Young Guardians of Manipur

Young Guardians of Manipur Young guardians of Manipur was founded on June'16 by a group of youth from Imphal to help our society in all way possible.

We all talk about changing the humanity but people seldom act or do something which will benefit others.We live in a mean mean world and no one is bothered if someone is starving or dying.We live in an era where people care about their burnt curry more than thousands of people dying in foreign land.People have become so narrow minded that helping others is mocked at.But,we r a group of youth from

Imphal who wants to do some good for the society, who all are bonded by love of humanity n want to make a difference to our society.We want to be the change that we all wish to see in this world.Our sole aim is to help the poor n needy in all way we can wholeheartedly.Please support us in our journey to make our society a better place.We are sure that if we all join hands n work for our society,our world will be a much better place.

Are You Contented With The World You're Living??"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the w...

Are You Contented With The World You're Living??
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
- Nelson Mandela.
Yotsabi makhong ahum hainei, parents, teachers, students. Makhong ama tekpada mafam chana leppa ngamkhigadra? Madumak thokkhibani Santosh amadi Sophiya gi mafamdasu.
Naorem Santosh, Nambol Heigrujam leikai da pokhibani. Apokpa pabung leikhidre, lairabi mama na yokchabani.
Nameirakpam Sophiya, Nongada Makha leikai da pokchabani. Mahaksu apokpa leikhidre, mama khaktana mahakna ngamjaba phi saduna naitom machabu chaonaba yokcharakpani.
Udaba natte tadaba natte matamgi chatnabi, pamdaba natte kallaktaba natte ahenba fajaba.. Adubu lousing gi pukei na athoiba lan ni haibagi wakhal da nongmadi lairabi ema bu momon nok'hange haiduna kha-chiktuna hotnaduna lakhibani.
Adubu hainaba amasu lei, "Money is not everything. But everything needs money." Khong thangge khallakpa mikupta sel gi awatpana khongkap amafaoba thangba ngamhankhidaba matang kaya yaorakkhi. Matang asida eikhoigi group Young Guardians of Manipur na thengnaduna makhoigi ngaklou oikhi. Tha gi scholarship pibiduna makhoina tansinningliba lousing, maheigi pukei thannaba hotnajabada mateng pangkhi. Sel yamna leijabasu natchade, adubu chaminnaba haobani, puminnaba yangbani, harao minoksu eikhoi pullap nokminnasi haibagi pandam da loukhatkhiba khongthangni.
Hotnaba kanba macha lemna mangde. Where there is a will, there is a way hainabadumak makhoigi punshida handak BOSEM na louba class 10 exam da makhoi animak 1st division da laktuna, Santosh na 81.5% aduga Sophiya na 69.67% chattuna mark wangna pass toukhi. Makhoi anibu pukning thougatpa oina handak 23rd June, 2019 da Felicitation Program amasu Singjamei da pangthokchakhi.
Masing yamjadrabasu eikhoigi group asina khongfam chetna leptuna thouna hanba leitana hotnarakpana handak 2nd March, 2019 da Imphal East ki makhada Registered body amasu oiba ngamjare (Registration No. 708).
Eikhoigi organisation asina atopa satra kharasu support toujari amasung makha tana atoppa angang singdasu scholarship kaya pinaba thourang paikhatchari.
**Akhannaba scholarship angang nupi macha mathanta pokpagi scheme su leijari** Masida akuppa details khangbiningba nattraga scholarship sponsor toubiningba pukchel chaoraba/chaorabi yaobiragasu eikhoigi president (Mahesh Ningthoujam, Ph. No. 7795631713) da contact toubirakpa yagani.
Erolnungda Leirolnungda, Loyalamda Loibilakta lottuna leiriba lamdam sigi tanglaba mani kaya asibu masek mangal naina ngalhanlasi.
For a better world.

Nameirakpam Sophiya, 16 yrs, leifamna Nongada, houjik calss 10 tamli. Mahakpu pokpiramba mapabung Joy 2011 da leikhidrey...

