Sikkim Chronicle

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    Sonu Nigam is cancelled due to low turnout. All refunds will be processed within 7 working days from Paytm Insider a...

Sonu Nigam is cancelled due to low turnout. All refunds will be processed within 7 working days from Paytm Insider and Inconvenience Regretted.

  I प्रेस विज्ञप्ति I SDF  "स्थापना दिवसमा मुख्यमन्त्रीले गरेका घोषणा हावा मीठाई मात्र " एसकेएम पार्टीको १२औं स्थापना दि...

I प्रेस विज्ञप्ति I SDF

"स्थापना दिवसमा मुख्यमन्त्रीले गरेका घोषणा हावा मीठाई मात्र "

एसकेएम पार्टीको १२औं स्थापना दिवसको कथित सफलतालाई लिएर जारी गरेको प्रेस विज्ञप्तिअनुसार १२ औं स्थापना दिवसमा आएको जनताको भीड देखेर एसकेएम पार्टीले जनतालाई दिएको बारम्बारको धोका र उनीहरुले बाँड्दै आएका हावा मिठाईको पोल छोपिएको उनीहरुले महशुस गरिरहेका छन्। आफ्ना कुकर्म र सिक्किमविरोधी गतिविधि ढाकछोप गर्न जबर्जस्ति जुटाएको भीडले २०२४ को वैतरणी तर्ने उनीहरुको दिवासपना खोलाको गीत जस्तै हुनेछ।

बजेटको व्यापक दुरुपयोग, सरकारी श्रीसमम्पत्तिको बेचबिखन, प्रशासन र व्यावस्थाको दुरुपयोग र पार्टीकरण, हत्याहिंसाको राजकायम, कानुन व्यवस्थाको उलंघन, सिक्किमेली जनताको टाउकोमा बोकाएको अधिक ऋणको बोझ, सिक्किमेको अधिकार र पहिचानलाई समाप्त पारी बाहिरका शक्तिलाई हस्तान्तरण, सिक्किमले प्राप्त गरेको विशेष संवैधानिक अधिकारको तरलीकरण, इक्विटी शेयर र उद्योगधन्दाको बिक्री आदिजस्ता सिक्किमविरोधी काम गरिसकेर जबर्जस्ति जनता थुपारेर आफ्नो पाखण्डी अनुहार छोप्ने एसकेएमको षड्यन्त्र जनताले २०२४ मा ब्यालेट पेपर र भोटिङ मेसिनमा दिनेछन्। जनभेलाका निम्ति एसकेएम पार्टीले के र कति अभ्यास गर्‍यो भन्ने कुरा सर्वविदितै छ। भीड जुटाएर आफ्नो सत्ताको घमण्ड प्रस्तुत गर्नु लोकतन्त्रले सधैंभरि पचाइरहने कुरा होइन।

स्मरणरहोस्, आशा, आँगनबाडी, एडहक एमआर, ओएफओजे कर्मचारी, नरेगा कामदार र अन्य सरकारी कर्मचारी गरी जम्मा 80 प्रतिशत नोकरी छुट्टी हुन्छ भनी धम्काएर बोलाएका, राज्य बाहिरबाट लगभग 10 प्रतिशत र रहल सहुलियतको लोभ देखाएर जबर्जस्ती जुटाइएको सामान्य जनभेला देखाएर एकलाखको डिङ हाँक्नु पनि पराजित मानसिकताबाट उब्जिएको त्रास मात्र हो।

फरेबी चरित्र भएको एसकेएम पार्टीले आजसम्म सिक्किमे जनतालाई ढाट्ने, झुक्याउने, भ्रममा पार्ने मात्र काम गर्दै आएको छ। त्यतिले पनि नभएर जनतामा डर, धम्की, लोभ-लालच र त्रसित बनाएर उनीहरुले भीड जम्मा गर्ने गरेका छन्। उनीहरुको यही नै राजनैतिक आदर्श पनि हो।

भीड र जनताबीचको अन्तर छुट्याउन नसक्ने अराजक र विवेकशुन्य एसकेएमले आफ्नो जमिनीस्तरको राजनीतिलाई बुझोस् र डिङ हाँक्ने काम नगरोस् भन्ने एसडीएफ सुझाव दिन चाहन्छ।

कृष्ण खरेल
उपाध्यक्ष, प्रचार-प्रसार मामिला

  I प्रेस विज्ञप्ति I SKM पवन चामलिङको उडन्ते कुराले जनतालाई भुल्याउन सक्दैन । गत 21 दिसम्बर 2023 को रोलु दिवसमा र गत 4 ...

