লাভজনক ব্যৱসায় Part-1
#trendingbusiness2024 #newbusinessideas
গা ধোৱা চাবোন ঘৰতে কেনেকৈ বনাই। One day Handmade Harbel Soap Tranning Workshop At Assam
Gharote kanakoy Gaa dhua sabon bonab
ঘৰৰ পৰাই কেনেকৈ গা ধোৱা চাবোন বনাই ব্যৱসায় আৰম্ভনি কৰিব? Homemade Soap making workshop at Guwahati,Assam
Contact no-7002588336/602062628
ঘৰত গা ধোৱা চাবোন বনাব শিকিব বিচাৰিছে যদি এতিয়াই Call Korok- 7002588336.... Tranning ৰ পাছত চাৰ্টিফিকেট লাভ কৰিব।
#soapmaking #soapmakingworkshop #homemadesoap #womensupportingwomen
Navi-Tech F-04 HIGH SPEED MACHINE...Made in Vietnam Machine.... Buyback Agreement 🤝 Coustomer Postive Feedback🎯📈 #Buyback #agarbatti_incense_sticks #agarbattibusiness #lowinvestment #homebusinessopportunity
How To Start a Home Cleaning Manufacturing Products Business ...All Raw Materials Available....
Office Address - Beltola, Guwahati, Assam
#floorcleaningsolutions #lowinvestmenthighreturns #phenyl #cleaningindustry #lowinvestment #cleaningproducts #floorcleaner
How to Start Cleaning Products Industry From Home Without Any Machine #lowinvestment #lowinvestmentbusinessideas #lowinvestmenthighreturns #cleaningproducts #cleaningindustry #phenyl #floorcleaningsolutions #toiletcleaner
Automatic Roti Making Machine for Dhaba, Restuarant Owners #rotimakermachine #RotiMachine #assamesereels
উদ্দ্যোগ আৰম্ভনি কৰাৰ আগতে কি কি Certificate উলিয়াব লাগে।।ISO Certificate কেনেকৈ বনাব,কিমান খৰছ হব। MSME Certificate in Assamese
#MSMERegistration #ISOCertification #newbusiness #marketing #importantdocuments #UdyogAadhar #phenyl
Marketing strategy for small Business
Assam Business Academy
Karindra Kumar Saikia
#marketing #marketingtips #MarketingStrategy #newbusiness
cleaning product making and distribution business
মাত্ৰ 5999/- টকাৰে আৰম্ভ কৰক ফেনাইল উদ্দ্যোগ// ঘৰতে পানী মিহলি কৰক আৰু লাখ টকা উপাৰ্জন কৰক//
White Phenyl making process in Assam। How to Make White phenyl in Home ।।।
office address- House no 11,Santi path,near jayanagar chariali,Guwahati,Assam,781028
Dhupbatti making machine
#dhupbatti #lowinvestmentbusiness #machine #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness #dhoopbatti #dhoop #newbusinessideas