Nameirakpam Sophiya, 16 yrs, leifamna Nongada, houjik calss 10 tamli. Mahakpu pokpiramba mapabung Joy 2011 da leikhidrey. Sophiya bu mahaki ema Nganthoi amasung mache singna fi saduna lairik tamhanlakhi adubu mache sing yum pankhrabagi matungda angakpa fangna emungi fivam sokchanlkakhi. Ema Nganthoi leina aruba leina amana kanna narakhi, naduna leirakpa chahi henley. Hakchang gi fivam asum asum sokchanlakpadagi pangal hantharakhi, suba nombasu ngamlakhidey maram asina Sophiya bu lairik tamhanbadi lairadana nongmagi chara ani sunafao pijaba ngamlakhidey. Sophiya angang oirikandagi houna hotnaba kanbi, lairik ta thawai yaojabi nupi macha amani, mahakna tamliba school aduda rank 1 ta taduna lakhi adubu emungi leita laira na maram oiduna maning tamna mahei tamba phangjakhidey. . Nongmadi oja afaba ama oibagi manglan sagatcharuba Sophiya lairabana maram oiduna nongma nongmagi soitharakhi. Awabana kham thengna youraklabada Sophiya bu lairik tamba toktuna fi oina saduna sel tanabagidamk ema Nganthoina haikhiTha 6 fi thiba ngmakhidey. Sophiya na kaptuna ema Nganthoida fee dadi thibiyu, class 10 faobadadi loisanjagey, atopa furit khongao, lairik fao leiyu haiduna kaptuna haijakhi, ahing chuppa kaptuna lenkhi. Machagi matou yengba ngamlaktaduna kuina naduna leiraklabi ema Nganthoi upai ama thiba hourakhi. Mapugi thoujaldagi Young Guardians of Manipur gi member amada approach touraktuna mateng nirakhi. Eikhoi gi team ama chatuna yengsinjaruraba matungda kupna khanakhi kari karamna mateng touba yai haibadu. Fund leijadrabasu eikhoi member sing khainaduna Sophiya bu matik chaba mi ama oinaba semdaba yade haiduna lepkhi. Sophiya gi school da chatuna mahaki tution fees, exam fess na chingba loina thidokchakhi amasung mahaki apambagi matung enna ayetpa amta matric exam thaba ngamnaba boarding gi fees su thidokpiduna boarding da changhanduna hotnahanli. Masida marup mapang kaya amasu chongthoraktuna eikhobu mateng pangbirakhi. Eikhoi na Sophiya gidamak angamba kharadi tousey na changsinluba matamda mateng pangbirakhiba pangbirakhibasing bu YGM gi maikei dagi ngamkhei leitana thagatchari amasung school asigi oja Sir Suresh, chairman amasung school asigi board members singbusu chaona mateng pangbirakpagidamak thagatpa fongdokchari. Houjik ti Sophiya lairik kanna paduna manthruraba manglan adubu amuk sagatuna oja afaba ama oinabagi damak kanna hotnari.
Voluntarily harao-haraona sel gi mateng pangbirakhiba echil enao sing adudi:
1. Niki Wakambam 2. Minerva Hemam 3. Priyanka Irungbam 4. Dorinda Panmei 5. Pabitra Longjam 6. Martina Pukhrambam 7. Bandana Hamom 8. Sanush Haobam 9. Captain Vyom 10. Gaichung 11. Amanda Nongthombam 12. Partners 13. Deeraj 14. Amitraj 15. Langamba 16. Prasant 17. Yaibi Nongmaithem 18. Sunil Khoinaijam 19. Anonymous 20. Anonymous 21. Arvin Yurembam 22. Aruna Kshetrimayum 23. Mahesh Ningthoujam 24. Max Moirangthem 25. Anonymous 26. Naoba Khuman

Young Guardians of Manipur na leppa leitana samaj asida awa ana taraba kayagi tengbangduna lakli. Sel thumgi awaba kaya ...

