled Leaders for showing their public support for going ahead to achieve their own decorated platforms.
The Leaders have expressed grave concern against the connections from Camps to such selfish lobbies platforms,who enable entries in Camps as and when they require to show their strength as for the years of exilement we have experienced the experimental behaviour of our so-called platforms with making joint efforts to think over the Welfare of exiled people having each so called platform expressing publishing their own views when required and have never bothered to reach the conclusion of resettlement of the exiled people and it may not be out of place to mention here that the so called well wishers of this Community live a luxurious life in posh Colonies who never felt the sufferings of people languishing in Camps.
The Leaders have warned the connections of Camps connected to these lobbies to refrain entry of such platforms in Camps who for their own interest pave entries in Camps to enable them to video graph gatherings with no benefits to the people languishing in Camps.
The Leaders have further expressed grave concern regarding the defamation of the Community in Social media by our Social Media Mongers having their personal grudges against each other which does not suit the Intellectuality of the Community and they are requested to take their personal revenge through Postal letters,letting the Community off the record defamation.
The Leaders have appealed that for any problems of sufferings when created to Camp people, not even a single lobby jumped to come to the rescue for mitigation of such problems,except Camp people fought always to get such problems mitigated jointly at each stage.
The Leaders also appeal the Camp people to be united and come forward to draw a united Camp forum for fighting to get rights,with grave problems resolved and to work jointly for getting our 35 years sufferings redressed with pressurising Govts to workout our resettlement back policy with all compensatory packages especially employment, as our decorated platform Holders have never created a joint ideology for our return and Rehabilitation except publishing of fervelous statements to please the connected lobbies.
The Leaders have appealed the Camp/Non Camps people to unitedly join under one united platform to demoralize the adopted nefarious acts and designs of our so called self decorated platform self styled Leaders and have appealed the connections connected from Camps to these lobbies ,to stop their past practice of entries to such Agencies in Camps when they require videography of mass gatherings.
The Leaders have appreciated the role of general Camp people to gather on call, when called for unity and Camp people posses the guts to fight any eventuality, which must be kept in mind by the Lobbies.Moreover the Leaders have appealed that any agency found collecting donations on the plea, to help the people in Camps,may be publicly apprised to verify their honest motive.

Piaray Lal Pandita
Democratic Progressive Azad Party


Passengers asked to change trains at Jammu, Katra amid security concerns in Kashmir train service
Travellers will need to re-scan their luggage at the departure lounges after deboarding at the changing point. They will also undergo thorough frisking by security before boarding another train.

As preparations are complete for the launch of the historic train service to Kashmir, there is a twist in the direct train connectivity to Srinagar. Due to security concerns, travellers from Srinagar to Delhi or other destinations, and vice versa, will need to deboard the train either at Katra or Jammu railway station. They will then board another train to continue their journey.

A top railway official said due to security reasons, it has been decided that trains plying from Srinagar to Delhi or any other part of the country will terminate at one of the two railway stations. “The changing point will be one of the two railway stations. Either it will be Katra or Jammu and it will be decided soon. The travellers will have to deboard at either Jammu or Katra railway station and then board another train to continue their journey,” he said.

The official said the same is the case of the trains plying to Srinagar from Delhi or any other part of the country. “ They too will terminate at Katra or Jammu railway stations and the travellers will have to board another journey for their forward journey”.

He said in view of security concerns, all persons boarding a train to Srinagar from Delhi or any other part of the country or vice versa would have to go through thorough frisking and their luggage would be screened and checked at the time of boarding.

The travellers will have to re-scan their luggage at the departure lounges after deboarding the train at the changing point. They will also have to undergo thorough frisking by the security personnel before boarding another train to continue their journey.

“It is not possible in every station to check passengers and their luggage. For this reason, it has been decided that the passengers would have to deboard either at Jammu or Katra railway station and then board another train,” he said. He also added that the Railways will be plying trains only during the daytime on the Kashmir route.

The Northern Railways would avoid plying trains in the late hours as security deployment on highways and other places in the Valley is withdrawn in the evening by the security agencies.

According to Northern Railways, three trains -- one Vande Bharat and two Mail Express – would ply on a daily basis between Katra and Srinagar.

As per Northern Railways, Vande Bharat will depart from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi (SMVD) Railway station in Katra at 8:10 am and arrive at Srinagar Railway Station at 11.20 am, Mail Exp will depart from SVDK at 9:50 am and arrive in Srinagar at 1:10 pm and another Mail/Exp will depart from SVDK at 3 pm and arrive at Srinagar at 6:20 pm.

The Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) Dinesh Chand Deshwal completed a two day inspection of the Udhampur-Baramulla railway link on Wednesday. The high speed trial run on the 111 kms stretch from Katra to Banihal was successfully completed and now the decision to start direct train service to Kashmir will be taken soon.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi may likely launch the train service to Kashmir on January 26.


In a joint statement issued by Kashmiri Displaced People Wing (J&K) of Democratic Progressive Azad Party submit a charter of demands, for favour of consideration by the Government on the merits of demands raised here under regarding redressal of grievences,for removal of a thought of disparity among our Community,being victims if genocidal exodus from it's birthplace in our own state:-
1. Due to non absorption of our educated Community Youth in Govt employment after displacement, our Youth were compelled to remain idle,resulting a total overage catagory,which led them to live a beggars Labour life for survival,in absence of survival financial sources,which has ruined their Carrier of establishment. In this regard it is submitted that those overaged educated youth although wanted to earn their livelihood by establishing their Industrial units either their selves or after joining each other in cooperative behaviour through groups,but being land less ,they could not be able to establish their small scale/entrepreneur units .In this context it is demanded that their demand for leasing out pieces of land ,till our Rehabilitation, avaliable in Migrant Camps,especially in Jagti Camp(where more than 100 Kanals of Land is available in haffazered areas of Parks),for establishment of their small scale Industrial/ entrepreneur units,after getting soft subsidised loans either from Banks or other Agencies,thereby engaging these depressioned unemployed educated overaged Youth for earning their livihood with utilisation of services of other unemployed Displaced youth in their units.The appealed to consider this demand on priority basis to save such Displaced Youth from starvation. 2. While genocidal exodus displacement from Valley after 1989,our Govt.employees(Gazetted/Non Gazetted/Low paid employees) had also fled from the Valley,leaving back about more than 23000 posts vaccant behind,and instead providing of employment share of Displaced Kashmiri Community youth against these vaccant posts,the Governments from time to time filled those vaccant posts from the youth of Majority Community of Valley,and the Displaced Youth were provided a so- called Prime Ministers Special recruitment with creation of Supernnumary posts, of 6000 which too could not be completed yet since 2010 to date,with infliction of a Medal of bonded restrictions,viz; they are bound to serve only in Valley,they have to surrender their Transit accomodation after their retirement,they have to serve on probation terms for years together,and so on,as this Scheme was floated with a view to become an interaction bridge towards working out a return policy .It is demanded that a Special recruitment of 20000 posts only for Kashmiri Displaced educated youth in U.T.Govt./Central Govt.with relaxation of norms requires to be announced,by giving a special healing touch for our Community,besides creating five batalions in Police, with special relaxation of norms for Low educated unemployed Youth of displaced Kashmiri People.This priority of providing employment to the unemployed Youth of this Community will automatically pave a way for our resettlement, return and Rehabilitation policy if 25000 youth of displaced community are recruited (Govt/ Police) for serving in Valley ancestral districts. 3. It is demanded that Supernnumary posts of P.M.Package employees requires to be merged at par with U.T.Govt.employees,so that the felt step- motherly intentions are removed from their minds ,as they have been serving in Valley shoulder to shoulder with U.T.Govt employees,since their recruitment,besides relaxation of the regulations laid down in their bonds require to be removed,with providing of ownership rights of their alloted Transit accomodations instead of bonded surrender rules after their retirement,which is a great setback to the return and Rehabilitation policy. 4. It is demanded that being our Kashmiri Displaced People, are provided with right of voting only in our own ancestral vally Constituencies,Panchayet,Local Bodies, Counsels,even after remaining in exile since 1990, as said our rights are retained now for more than 35 years exilement, we posses the right of CDF,other facilities ,from which our exiled Community stands debarred,since 35 years of exilement and keeping in view the all our rights connected to valley,the ratio of schemes,recruitment,development and other facilities are entitled to us with declaration of our Community in Minority catagory of the Valley.It is demanded that we have suffered and had to taste genocidal exodus due to failure of Governments for not providing Security Zones in Kashmir during start of disturbance,our Community requires to declared as Minority Community of Kashmir with reservation of our funds share of development at par with Majority Community on the population sensus basis of 1990,to remove a disparity created between Majority and Minority Community,with reservation of J&K special budget provisions ,with provisions of utilisation in Camps outside valley till return and same is required to be reserved in Central Govt.Budget other than Security and Relief Measure funds,as State/U.T.Govt has not spent even a single penny from it's exchequer for last 35 years for development of our displaced Community in exilement. 5.It is demanded that while providing a special P.M.Package employment Scheme for displaced Kashmiri People yout,as was implemented under SRO 412,425 ,wherein orders for recruitment of Kashmiri Displaced Hindus/Pandiths was announced,but unfortunately this policy by State/U.T.Govt,mingled this policy by recruitment of ST,SC,LAC,LOC,categories,and more than 500 candidates of these categories were recruited among our Youth,and it is surprising to note that while our displaced Youth especially any Kashmuri Hindue did never come under this catagory,as is clear from above quoted SROs which needs a thorough enquiry with restoration of those posts to Our Community youth abd not to such categories,when our this recruitment policy was itself a special Package to the catagory of displacement people. 6.It is submitted that the new Borne babies of Displaced community are being paid a sustenance assistance of Rs.400/= per month,which is not sufficient to arrange medicare,milk feeding,even diapers on monthly basis,as such it is demanded that a sustenance assistance of Rs.108/= per day for new Borne babies of our Community at par with adult persons,requires to be sanctioned,enabling the new Borne babies to nourish in exilement. 7.It is submitted that our Community stands served with lollypop of assurances since 2018 regarding enhancement of Cashassistance being paid to Our families,other than Govt Employees,Pensioners etc and the hikes of essential commodities, medicines,education fees,books,stationery have touched the sky and the sustenance survival on meager assistance of Rs.108/= per soul per month upto maximum of 4 souls only,is a cruel joke being exercised to manage usual livings.It is demanded that a suitable survival assistance of Rs.300/= per day per soul requires to be enhanced in favour of our Community People enabling us to survive in exilement.