I प्रेस विज्ञप्ति I SKM

पवन चामलिङको उडन्ते कुराले जनतालाई भुल्याउन सक्दैन । गत 21 दिसम्बर 2023 को रोलु दिवसमा र गत 4 फरवरी 2024 को सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टीको १२ औं स्थापना दिवसमा उर्लेको जनताको समर्थन देखेर असन्तुलित मस्तिष्क बोकेर यो पटकको चुनाव सिक्किम सुरक्षित राख्ने अवसर हो भन्नु नै पवन चामलिङको राजनीति सकिएको प्रमाण हो । पच्चीस वर्ष आफ्नो सत्ताभरि मोज मजा र मस्ती गरेका चामलिङले आफ्नो सत्ताकालमा बिगारेका कामहरूको ढाकछोप गर्न अहिले जनतामा भावनाका गोटी चाल्दैछन् । सिक्किमे जनताले अब फेरि एसडीएफ पार्टीलाई सरकारमा ल्याउने भुल गर्दैनन् । 1993 मा जनताका घर घरमा मुसो बनेर छिरेका चामलिङ 2019 मा आइपुग्दा कसरी बाघ बनेका थिए त्यो सबैलाई थाहा छ अनि उनी अवसर हातमा आउने बित्तिकै कसरी रङ्ग फेर्छन् त्यो पनि जनता जान्दछन् ।
सिक्किम केवल पवन चामलिङको बीरता होइन भन्ने उनले बुझुन् ।सिक्किमलाई कसरी सुनौलो सिक्किम अनि समृद्ध सिक्किममा परिणत गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने सोंच लिएर सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टी अघि आएको छ । हामी भावनामा डुबाएर यथार्थ छोप्न चाहदैनौं । सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टी सपनामा होइन यथार्थमा विश्वास राख्ने पार्टी हो । जनताका अघि उभिएर गोहीका आँसु खसाल्दैमा अबका जनता दिशा भ्रमित हुँदैनन् भन्ने एसडीएफ प्रमुख तथा पवन चामलिङले बुझुन् । नारीहरूभित्रको प्रकृतिमाथि गरिएको उपहास सिक्किमे नारीहरूको कानमा मात्रै होइन छिमेकी राज्यका नारीहरूका कानमासम्म दर्दालु बनेको एसडीएफले बिर्सन हुँदैन । कीर्ते पर्चाको खेला गरेर आपस्तको साइनो भत्काइदिएको इतिहास यत्ति चाँडै मरेको छैन र मर्ने छैन। जातीय सद्भावनाको पर्खाल भत्काइदिएर सत्ता चढेका चामलिङले अब के बचाउन खोज्छन् जबकि उनले सिक्किमेहरूले लाएको आपस्तको मितेरी साइनो नै भत्काइदिए। नारीहरूको अस्मिताको पर्खाल नै लडाइदिएपछि अब के बचाउन खोज्छन् ? आफ्नो पच्चीस वर्षको सताभरि नै विदेशीको कलंक बोकेर नेपाली जातिले बाँच्नुपऱ्यो । पच्चीसै वर्ष कलंकको भारी विवश बनेर बोक्दा रत्तिभर भावना नपलाएको त्यो मनले आज कसरी सिक्किम बचाउने र आउँदो चुनाउ सिक्किम बचाउने अवसरको कुरा गर्छन् ? अब के बचाउन खोज्छन् ?