Young Guardians of Manipur na leppa leitana samaj asida awa ana taraba kayagi tengbangduna lakli. Sel thumgi awaba kaya mayoknarabasu ninghanaba leitana ema Manipur gidamak eikhoi leptana hotnari, tungdasu hotnakhini. Eikhoibu nungshibuduna pukchel chaoraba echil enao singna mateng kaya amasu pangbirakli, madugi damak hainingai leitana thagatpa fongdokchari. Manipur lairaba leipak ama oirubana awa ana kayana p*k thanli. Nongmagi chara namafaoba fajana chaba fangjadaba, naduna leirabasu sel leitabana layengba ngamdadana siba ngaiduna leiba, lairik tamninglabasu sel gi awabana henmanduna ningthina tamba fangdaba, asina chingba kayani. Mateng yamna pangninglabasu sel ningthina leitabana pangba ngamdaduna tokpasu kaya amani. Eikhoi naha singna semjaba organisation amani Young Guardians of Manipur. Sel thoktaba satra na anambani yaoriba member sing asi. Ema leipak ki damak karigumba kharata oirasu toujagey haiduna sel leijadrabasu chongthorakpirakpa pukchel chaoraba member ngaktani. Sarkar gi lupa amafaoba loudri, public tagisu chatuna donation gi mingda namfuda sel keidounungda khaijaroi. Nungshibiduna donate toubigey haiduna angamba khara hapirakpaduna penjei. Mateng pangba haibasidi chaoba p*kpa leitey, enakhunba lairaba khaidey, thamoi sengna pangbirakpaduni maru oiribadi. Mapugi thoujal dagi eikhoina p*kpa chaoba yengudana mateng kaya ama pangduna lakchari. Makha chatharakpa oina afaba samaj ama semsi haiduna enkhatlakliba naha singbu achumba lambida lamjingnabagidamak mahei masing matik chana heihanba haisi eikhoigi chaoraba pandamni. Lairik heirabasu, school kaninglabasu emung manungi selgi fivam sokpa henjanlakpana lairik tamba ngamdana drop out toukhiba kaya ama yaori. YGM na below poverty line da leiba single parents oiba or orphan oiraba angang lairik tadi thawai yaojaba khara khangatuna scholarship oina angamba senfam khara yenthokchari. Scholarship asi 1 year pijagani, every 3 months yenthokchei. Scholarship program asida recepients angang sing asibu academically improve touhanaba support pibata natana, samaj ki khanba citizen ama oinabagidamak society da kanagadaba volunteer work touhanduna social responsibility su takpiri. Angang amamam da volunteer 2 assign touduna kupna senajei. Anirak suba oina YGM na angang 5 khangatkhi scholarship pinabagi damak. Khangatliba angang sing asi selthum di wajarabasu lairik laisu thawai yaoba angang singni.
Naorem Santosh Nambol gi The Learner’s academy da nursery dagi tamduna lakli. Mahak p*ktru p*klingeidagi houna Rank 1 da taduna lakli. Mahakpu pokpiramba mahaki pabung laibak thiba car accident amada leikhidrey, mahaki ema na Fi saduna machil manao singbu ningthina lairik tamhanaba hotnajei. Santosh mamanaba singum tution chatpa ngamjadey adubu mathanta hotnabadi lepa leitey maram asina houjik faoba school gi exam da 90% gi mathakta adum chatuna lakli. Santosh lairik ta thawai yaobata natana asangba matamda emung gi thabak engkhang da mumma gi mateng pangi amasung leikai gi angang singbu asangba matamda angamba mateng and guidance pibi.
Mongjam Alpana hotnaba kanba nupi macha Amani, laiabak thibadagi mahaki ema baba leikhidrey. Awa ana kaya thengnajarabasu Alpana nongmadi Doctor ama oiduna miyamgi seva tougey haiduna leptana hotnari. Awatpa kaya leirabasu, tution chatnabagisel thum leitrabasu mahak mathanta hotnaduna mahaki school da rank 2 tarambadagu handak rank 1 da haigatlakhi.
Heirangkhongjam Albina Devi Temple of Learning da class 11 tamli. Ming chanaba sel leitaduna kaya wakhi adubu 1st division lakpana school na free admission tamhanduna lairik tahanli. Mahakpu pokpi mumma na hotel famduna emung manung puri. Albina anamba matamda solabi mummagi mateng pangi hotel gi thabak thouramda. Sel leitabana fee thibagi awaba mayoknaduna exam thadabasu yaodaba natey. Achouba senfam natrabasu eikhoina pijariba scholarship ki amount asina kharata oirasu mateng oinagadra haiduna mateng pijabani.
Eikhoina khangatchariba angang sing asi sel thum matik chana leitrabasu lairik na thawai yaojaba satra ngaktani. Post asi sangmankhibana recipeints khudingmaki details ti hapchadrey. Matung tarakpadasu makhoi gumba satra singbu angamba thakta mateng pangkhigani. Masida eikhoibu mateng pangbirakhiba ekaikhumnajariba miyoi sing adudi-
1. Late Maisnam Dohodini’s family
2. Maimom Sundip kumar
3. Hajarimayum Debarani
4. Who chose to remain anonymous
Pukchel chaoraba chaorabi scholarship sponsor touduna makhoi gumba angang sing asibu tengbang pibiduna afaba samaj ama sembada contribute toubiningba yaorabadi 7795631713 da contact toubirakpa yagani. Thagatchari.