स्कैम से बचें: पिन डालते ही हो सकता है आपका खाता खाली, जानें कैसे.

हाल के दिनों में UPI का इस्तेमाल काफी बढ़ा है, लेकिन इसके साथ ही UPI से जुड़े स्कैम भी तेजी से बढ़ गए हैं। एक ऐसा नया स्कैम सामने आ रहा है जिसे "Jumped Deposit Scam" कहा जा रहा है, और यह खासतौर पर UPI यूजर्स को टारगेट कर रहा है।

Jumped Deposit Scam क्या है?
इस स्कैम में, सबसे पहले धोखेबाज किसी यूजर को UPI के जरिए 1000 रुपये से लेकर 5000 रुपये तक भेजते हैं। इसके बाद, वे उसी UPI ID पर बड़े अमाउंट की निकासी रिक्वेस्ट भेज देते हैं। जब यूजर अपने बैंक अकाउंट का बैलेंस चेक करने के लिए पिन डालता है, तो बड़ी रकम वाली रिक्वेस्ट भी एक्सेप्ट हो जाती है और यूजर का खाता खाली हो जाता है। हाल ही में तमिलनाडु की साइबर क्राइम पुलिस ने इस स्कैम से सावधान रहने की चेतावनी दी है।

कैसे बचें इस स्कैम से?
इस स्कैम से बचने के लिए आप कुछ कदम उठा सकते हैं। अगर आपको अपने अकाउंट में अनएक्सपेक्टेड डिपॉजिट दिखे, तो सबसे पहले 15 से 30 मिनट तक इंतजार करें। ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि निकासी रिक्वेस्ट कुछ समय बाद अपने आप कैंसल हो जाती है। अगर आप इंतजार नहीं कर सकते, तो जानबूझकर गलत पिन डालें। इसके बाद तुरंत अपने बैंक को इस बारे में सूचित करें और नजदीकी साइबर क्राइम पुलिस स्टेशन या पोर्टल पर इसकी रिपोर्ट करें।


One case of HMPV virus reported from Kolkata, Victim is five months old baby.
2 children in Chennai diagnosed with HMPV virus, total Tally Moves to 6.

HMVP virus has been detected in Kolkata. The victim is a five-month-old baby. He was undergoing treatment at a private hospital.
2 children in Chennai diagnosed with HMPV virus.


1 HMPV case in Gujarat, 2 in Bengaluru takes toll to 3, no international travel history.

Three babies, two month old boy in Ahmedabad, a three month old and an eight month old, in Bengaluru have been detected with respiratory distress - causing HMPV.
Three cases of respiratory distress causing HMPV two in Bengaluru and one in Ahmedabad have been detected amid fears of the virus's spread as China also recorded a surge in infections.

In Bengaluru, an eight month old boy and a three month old girl tested positive for the virus and did not have any history of international travel, authorities said. In Ahmedabad, HMPV was found in a two month old child, who is undergoing treatment at a private hospital and is stable. The infant's family, who belong to Rajasthan's Dungarpur, reached Ahmedabad for treatment.


