AGAINST CORRUPTION AND UNABATED TAXATION (ACAUT) cautions the public that malicious rumors and smear campaign is being directed against ACAUT Nagaland with the sole intention to discredit and malign its image by certain NPGs, organizations and people whose way of life and very survival depends uponcorruption, extortion and preservation of prevailing system.
False and malicious accusations that ACAUT is funded by the Government of India or of it being an agent of IB is an accusation that are not only totally unfounded but sinister and nothing could be further from the truth; however, such smear campaigns comes as no surprise to ACAUT, as from the very beginning of this movement, ACAUT knew that the path chosen by it would be long and arduous, that it would be up against a system that has been around for a very long time and deeply rooted in the psyche of the people.
ACAUT would like to inform the people that it's the contribution from within its members and free will donations from like-minded Nagas that have kept the movement going thus far. Therefore, any insinuations by the NPGs that the 31st October rally or the ACAUT state tour was funded by MHA or IB is a glaring admission of their intention to keep their fiefdom intact and safe and also mischievous propaganda which no public will buy unlike yesteryear.
On 31st Oct. rally many courageous and well wisher Nagas came forward to help in terms of materials with P/A systems, banners, trucks for stage, flex for signature campaing and some financial help with those support the rallay was oraganised with attendance of 40 thousand public.
On 3 phase state tour ACAUT will like to remind them that they should realised that such accusations is not directed to ACAUT alone but also an insult to whole of mass based organisations such as tribal apex bodies, apex students unison, mothers associations, youth organizations, chamber of commerce and industries, business associations who took care of our fooding, lodgings, logistics and financially contributed to the cause generously. Not forgetting our well wisher petrol pump owners who fueled our vehicles for entire tours.
It has been conscious decision of ACAUT to not go for any fund drive in spite of the severe financial crunch. It has come to the knowledge of the ACAUT that some of the NPGs held public meetings with civil society leaders of Dimapur district and hurled the above accusations against this people's movement. For the sake of taxation money, the NPGs should not resort to cheap propaganda which only highlights the immaturity of the NPGs supposedly fighting a people's cause.Since the accusations being leveled against the ACAUT that its members have become crorepattis driving expensive cars being very serious-- which in reality reflect their status and image.
Therefore ACAUT demands that:
1. All the leaders of the different NPGs should declare their assets to the Naga people, both movable and immovable.
2. Once the above is fulfilled, ACAUT Nagaland members are ready to do the same.
3. ACAUT is a transparent mass based movement open for public audit
4. Therefore, NPG's should also maintain transparency by explaining to the public as to how taxes collected from the public are utilised.
Incase the NPGs refuse to rise upto the occasion, they have no right to question ACAUT movement and how it mobilises its resources.
Once again, ACAUT assures that as long as it has the support of the people it will continue to fight for what is right and will not deviate from its course.
Media Cell (ACAUT)