Based in Hyderabad, Telangana, Vicky Martin Singh's journey is a remarkable story of passion, dedication, and the desire to make a meaningful impact on society. Born on November 1, 1995, Vicky Martin Singh's early interest in technology led him to become a cybersecurity expert. His knowledge in this area is profound, and he has dedicated himself to educating the public on digital safety through hi
s YouTube channel "Talent Buddy" and Instagram. His content demystifies complex cybersecurity concepts, making them accessible to a wide audience and empowering individuals to protect their online presence. Vicky Martin Singh's artistic side is equally impressive. As a musician and poet, he explores the depths of human emotion and experience, creating works that resonate with people across different backgrounds. His music, encompassing both Hindi and English, showcases his versatility and deep connection to the cultural fabric of India. As a public speaker, Vicky Martin Singh captivates his audience with his insights on cybersecurity, legal advice, and societal issues. His speeches are not only informative but also motivational, inspiring listeners to take action and make positive changes in their lives and communities.