Special thanks to Bisho photography for your support towards our cause.

Khumidoh Awang Leikai dagi Ema Muhida matam sangna naduna famungdagi hougatana leirakpa kuirey. Young Guardians of Manip...

Khumidoh Awang Leikai dagi Ema Muhida matam sangna naduna famungdagi hougatana leirakpa kuirey. Young Guardians of Manipur gi team chatuna mahakidamak angamba mateng pangjarui. Ema Muhida gi blood ki chang yamna nemlakhi adubu laibak thibadi mahaki blood group O-ve yamna rare oiba blood group oibana fangba ngamkhidey. Eikhoigi page ki khuthangdagi O-ve blood donate toubinaba appeal toujakhi. Nahan mahaki blood level yamna hantharakpadagi hospital da pukhatkhi. Laibak fabadagi eikhoigi page ta blood donate toubinaba appeal toujakhibadu ubiduna Heingang dagi Eche Mutum Sarma Devi na contact toubiraktuna ngarang tang 09/07/2018 ta JNIMS ta laktuna blood donate toubikhi. Esa esa gi kanglup,laining tagi khanba,yeknabana p*k thanlaba matam asida miyoiba amana amaga khetnaba thamdana miyoibagi nungshibagi mari na athoibani haiba wakhalol ga loinana blood toubirakhiba Heingang dagi Eche Mutum Sarma Devi bu Young Guardians of Manipur gi maikei dagi ekai khumnajari.
Houjiksu blood gi chang yam nembana aruba ama oiri, kanagumba kangumbi blood group O-ve yaobirabadi contact touraktuna Ema Muhida bu mateng pangbiyu.
Contact: Azmir Pathan(9383279372) Mahesh(7795631713).

Sir Winston Churchill quoted “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. Young guardians of M...

Sir Winston Churchill quoted “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. Young guardians of Manipur is always devoted to give what we can to our maximum. As promised, we have already started giving out our Student’s scholarship program from this academic session. This program is only possible because of our esteemed sponsors.
The scholarship program aims to promote knowledge and motivates the students to continue their studies with a sense of volunteerism. What makes our scholarship program unique is the hard work put in by each member in screening and selecting the students. From the forms submitted, we carefully selected a few that met our criteria. Our members visited their home to check and verify their welfare and talk with their guardians. We were heartbroken to find the condition that these students have to endure to continue their education. What makes us even more desolate was the fact that we will not be able to help all of them due to our limited funds and resources. But after careful consideration, we are happy to announce that we have started giving out the scholarship money to three students. The selected students are Naorem Santosh, Mongjam Alpana, and Khumbongmayum Purnima.
Naorem Santosh currently studies in The Learner’s Academy, Nambol. He has a younger brother and an elder sister. Their mother supported her 3 children with an income of Rs3000. His father died in a car accident. Mongjam Alpana is a student of New Horizon School, Keishampat. She currently lives with her uncle. Both of her parents died while she was young. Khumbongmayum Purnima is a student of Tamphasana Girls School,Imphal. At present she is supported by her paternal aunt who sells vegetables. Purnima has 5 siblings and both of their parents died while they were young. Young guardians of Manipur will continue to monitor their progress. We have selected 2 members from our group for each of these 3 students to do monthly checks on them. Our priority is their continued progress.
This scholarship program is co-sponsored by the family of late Maisnam Dohodini, Debarani Hajarimayum and Young Guardians of Manipur. We would like to thank the family of (L) Maisnam Dohodini and Debarani for sponsoring this scholarship to help the budding students ease their financial struggles to continue their education. We hope to get your support in the future also.
Lastly, Young guardians of Manipur would like to add that while working with this program we came across many students whose dreams to continue their education are hindered by their financial difficulty. So we appeal to kind hearted souls of Kangleipak Ema to walk with us,may be sponsor a child from underprivileged section of our society and shape a life. Please contact us through our inbox or call us at 7795631713 if you are willing to sponsor our program or help us in our work to build a better society, a better Kangleipak.