: First HMPV Case Reported In India After 8-Month-Old Baby Tests Positive In Bengaluru.

HMPV Cases in India: The world was still recovering from the devastation of COVID-19 when a new virus from China, HMPV, created a stir globally. An eight-month-old baby in a hospital in Bengaluru has been diagnosed with the HMPV virus.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, which shook the world, a virus named HMPV emerged in China. Now, the first case of this virus has been reported in India. An eight-month-old baby in a hospital in Bengaluru has been confirmed to have this virus. According to a report published in India Today, the first case of the HMPV virus has been detected in Bengaluru.

An 8-month-old baby in a hospital in Bengaluru has been diagnosed with the HMPV virus. The health department stated that they had not tested the sample in their lab. The report of the case came from a private hospital, and there seems to be no reason to doubt the findings of this report.

It is worth mentioning that HMPV is typically detected in children. Among all flu samples, 0.7% are found to be HMPV. The exact strain of this virus has not yet been identified.

The Karnataka Health Department has not given any confirmation, but Department sources informed Zee news that they will send samples to Pune for finding out which varient of virus. Also the 8 month old child has no travel history to China.

The HMPV virus detected in India is different. However, there is no clarity on whether the virus reported in China and the strain found here are related, we need to wait for confirmation before commenting a health source said.


🕉 शांति, 4 Dead After Vehicle Falls Into Deep Gorge In J&K’s Kishtwar.

Four persons were dead and two were missing when a vehicle they were travelling in met with an accident on Sunday in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Police here said that a vehicle on its way towards village Massu from Paddar plunged into a gorge.
“Four passengers have as been dead in the accident, and two are missing,” they said, adding that a manhunt is launched.
The deceased were identified as Raj Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Haqiqat Singh, and Satish Kumar, all residents of Garh, Paddar, Kishtwar.


Alert Rashtriya Rifles troops identified an IED on the Mahore-Gulabgarh road near Angrala, Reasi. The area was secured in coordination with J&K Police and the IED was neutralized, ensuring safety of civilians and troops: White Night Corps


गृह मंत्री अमित शाह का बड़ा बयान, कहा: कश्मीर का नाम ऋषि कश्यप के नाम पर हो सकता है|


The inspection for the Katra-Reasi rail line, part of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link, has been rescheduled to January 7-8, 2025.

This is a key step towards completing the 272-km line, with the final 17 km set to be inaugurated by PM Modi on January 26, 2025, paving the way for the Vande Bharat service between New Delhi & Srinagar. 🚆

Indian railways Narendra Modi Indian Railways Indian Railways भारतीय रेल Indian Railways Indian railways Indian Railways Indianrailways Ashwini Vaishnaw


Sh. Piaray Lal Pandita, Chairman, Kashmir Displaced People Wing Democratic Progressive Azad Party wishes everyone a happy and prosperous New Year - 2025