बिग्रेको भए एउटा विधायकले त्यसको विरोध विधानसभाभित्र गर्छ । आफ्नो सत्ता रहुञ्जेल र सदनको नेता हुञ्जेल मात्रै बाघ हुने र सत्ताबाट बाहिरिएपछि गोहीका आँसु झार्दै बचाउको कुरा गर्नु बहादुर नेताको परिभाषाभित्र पर्दैन। बहादुर त त्यो हो जो सत्तामा होस् या नहोस् जनताको पक्षमा वकालत गरिरहन्छ । पाँच वर्षको कार्यकालमा सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टीले कति काम गरेको छ त्यो देखेर पनि देखें भन्न नसकिरहेका एसडीएफका नेताले बितेको पाँच वर्षलाई कालो काल भनुन् या रातो कुनै फरक पर्दैन, किनकि सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टीको सरकारले गरेको कामको जवाफ हो रोलु दिवस र 12 औं स्थापना दिवसको भीड़। निर्दलीय पञ्चायतहरूलाई घरको न घाटको बनाउँछु भन्ने नेताले पञ्चायतहरुको दुख कहिल्यै नदेख्नु , आफू र आफन्तको गोजी भरेर चैनको निद्रा निदाउने एसडीएफका नेताबाट पञ्चायतहरूको स्वविवेकी कोषको त परै जाओस् मासिक भत्तासम्म बढ़ाउने किन कुरा उठेन ? ओएफओजेका भाइ-बहिनीहरूलाई भोटको हतियार बनाएर उनीहरूको भविष्य खत्तम पारिदिने पवन चामलिङले आज सिक्किम कुन आधारमा बचाउने कुरा गर्दैछन् ? उनकै तानाशाही गोलीको सिकार बनेका सिक्किमेहरू वर्तमान सरकारको सहयोग र भरोसामा उठ्न लागेको देखेर आँखा जलेका पवन चामलिङले अब के बचाउन चाहन्छन ? परिवार ? आफन्त ? साला सालीहरु ? सिक्किमको अस्तित्व कसले खतरामा पाऱ्यो त्यो जनतालाई थाहा छ । आज दोष सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टीको टाउकोमा थुपारेर आफू पानीमाथिको ओभानो हुने काम नगरून् भन्ने सुझाव छ ।
पवन चामलिङको सत्ताकालमा अस्थायी कर्मचारीहरुले कति साल स्थायीकरणको निम्ति घुँडा टेक्नुपऱ्यो त्यसको जवाफ होला ? पच्चीस साल एकलै मुख्यमन्त्री बनेका चामलिङले के अस्थायी कर्मचारीलाई स्थायी गर्ने पोलिसी बनाए? पच्चीस साल त्यो मुख्यमन्त्रीको कुर्सीमा एकलै ढलिमली गरेका पवन चामलिङलाई शीतकालीन बिदा लगत्तै स्कूल खोलिएकै दिन विद्यार्थीमा पुस्तक र खाता पुग्नुपर्छ भन्ने किन सोंच आएन ? मर्न त त्यहाँ पो मरेका थिए त विद्यार्थीहरू ।
यसैले, खोटाङको सपना बोकेर सिक्किम बचाउने कुरा गर्नु लाजको विषय हो ठान्छ सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टी । हामी सपना होइन सुनौलो सिक्किम र समृद्ध सिक्किमको परिकल्पना बोकेर आएका छौं । हामीलाई पनि सिक्किमको माया छ । पवन चामलिङले गोहीका आँसु खसालेर जनतालाई भावनाको दहमा डुबाएर सिक्किम बचाउने र अन्तिम अवसरका फोस्रो कुरा गर्छन् भने सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टी आउँदो चुनाउमा एसडीएफ पार्टीलाई पराजित गरेर पुनः मितेरीको साइनो गाँस्दै गाँस्दै सुनौलो सिक्किम समृद्ध सिक्किम निर्माण गर्नपट्टि लाग्नेछ ।

सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा

  I प्रेस विज्ञप्ति I SDF “जनवादी नेता श्री पवन चामलिङ र एसडीएफ पार्टी राज्यवासीको कल्याण, सुरक्षाका लागि सदैव प्रतिबद्ध...