We often heard people saying that there is beauty in diversity. But such beauty is only achieved when there is understan...

We often heard people saying that there is beauty in diversity. But such beauty is only achieved when there is understanding, peace and harmony among the different groups. What makes our state one of a unique place is the number of different communities that lives together in such a small boundary. Imagine how we can beautify our motherland when we stand united as one.
Muhida pathan and her family is a muslim family that resides at Khurai heikrumakhong umang leikai. Her husband Md. Imamuddin Pathan used to pedal cycle rickshaw but is out of job due to spinal cord and back problem. Mrs Muhida has problems in her parathyroid gland, her kidneys and a fracture in the left thigh bone. She has been bedridden for more than 2 years. Unable to bear the medical expenses, the family contacted us and we were able to help the family relief the financial burden to some extent. To add to her plight, due to very low haemoglobin level, her surgery can only be done after a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, her blood group is O -VE and the scarcity of this blood group has hinder the transfusion. So we appeal to the different communities of our society to come forward and contact us if you have O -Ve or if you know anyone who has. Let us all remember that we are children of one mother and help Muhida to a fast recovery.
Lastly, The Young Guardians of Manipur would like us to stand together as flowers of different colour dripping with nectar and making our motherland a sweet place.

We are the Young Guardians of Manipur.We have a collective vision, a vision to bring smiles into families deprived of ba...

We are the Young Guardians of Manipur.
We have a collective vision, a vision to bring smiles into families deprived of basic necessities of life such as food, shelter, clothing and medical care. It is our dream to help the society believe in humanity again, to empower them to ‘hope’, once again. We are not fearless, we simply believe. We believe that despite the difficulties and financial constraints, together we will achieve. And achieve we shall, united. We are a Force relentless in our pursuit.
The story of Thounaojam Thaja of Kakwa Huidrom Leikai is one of our many projects. Thounaojam Thaja is a 2 year old girl was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease, Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) when she was a 2 month old toddler. Though the family had initially sought medical help, treatment was discontinued due to lack of funding. Her Father Th. Mangi is a newspaper hawker earning just about 1000 rupees per month. Mommy, Th. Inaocha is a seamstress feeding her 3 children with the meager income she could afford.
We came to know of their plight and took it as our personal mission.
The little girl’s surgery for Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Closure was performed successfully on the 20th of January 2017 under the RBSK (Rastriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram) and Mother’s Heart Scheme by Mother’s Care Children Hospital and Research Centre at Imphal Heart Institute, Sagolband, Imphal. Imphal Heart Institute caters to both paediatric and adult cardiac care needs. Imphal Heart Institute believes in providing affordable and quality cardiac care, so that all sections of society can avail the facilities. The institute will serve an easy access centre for the needy cardiac patients living in the difficult hilly terrains of Northeast. The hospital in located within the premises of Mother’s Care Children Hospital and Research Centre, Sagolband Moirang Leirak, Imphal West.
Our effort was rewarded with Thaja’s health improving and the family without any financial debt.
The Young Guardians would like to extend our gratitude to Sir Sougaijam Santana, General Manager of Mother’s Care Children Hospital and Research Centre for his selflessness and philanthropic work as he was our mediator with the hospital and advisor as to how to proceed with the scheme. Despite his uptight schedule he has devoted his precious time in helping us. May God bless Dr. Athouba Arambam Chief Cardiac Surgeon cm Director, Imphal Heart Institute for his skills, knowledge and steady hands in saving the young girl. We also acknowledge the blessing of Dr. Khumanthem Ratan Kumar Singh, Chairman cm Managing Director, Mother’s Care Children Hospital and Research Centre for graciously welcoming us and sharing our vision. May the hospital continue its work in helping the less fortunate of our state.
Young Guardians of Manipur invites and reach out for your support in achieving our goals of helping many Thounaojam Thaja’s in having a brighter future and a better tomorrow.