In a joint statement issued by the KDPW of DPAP through it's President Shri Sanjay Dhar, Chairman Sh. Piaray Lal Pandita, General Secretary Shri Raj Kumar Ticku and others have expressed their dismay over incorporation of Reserved categories viz; ST,SC,LAC,LOC,in the recruitment process of Special Employment Packages, announced in terms of SRO: 412,425,during 2008-10,introduced only for Kashmiri Displaced Pandiths(Hindus),as no Kasmiri Hindu was coming under above four categories of reservation,while as more than five hundred Youth stands recruited under the P.M.Package employment, from these Reserved categories. The Leaders wanted to know how these Reserved categories of ST,SC,LAC and Loc stands recruited under the said recruitment Policy,and such injustice with Displaced Kashmiri Hindus Youth requires to be justified in terms of clear rules envisaged through SRO.412,425,which is presumed a deliberate attempt by the Bearucracy of the time requires Clearification.The Leaders have demanded that due to genocidal hounding by fleeing from Valley,more than 23700 employees Gazetted/Non-Gazetted had migrated,and those posts stands filled by the successive Govt.s through different adjustments from Majority Community ,as no any Kashmir Displaced Youth stands recruited in Valley except diverting our Youth recruitment policy to Special P.M.Package Recruitment policy with Supernnumary posts,which have never been allowed merger at Par with State Govt Employees although bonded to serve in Valley with State Govt.employees.The Leaders have demanded that a Special recruitment policy in State/U.T./Central Govt. may be declared specifically for unemployed educated youth of displaced Kashmiri Hindu Community to the tune equal to employees left the ,Valley during 1990,and further Special recruitment of five police batalions,with relaxation of norms,indeed with bonding to render services in Valley,with abolishing of Supernnumary status regarding P.M.Package Employees.The Leaders have demanded that in Camps and Non Camps,a well populated Youth among the Community have touched over age since long due to non- availability of employment avenues, who have been making their both ends meet only on Relief assistance, and have not been compensated with any other livelihood avenues,but remained incurring educational,domestic,medical expenses miserable from Relief assistance.The Leaders have demanded that such overaged unemployed Displaced youth requires to be compensated with a due share Reserved regarding allotment of already constructed shops so that they can start their own trade for feeding their family and or they be allowed to utilize at least 15×15 landed area in any roadside park individually after due verification of such deserving youth,to raise their own Koisek(Khokha Type Sheds) jointly and may be able to open their different trade outlets with the help of available lending schemes by Industries,Entrepreneurs,Banks,even in cooperative based joint manufacturing units of products,to enable such unemployed Displaced youth to earn their livelihood.The Leaders have demanded that Relief Organisation is competent to allow the verified unemployed overaged Youth,15×15 piece of land in any large park aside main road to raise their temporary Khokha Type Structure jointly at one place for opening of their trade outlets,as was allowed by the Ex-Chief Minister Dr.Farooq Abdullah Shahib during 1995-1996 at near Railway Station to the Kashmiri Migrants for establishing their trade outlets,which was a Type of compensatory earning livelihood to displaced Youth by the then Chief Minister.The Leaders have appealed the Honble Chief Minister, Dy.Chief Minister, Worthy Chief Secretary,Commissioner Secretary DMRRR, Relief Rehabilitation Commissioner Migrants to either consider provision of reservation of allotment of Constructed Shops at Jagti or allow occupation of 15×15 Piece of land by each such verified educated overaged unemployed Displaced youth (depending only on Relief assistance) in a large area park aside main road(suitable Park near Lane No.12 Near Overhead water Tank) to install and establish their own temporary Sheds for different trade outlets enabling them to earn their livelihood for making their families both ends needs rather to indulge in drugs and frustration and to save the said catagory of youth from starvation.The Leaders have demanded that all helping Agencies of Industries,Handicrafts,Entrepreneur departments may also come with their help to rescue such overaged educated youth from starvation.

DPAP pulwama Democratic Progressive Azad Party


As unanimously decided in the meeting held on 29.12.2024, common people of Jagti Camp are holding a Seminar regarding:-
"Hum aur Humara Bhavish" (We and our Future)*

You are cordially invited to participate in a seminar on *"Hum aur Humara Bhavish"* (We and our Future).

- 4-5 January 2025 in two days sessions.
- *Timings:*
Saturday:04.01.2025 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
Sunday:05.01.2024 1.00 pm - 5 pm

*Venue:* Lane No 23 Community Hall, near Block -141Jagti
This seminar aims to facilitate an open discussion on shaping our collective future. We welcome valuable suggestions and insights from all participants.
*Who Can Attend?*
All residents of Jagti Camp are welcome to participate, irrespective of political and ideological affliations.

Join us in this endeavor to build a better tomorrow !
*Aap Aur Hum*

Piaray Lal Pandita


Train operation plan from to .

Indian Railways भारतीय रेल Indianrailways Indian Railways Indian railways Indian railways Indian Railways Indian Railways


PM Sh. Narendra Modi will virtually Inaugurate on January 6.

Ahead of the launch of train services connecting the kashmir valley with the rest of India, Prime Minister Sh. will virtually inaugurate Jammu Railway Division on January 6.

Jammu Tawi railway station Kashmir Railway Ashok Koul Ravinder Raina BJP Jammu & Kashmir Thakur Abhijeet Jasrotia Jugal Kishore Sharma


लोकसभा सांसद Jugal Kishore Sharma ने केंद्रीय मंत्री Nitin Gadkari से दिल्ली-अमृतसर-कटरा एक्सप्रेसवे को ताराकोट मार्ग से ना जोड़ कर इसे केवल इंटर मॉडल स्टेशन (आईएमएस) कटरा तक ही सीमित रखने का आग्रह किया l

Office of LG, J&K BJP Jammu & Kashmir Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Ashok Koul Thakur Abhijeet Jasrotia Ravinder Raina Yudhvir Sethi-J & K Shakti Raj Parihar Shagun Parihar Ch. Vikram Randhawa Manoj Sinha Amit Shah Narendra Modi


Katra Shutdown to Extended Until January 1, Families of Detained Leaders Threaten Self-Immolation.





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