I प्रेस विज्ञप्ति I SDF

“जनवादी नेता श्री पवन चामलिङ र एसडीएफ पार्टी राज्यवासीको कल्याण, सुरक्षाका लागि सदैव प्रतिबद्ध"

हालै केन्द्र सरकारले वित्त वर्ष 2024-25-को आफ्नो अन्तरिम बजेटमा सर्भाइकल क्यान्सरको रोगथामका लागि एचभीपी खोपलाई कम मूल्य 200 देखि 250 रुपियाँमा किशोरीहरूका लागि उपलब्ध गराउने निर्णय गरेको छ। एउटा जिम्मेवार राजनीतिक दलको रूपमा सिक्किम डेमोक्रेटिक फ्रण्ट (एसडीएफ)- केन्द्र सरकारको यस निर्णयको स्वागत गर्दै केन्द्रिय वित्त मन्त्री श्रीमती निर्मला सीतारमनप्रति धन्यवाद प्रकट गर्दछ।

स्मरणरहोस्, एसडीएफ सरकारले सन् 2018 –मा सिक्किममा सर्भाइकल क्यान्सरको रोकथामका लागि एचभीपी टीकाकरण कार्यक्रम निशुल्क शुरु गरेको थियो। स्कूल टीकाकरण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत एसडीएफ सरकारले सन् 2018-मा लगभग 25 हजारलाई यो खोप निशुल्क लगाइसकेको छ। एसडीएफ पार्टी अध्यक्ष एवम् तत्कालीन मुख्यमन्त्री श्री पवन चामलिङको दुरदर्शी सोचका कारण सिक्किमले देशमा पहिलोपल्ट एचभीपी टीकाकरण कार्यक्रम शुरु गरेको सर्वविदित विषय हो।

एसडीएफ सरकारकालमा राज्य र राज्यवासीको हीतलाई उच्च प्राथमिकता दिएर शुरु गरिएका यस्ता धेरै कार्यक्रम र योजनाहरूलाई राष्ट्रिय एवम् अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा प्रशंसा र स्वागत भएको छ। यसमा जैविक अभियान प्रमुख मानिन्छ।

जनवादी नेता श्री पवन चामलिङ र एसडीएफ पार्टी राज्यवासीको कल्याण, सुरक्षाका लागि सदैव प्रतिबद्ध छ।

बन्दना शर्मा
सिक्किम डेमोक्रेटिक फ्रण्ट।


CM PS Tamang lays the foundation stone of Limboo Bhawan at Singtam

Singling make a comeback after trailing by a goal, thanks to an Uttam Rai penalty who went on to claim the Man of the Ma...

Singling make a comeback after trailing by a goal, thanks to an Uttam Rai penalty who went on to claim the Man of the Match award, and a slight tactical tweak from the manager handed Red Panda FC a 2-1 defeat at home in Bhaichung Stadium, Namchi.

Matchday 3, Sikkim Premier League 2024Sikkim Dragons see off Aakraman SC in a close encounter at Paljor Stadium scoring ...

Matchday 3, Sikkim Premier League 2024

Sikkim Dragons see off Aakraman SC in a close encounter at Paljor Stadium scoring 02 goals against 01

    Lhasso! Fyapulla Sonam Lochhar Celebration committee cordially invites all to attend State Level Sonam Lochhar celeb...

Lhasso! Fyapulla

Sonam Lochhar Celebration committee cordially invites all to attend State Level Sonam Lochhar celebration at Melli, Namchi District on 14th Feb 2024, 8AM onwards

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri. Prem Singh Tamang will grace the celebration event as the Chief Guest.


Directorate of Fisheries, GoS, organises Matsya Sampada Jagrukta Abhiyan for fish farmers of Gangtok, Pakyong, and Mangan Districts at Chintan Bhawan.

Dr. Sharman Rai, Secretary of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, who chaired the event as the chief guest, stated that the objective of the event is to educate fish farmers about the conservation and commercialization of fish production.


