Janata Curfew in Mumbai
#India being a 3rd world country, having the 2ng highest population in the world, a population density of 382 person/sq km. We are having a curfew which almost all of the people are following. Putting 1st world countries to shame.
Thats how we go downstairs
Thats how we go downstairs
A bug has been founded - Firefox
A bug has been founded - Firefox
We are actually some kind of "bacteria" that form part of something bigger
We are actually some kind of "bacteria" that form part of something bigger...
Happy New Year Neighbour!!! (7 seconds)
Happy #NewYear Neighbour!!! (7 seconds)
Darude Sandstorm played with pens
#Darude #Sandstorm played with #pens
There is always that unlucky friend
There is always that #unlucky #friend
Painting hidden in gilt edges of rare book
#Painting hidden in gilt edges of rare #book
He was waiting for this moment his whole life
He was #waiting for this #moment his whole #life
7 foot 7 guy playing basketball..
.imagine sitting behind him at #cinema
Low budget radar
Low #budget #radar