To check the welfare of Abok Huidrom Moirang and development of the house, Young guardians of Manipur paid a visit to Wa...

To check the welfare of Abok Huidrom Moirang and development of the house, Young guardians of Manipur paid a visit to Wangjing khunou on February 18. We were pleased to find Abok in a cheerful and happy mood. This has given us a renewed hope that our work have not gone unrewarded. We were also happy to found that the construction is almost complete. Special thanks to Soibam Ibetombi and her son Soibam Romeo who opened their heart and arms to abok.
Our journey was accompanied by (Mrs. Ashakiran Konsam, Mrs. IAWA India 1st runners up) and Miss Archana Konsam (Miss IAWA India 2nd runners up) to join hands with us in helping Abok. They also took blessing from Abok as they are representing India in the upcoming Mrs Universal and Miss Earth event respectively to be held in the United States. We wish the greatest success for both.
Mrs Ashakiran Konsam also on behalf of City Montessori higher secondary school 2000-02 Batch made a small monetary donation to help ease the daily expenditure of Abok. May god bless this group of righteous humanitarian for their generosity in bringing a genuine smile on Abok's face. Miss Archana also made personal donation to abok.
Finally, Young guardians of Manipur would like to ask the people of our State to pray for both Mrs Ashakiran and Miss Archana to bring laureate as they represent our state in the upcoming International competition to be held this year.
List of contributors of City Montessori Higher Secondary School, 2000-2002 batch:
• Ashakiran K
• Bee Ph
• Rosemary B
• Ruth Ngoruh
• Jenny Th
• Irananda Th
• Eliqueen A
• Remo Y
• Sunil Kh
• Jacky Y
• Mehera G

As one of our initiatives, Young Guardians of Manipur had promised to build a shelter for abok Moirang. As promised, we ...

As one of our initiatives, Young Guardians of Manipur had promised to build a shelter for abok Moirang. As promised, we are happy to inform you all that the construction of the shelter has already started. We are really thankful to kind souls Soibam Ibetombi and her son Soibam Romeo of Wangjing Khunou. Though they are not related to abok, out of humanity they took in abok, gave land for construction of abok’s shelter and are taking care of abok, keeping her in their house as of now till the construction is complete as they don’t have a big house and has promised to look after abok as long as she lives. It was after having thorough discussions with the family that we join hands with them to give the best of life to abok for rest of her life giving her the luxury of own room and other basic amenities. Now, abok is full of smiles and laughters. We also want to thank our generous donors who believe in us and who have made donations towards our fundraiser irrespective of the amount donated; every penny counts.Now, she has already made plans about her room arrangement. Isn’t that what we call a happy ending?
Young Guardians of Manipur has been looking after many underprivileged families. We have been extending our helping hands to those in need and we will continue with our mission to change more lives, help more people. As most of our members are unemployed youths, we are in need of funds. Though we really appreciate the tremendous moral support, we are in dire need of funds. So, it is a humble request to you all to donate in our fundraiser online through Milaap by clicking of the link below-
For those, who would like to transfer directly to our account. Here are the account details:
Bank: Central Bank of India
AC holder: Young Guardians of Manipur
A/C no. - 3576312037
IFSC code-: CBIN0283160
Branch: Paona Bazar

Eikhoibu nungshibiduna leptana thouna lingjel pibiri. Mayamgi support na eikhoina toujariba mateng sing asi pangjaba nga...