Sikkim Kalakar Bharosa Sammeln to be held at Manan Kendra on Feb 27-28

Public Notice| SNT Division, Department of Transport, GoS

Public Notice| SNT Division, Department of Transport, GoS

SSP Tenzing Loden Lepcha IPS this forenoon has relinquished his charge as SSP Gangtok District,SSP Karma Gyamtso Bhutia ...

SSP Tenzing Loden Lepcha IPS this forenoon has relinquished his charge as SSP Gangtok District,
SSP Karma Gyamtso Bhutia relinquishing the charge as SSP Pakyong have taken over the Charge as SSP Gangtok District.
SSPTenzing Loden Lepcha has been posted as SSP Pakyong District.

  I PRESS RELEASE I CAP                                                            Subject: Decision of Sikkim State Cab...


Subject: Decision of Sikkim State Cabinet on disinvestment of a power utility company, the Sikkim Urja Limited - an urgent need to bring out transparency in the matter.

Citizen Action Party-Sikkim is highly concerned with the sudden and a hurried decision of the state Cabinet to disinvest one of the biggest power utility company of Sikkim, the Sikkim Urja Limited.

We are equally disturbed by the timing of the sell-out decision on the shares of the Government of Sikkim-owned Sikkim Power Investment Corporation Limited (SPICL) and wish to express our deep concern and anguish especially considering the high economic implications that might arise on the state of Sikkim, which is already reeling under heavy economic downturn.

We the Citizen Action Party is of the view that, the decision for complete sell out of the state asset of this magnitude of Rs 13,965 crores warrants critical examination, considering all aspects of project revival, option for complete takeover by the state government etc.,

It is understood that Sikkim Urja Limited remains fully insured, with a total sum assured of Rs 11,400 crore, and the insurance claim is already under process. However, the complexity of the claim demands careful attention by the stakeholders. Whereas Sikkim govt. being the majority shareholder with 60.08% share, insurance compensation, is also likely to be in line with its shareholding. Therefore, going by valuation of total project cost, compensation equivalent to its shareholding works out to Rs 8,228 Crores. Therefore transfer of government owned SPICL shares to M/s Greenco energy pvt. Ltd. Evenn before settlement of the insurance claim, will completely relinquish rights of SPICL in favour of private company M/s Greenco Energies Private Limited (GEPL).

Further cessation of power generation by SUL will also impact the capacity of the government to generate much needed revenue and push Sikkim under further financial strain, leading to substantial loss of potential income.

Therefore, the options and strategies that were adopted and explored by the state government before concluding to decide on the option for divestment of the state's assets have to be disclosed. Also, whether the loss assessors and financial consultants were deployed for arriving at the Cabinet decision, it has to be disclosed for us to have a thorough assessment and deliberation in the matter.

Whereas, in absence of clarity as above, it us natural that the Citizen Action Party has doubts on the economic wisdom of the current dispensation in arriving at a decision to sell its stake in a fully insured project which has a long term potential to generate Y-O-Y revenue for the state of Sikkim.

Citizen Action Party-Sikkim therefore calls for an independent review on the disinvestment process, including the methodology adopted for valuation of the project and economic impact that is likely on revenue generating potential of Sikkim State. Also, CAP-Sikkim strives for a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive Sikkim and shall always remain fully committed to safeguarding the interest of Sikkim and welfare of Sikkimese Citizens. Keeping in view our policies, ideology, promoting transparency and accountability, we respectfully urge the government of Sikkim, to address the aforementioned concerns promptly and come out with complete transparently in the matter.

(T.R. Nepal)
Citizen Action Party-Sikkim

Indian Musicians Zakir Hussain, Shankar Mahadevan wins Grammy "This Moment", the third studio album of fusion band Shakt...

Indian Musicians Zakir Hussain, Shankar Mahadevan wins Grammy

"This Moment", the third studio album of fusion band Shakti featuring guitarist John McLaughlin, percussionist Zakir Hussain, Selvaganesh Vinayakram, violinist Ganesh Rajagopalan and vocalist Shankar Mahadevan has won Grammys on Monday.

