It is a platform for promising, young artists who can seize the chance of performing on stage. For singers and dancers, it will be a unique and an amazing space. The participants coming from far-flung places all over India will get a golden opportunity to discover their talents that remain unrecognized and unutilized. With a view to unleashing their latent talents, Indian Entertainment League faci
litates the creation of a platform where the participants explore and reveal their talents for outward appreciation. IEL has been given green signal from Crescent Cricket Cup after the grand success of its events since 2011. The plan for instituting IEL was envisaged by Mohammed Shakeel Shafi, Chairman of Crescent Cricket Cup. Now, this plan will materialize soon with the coming together of performers, judges, and audiences on a single platform. It’s a two level competition, for the first level participants are selected through audition, and then for the second level winners from the first level compete with state-level winners. The competitions will eventually get tougher but the performers have to keep their enthusiasm and determination alive. With power-packed performances, the excitement and thrill get intense and deeper in the course of the competition. Apart from organizing its own talent-hunt shows, IEL also specializes in providing tailored services to its customers who look out for young performers for their forthcoming events. IEL, a show that is one of a kind, encourages youngsters to succeed. It extends a chance, an opportunity and an occasion to move your step together with celebrities. It architects the possibility to show your talent to the judges. Here, every step brings you closer to your dream of performing on stage and meeting eminent people in the field of entertainment. It gives you the prospect of transforming your hidden talents into a realistic experience, a memorable event that could be a major turning point for the aspiring performers. Dance the Dream and Sing the Success!