Eikhoibu nungshibiduna leptana thouna lingjel pibiri. Mayamgi support na eikhoina toujariba mateng sing asi pangjaba ngamlibani, makha tanasu angamba mateng pangkhini. Adubu sel thumgi fivam fatabana awaba kaya mayoknari. Pangal thouna leirasu sel thumgi awatpa kaya leibana pangthokningba thabak thouram kaya ama pangthokpa ngamdana leiri. Eikhoibu nungshibiduna pangthokchariba online fundraiser asida donate toubiduna mateng pangbiyu. Chaoba p*kpa thijaroi, thamoi sengna pibirakpa duni eikhoi pamjiribasi. Angamba lupa 100 dang oirasu mateng pangbiyu. Adomgi donation asina kanagumba lairaba leijadaba amadadi chaona mateng oigadouribani. Let us be the change, let us build a better Manipur together.
(Unaduna paisa hapiningba singna 7795631713 da contact toubirakpa yagani)
Makhada leiriba link asida click toubiduna milaap ki through da secure oiraba payment mode asida changduna donate toubiyu-

Humble request to everyone Baby Of vasantha laxmi extreme preterm 7months born with low birth weight 900 grams at Ankura women and children hospital Kukatpalli. Because of extreme preterm and low birth weight baby was effected with multiple diseases.

Dear brothers and sisters, we need YOUR help. With the little funds we have without any funding from government, we have...

Dear brothers and sisters, we need YOUR help. With the little funds we have without any funding from government, we have been helping poor people.We need more fund to touch more lives. So, we are organising an online fundraiser. You can help us in our effort to build a better society by donating to our campaign online. A small donation will make a lot of difference in someone’s life. The funds will be solely used for welfare of underprivileged section of our society.
Please click on the link below to make donations online-

Abok(grandma) Moirang Huidrom, 72 yrs, from Wangjing Khunou, Manipur has none to look after her. Her husband died a few months back due to health issues which were never treated. Her land along with the house were taken away because of a few sum she borrowed due to some urgency. Now, she has no


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->Young Guardians of Manipur is introducing scholarship program to encourage outstanding students of low income family.

->Scholarship will be offered to 3 students for a period of one academic year.

->One student will be offered a scholarship of Rs. 1000 per month for one academic year, subject to continuuation based on his/her performance evaluation. This scholarship is sponsored by (L) Maisnam Dohodini's Family.

->Two students will be offered scholarships of Rs.4000 each for one academic year, subject to continuation based on his/her performance evaluation. This scholarship is sponsored by Debarani Hajarimayum, Perth, Australia.

->Recipients of the scholarships have to compulsorily do some voluntary works such as tree plantation for their locality. This is to create social responsibility.

1. Possess prior excellent academic performance and be of good moral character.
2. Belong to a low income family(Orphan, single parent, no regular income)
3. Doesn't have any criminal record.
4. A domicile of Manipur.


Mahesh Ningthoujam-7795631713
Raj Ningthoujam- 9774115513

Share! Share! Please share it on your wall, whatsapp groups, etc. so that it can reach as many students as possible. Edu...

Share! Share! Please share it on your wall, whatsapp groups, etc. so that it can reach as many students as possible. Education is not a privilege, education is a right. Let us build the future of Manipur together.
P.S. No charges for the form.

Wish you a happy New Year filled with joy and prosperity!

Wish you a happy New Year filled with joy and prosperity!

Poknapham Ema gi eshei sey taraiba makhei thamoi da fongdokpa ngamdaba karinoma adum faowey. Eikhoi na miyanchagi lainin...

Poknapham Ema gi eshei sey taraiba makhei thamoi da fongdokpa ngamdaba karinoma adum faowey. Eikhoi na miyanchagi laining laison culture tradition mayam uraga esagi chatnabi, laining laison bu miraiba afaba nattey. Eikhoi mayam punna mitkup thokminaduna Manipur ema gi seba touminasi. Manipur ema na yaiphare.

A merry Christmas to all our brothers, sisters and friends!

A merry Christmas to all our brothers, sisters and friends!

When we first got the call about Golmei Lakonchung, 64 years, we were told to visit him as soon as possible as he didn’t...