The band was awarded in "Best Global Music Album" category during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards 2024 held at Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, legendary classical table player Zakir Hussain won "Best Global Music Performance" Grammy for "Pashto" along with Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer, featuring Rakesh Chaurasia.

Padma Shri awardee Jorden Lepcha felicitated by Yakthung Tonjo Songjumbho The Yakthung Tonjo Songjumbho on occasion of F...

Padma Shri awardee Jorden Lepcha felicitated by Yakthung Tonjo Songjumbho

The Yakthung Tonjo Songjumbho on occasion of Foundation stone laying ceremony of Limboo Bhawan, felicitates Padma Shri awardee Jorden Lepcha on Tuesday.

Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang handed over the felicitation.

50 year old craftsman Jorden Lepcha from Mangan was recently named for Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian honour, in Art (Craft - Bamboo) category for "preserving the traditional Lepcha hats of Sikkim" for the last 25 years.

SIKKIM MP (RAJYA SABHA) raises Connectivity issues of Lachen, North Sikkim with CentreShri Hishey Lachungpa calls on Shr...

SIKKIM MP (RAJYA SABHA) raises Connectivity issues of Lachen, North Sikkim with Centre

Shri Hishey Lachungpa calls on Shri Rajnath Singh, Hon'ble Union Defence Minster to appraise the Ministry regarding cut off connectivity from Chungthang to Lachen due to GLOF and seek Ministry's early intervention so that Public and Defence personnel get restored road connectivity at the earliest.

The border village is still cut off despite four months since GLOF.

The Hon'ble Union Minister has expresesed his willingliness to seriously pursue the matter on priority basis.

CM PS Tamang lays the foundation stone of Limboo Bhawan at SingtamSikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang on Tuesday has...

CM PS Tamang lays the foundation stone of Limboo Bhawan at Singtam

Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang on Tuesday has laid the foundation stone of Limboo Bhawan at Singtam, Gangtok District.

He was accompanied by Ministers Sonam Lama, Bishnu K Khatiwara and LB Das.


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    AKRS youth wings present1st North East India and Himalayan Region Kirawa Khannupa Khannuma 2024Miss Rai and Mr RaiLa...

AKRS youth wings present

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चार वर्ष नाघेका सबै सरकारी कर्मचारीहरु अब रेगुलर हुने, आउँदो फेब्रुअरी ९ तारिख आधिकारिक नोटिफिकेसन रमफूमा जारी गर्ने मुख्यमन्त्रीको घोषणा




Mr. Premius Bhutia's journey from darkness to light inspires us all. Let's run together, breaking the stigma and promoting a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle.



A man steals money box from a ration shop at Dara Goan on Monday evening. Police complaint lodged.


An Appeal by Yakthung Tonjo Songjumbho regarding the laying of the foundation stone of new limbo Bhawan at Singtam

  | Transformative Spectacle in Gangtok: Period Fest and Pad Yatra Revolutionize Menstrual Health Awareness In an unprec...


Transformative Spectacle in Gangtok: Period Fest and Pad Yatra Revolutionize Menstrual Health Awareness

In an unprecedented alliance, Menstrual Health and Awareness Day on February 5 witnessed a groundbreaking spectacle in Gangtok.

The Government of Sikkim's Education Department partnered with the Delhi-based organization Sachhi Saheli, a strong advocate for menstrual health since 2016. Dedicated to empowering adolescents with knowledge on Menstrual Health & Hygiene and breaking the silence and stigma around periods, they co-led a transformative event – "Period Fest" and "Pad Yatra." The Education Department of Sikkim has long prioritized menstrual health, exemplified by initiatives like the "Bahini Scheme," providing free sanitary pads to girls from class 9th to 12th. This progressive step not only opens up the conversation around menstrual health but also recognizes the significance of ensuring access to sanitary pads, a crucial factor in reducing school dropouts.

The event has the dynamic "Pad Yatra," a spirited rally featuring over 550 students from 11 government schools. Flagged off by Ms. Chimmi Donka Denzongpa, Joint Director( DEO) The march was taken out from Manan Kendra to Zero point, symbolizing a collective voice against the pervasive silence and taboos surrounding menstruation. Infusing a musical rhythm, the award winning girl band from Govt. Sr Sec School, Deorali, added vibrancy to the yatra, amplifying the call for normalizing conversations around periods. The yatra's primary focus was to sensitize the masses and liberate participants, emphasizing the importance of breaking silence around menstruation.
At the heart of the event, in Manan Kendra, Sikkim’s groundbreaking "Period Fest" unfolded, graced by Chief Guest Ms. Sumita Pradhan, Education Secretary, Department of Education (Govt. of Sikkim), and guest of honor Mr. Sonam Denzongpa, along with Special Guest Mr. Abhijeet R Patil and officials from various government departments. The fest strategically aimed at dismantling societal barriers and fostering mass awareness to destigmatize this natural biological process. Government officials demonstrated robust support for the cause, as Mr. Abhijeet Patel shared his initial reservations, later expressing astonishment at the diverse significance of periods, inspired by his wife's encouragement. He remarked that the event provided him insights into various aspects of periods. Ms. Sumita Pradhan underscored the importance of periods as a signal of readiness for pregnancy, emphasizing the necessity for accurate knowledge among girls. She added that initiatives like the Bahini Scheme aim to ensure that girls don't compromise their education and stressed the importance of proper hygiene materials. Ms. Pradhan highlighted that the fest serves as a platform to promote awareness on a large scale.
Dr. Surbhi Singh, President of Sachhi Saheli, added her invaluable expertise, stating, "Periods are nothing to be scared and ashamed of; if girls do not have periods, the whole human existence will be stopped, and we will become extinct like dinosaurs." Her storytelling approach proved motivating for students, conveying that periods are not impure, echoing the rallying cry "abpatachalnedo." "The Period Fest" showcased meticulously designed activities and games aimed at imparting knowledge about menstrual health and hygiene in an engaging format. Students expressed their commitment to the cause through thought-provoking poems dedicated to menstrual health & hygiene.
The event's highlight was Mr. Yigael Chettri from Rainbow hills welfare Association and Humsafar Trust, who provided insights on a crucial aspect often overlooked: "Not all who bleed are women." This message sensitized students and the entire community, emphasizing that menstruation is not an experience limited to women and girls but a collective experience for menstruators who need a safe space.
In conclusion, the event marked a remarkable transformation in the atmosphere, with a powerful wave of change and empowerment echoing through the students as they united in the spirited chant of . Their enthusiastic participation not only showcased their keen interest but also underscored the importance of open discussions about periods. It became evident that a profound shift had occurred within these students, leaving them not only with newfound confidence and joyful memories but also equipped with essential knowledge about periods. Noteworthy was the inclusive participation of boys, emphasizing their recognition of the significance of understanding this aspect and standing as supportive pillars alongside their female counterparts. The event concluded on a high note, symbolizing a step towards breaking barriers and fostering a more enlightened and supportive community.



CM meets Teesta Flash Flood victims, distributes relief materials and financial aids

Organising Committee of Sikkim Kalakar Bharosa Sammelan call on Chief Minister Gangtok, Feb 5 (IPR): The organising comm...

Organising Committee of Sikkim Kalakar Bharosa Sammelan call on Chief Minister

Gangtok, Feb 5 (IPR): The organising committee of Sikkim Kalakar Bharosa Sammelan 2024 called on Chief Minister Mr Prem Singh Tamang at his official residence, Mintokgang today.

The Chief Minister unveiled the poster and the mascot ‘Duk’ of the event. Scheduled to be held later this month, the event is being organised by VOICE and SDSA, under the theme 'Recognising Sikkim’s Artistic Kaleidoscope'.

Extending his best wishes to the organising team, the Chief Minister acknowledged that the presence of Duk resonates with the idea of overcoming obstacles. In the same way, the event should allow artistes and attendees to experience the safe haven of the protector which provides peace and happiness amid the vibrant festivities, he shared.