When we first got the call about Golmei Lakonchung, 64 years, we were told to visit him as soon as possible as he didn’t have much time left. But, due to some unavoidable circumstances, we were unable to visit him sooner. After sometime, we visited him at his Langthabal Khoupum residence. His condition was really serious; his health condition was deteriorating for months. He was unable to stand or walk on his own and his eye sight had become blurred. He told us that day by day things became darker and darker; he is unable to see his wife and kids. Due to his poor eyesight and bad health, he can’t work anymore. It hit his family hard as he was the sole bread earner of the family. Now, his wife had to work as labour to feed the hungry mouths earning a meagre 50-100/day which were never enough for square meals a day. They could never afford to take him for treatment. So, without further delay we took him to JNIMS on 18th August, 2017. Thus, his treatment began at ENT section with numerous tests day after day. But, due to his extremely high blood sugar level (545) it was impossible to do the cataract operation. So, he was referred to Medicine department without further delay. Again, several tests were conducted as he has cases of T.B., Diabetes apart from Cataract issue. It was very time consuming as well as burnt a hole in our pocket. Once, Eney even cried in front of OPD. We had to pacify her, we told her that God will surely see our struggle and all our efforts will be worth once uncle Golmei is cured and he can stand on his feet again. We didn’t give up and keeping moving forward no matter what the obstacles were. All he ever wanted is to get his eyesight back and start working again to keep food on table for his family. Now, we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. His health is improving after medication and once the blood sugar is down, his eyes will be operated so that he can get back his vision. That day is not far.

Would like to thank all our team members for their continuous sacrifices for the welfare of our society.

Special thanks to:

Dr. Bhimo, Director, JNIMS for your support towards the treatment.

Dr Geet Elangbam,Sydney, Australia; for supporting us with your generous donations.

Dr Freny Lourembam,Kwakeithel; for your generous donations and unending support towards the treatment.

Angom Dayabati, Jalahalli,Bangalore; for your generous donation.

Pabung Nilakamal or Kakching Kamal(65 yrs) sumang lila gi saknairaba artist Amani. Mahakna lila kayada fajaba performanc...

Pabung Nilakamal or Kakching Kamal(65 yrs) sumang lila gi saknairaba artist Amani. Mahakna lila kayada fajaba performance kaya piduna miyam gi seba touduna lakli. Laibak thibadagi miyam gi seba leptana toujaramba pabungi kidney animak fail oirakhi. Pabung Kakching Kunou Angom Leikai dagini, mahaki macha 7, nupa 4, nupi 5 ni. Pabungna Lila da act tourakpa paisa kharaduna emung manung gi chakhum mei mutanaba hotnaduna lakhibani adubu anaba yaosanlakpadei kham thengna waba hourakhi, houjik awaba kaya mayoknari. Paisa leitabana matam chana layengduna yengthokpasi ngamkhidey haina mahaki loinabi Chaoba na thamoi sokna tamakhi. Condition na lusanlaklabada mingondagi sel puduna layengba hourakhi adubu kayam kuina mingondagi puba yagani? hidak leibadada paisa yamna haijankhrey, makha tanasu changadaba yamna watli. Young Guardians of Manipur na artist pu awangba thakta thamjei, eikhoi gi member singna chatuna yengsanlubada awaba kari kaya ama lirakhi ema Chaobana. Yamnamak chaona mateng pangba ngamdrabasu eikhoina angamba khara khainajaduna Pabung Nilakamal gi damak monetary donation toujaramkhi. Pabungbu thuna faduna miyamgi amuk seba toubirmanaba haijakhi.
Pukchel chaoraba echil enao mayamda pabungi mateng pangbinaba haijari. Pabung bu amuk hana athubada seba touba ngamhansi.
Contact info:
Medicine ward, unit-2, bed-16
9856894530- Chaoba(Wife)
8787527677-(Maya nupa).
YGM updates: Houjik eikhoi project 2 paikhatchari. Matam changba project oibana tha 2 mamangadagi kanna hotnajari,


Brahmapur Aribam Leikai(Bamon Leikai)

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 9pm
Tuesday 8am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8am - 9pm
Saturday 8am - 9pm
Sunday 8am - 9pm





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