According to the organisers, the event aims to recognise and honour all the artistes of Sikkim who have been unrecognised for a long time. The two-day event also aims to apprise the Chief Minister about the issues of artistes in the State, and seek his guidance and support.

Chief Minister distributes relief cheques to people of Singtam affected by the October flash floodsGangtok, Feb 5 (IPR):...

Chief Minister distributes relief cheques to people of Singtam affected by the October flash floods

Gangtok, Feb 5 (IPR): Chief Minister Mr Prem Singh Tamang distributed cheques to the affected families who suffered property and other damages during the devastating flash floods of 4th October 2023, here at Government Senior Secondary School, Singtam today.

A total of 798 cheques were handed over to the beneficiaries which included the recent fire incident victims, student scholarships, damaged compensation to the victims of Aap Dara and Zang village alongside the victims of the flash flood.

The Chief Minister in his address assured of constructing houses under Sikkim Punar Awas Yojana (SPAY) for the victims whose houses have been totally damaged or washed away by the flash floods. In addition he also reiterated that the compensation for the rent will be provided to the victims and assured of constructing Janta Housing Colony where no rent will be charged for three years.

The Chief Minister also stated support for recent fire victims near Lall Bajar Singtam. He assured of constructing houses under Sikkim Urban Garib Awas Yojana (SUGAY) to the affected individuals whose houses have been severely damaged by the fire.

The Chief Minister handed over cheque of Rs 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand) each to 35 vendors whose shops were affected by the fire.

During the course of the programme, the Chief Minister distributed scholarship through Chief Minister Discretionary Grant to college and university students.

Mr Tushar Nikhare, DC Gangtok, in his address, thanked the Chief Minister for his prompt action in distributing relief materials to victims affected in the flash flood and the recent Singtam fire incident.

Earlier, a two-minute silence was observed in memory of those who lost their lives in the October flash flood.

On the sidelines of the relief distribution programme, the Chief Minister engaged with the students and faculty of Singtam Senior Secondary School, who had organised a surprise celebration to mark his birthday.

The programme had the presence of Madam Krishna Rai, Mr KN Lepcha, Minister, Education and Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Mr Sonam Lama, Minister RDD and Cooperation, Mr BS Panth, Minister of Tourism and IPR, Mr Bishnu Kumar Khatiwara, Minister Culture and Printing & Stationery, Mr Lok Nath Sharma, Minister, Agriculture Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Labour, Ms Raj Kumari Thapa, MLA Yangang, Mr Rohit Raj Gurung, Advisor to HCM, Mr Suresh Tamang, President Singtam Nagar Panchayat, Councillors, Dr SD Dhakal, Secretary CMO, Mr Tushar Nikhare, District Collector Gangtok, ADCs, SDM Gangtok, MEO Singtam, DPO, CMO officials and officers of line departments.


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सबै राजनितिक दलले आ आफ्नो पार्टीको मञ्चबाट पार्टीको घोषणा अनि कार्यक्रम अघि बढ़ाई रहेका छन्। एसकेएम पार्टीको 12औं स्थापना दिवसमा सिक्किमेली जनताले एसकेएम पार्टीलाई भोट गर्ने अपील मुख्यमन्त्री पी एस तामाङले गर्नु भएको छ। 2019 मा जनताको भोटले सिक्किम को विकासको दिशा बद्लिएको, जनताको भाग्य बद्लिएको मुख्यमन्त्रीले दाबी गर्नु भएको छ।

सिक्किम क्रोनिकलले 2019 को चुनाउ अघि राजनितिक दलको घोषणा अनि कार्यक्रम माथि चर्चा राख्न शुरु गरेको थियो। यसपाली पनि हामीले यो कार्य शुरु गर्ने जमर्को गरि रहेका छौं। सबै राजनितिक दलहरुले यसमा सहभागिता जनाएर आ आफ्नो पार्टीको क्रियाकलाप जनता समक्ष राख्नु हुन्छ भन्ने आशा राख्दछौं।


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