Action Committee Against Unabated Taxation

Action Committee Against Unabated Taxation ACAUT Nagaland stands for AGAINST CORRUPTION AND UNABATED TAXATION.

ACAUT Nagaland is a People's Movement to check and take corrective measures on Corruption and the numerous illegal taxation in Nagaland.


AGAINST CORRUPTION AND UNABATED TAXATION (ACAUT) cautions the public that malicious rumors and smear campaign is being directed against ACAUT Nagaland with the sole intention to discredit and malign its image by certain NPGs, organizations and people whose way of life and very survival depends uponcorruption, extortion and preservation of prevailing system.
False and malicious accusations that ACAUT is funded by the Government of India or of it being an agent of IB is an accusation that are not only totally unfounded but sinister and nothing could be further from the truth; however, such smear campaigns comes as no surprise to ACAUT, as from the very beginning of this movement, ACAUT knew that the path chosen by it would be long and arduous, that it would be up against a system that has been around for a very long time and deeply rooted in the psyche of the people.
ACAUT would like to inform the people that it's the contribution from within its members and free will donations from like-minded Nagas that have kept the movement going thus far. Therefore, any insinuations by the NPGs that the 31st October rally or the ACAUT state tour was funded by MHA or IB is a glaring admission of their intention to keep their fiefdom intact and safe and also mischievous propaganda which no public will buy unlike yesteryear.
On 31st Oct. rally many courageous and well wisher Nagas came forward to help in terms of materials with P/A systems, banners, trucks for stage, flex for signature campaing and some financial help with those support the rallay was oraganised with attendance of 40 thousand public.
On 3 phase state tour ACAUT will like to remind them that they should realised that such accusations is not directed to ACAUT alone but also an insult to whole of mass based organisations such as tribal apex bodies, apex students unison, mothers associations, youth organizations, chamber of commerce and industries, business associations who took care of our fooding, lodgings, logistics and financially contributed to the cause generously. Not forgetting our well wisher petrol pump owners who fueled our vehicles for entire tours.
It has been conscious decision of ACAUT to not go for any fund drive in spite of the severe financial crunch. It has come to the knowledge of the ACAUT that some of the NPGs held public meetings with civil society leaders of Dimapur district and hurled the above accusations against this people's movement. For the sake of taxation money, the NPGs should not resort to cheap propaganda which only highlights the immaturity of the NPGs supposedly fighting a people's cause.Since the accusations being leveled against the ACAUT that its members have become crorepattis driving expensive cars being very serious-- which in reality reflect their status and image.
Therefore ACAUT demands that:
1. All the leaders of the different NPGs should declare their assets to the Naga people, both movable and immovable.
2. Once the above is fulfilled, ACAUT Nagaland members are ready to do the same.
3. ACAUT is a transparent mass based movement open for public audit
4. Therefore, NPG's should also maintain transparency by explaining to the public as to how taxes collected from the public are utilised.
Incase the NPGs refuse to rise upto the occasion, they have no right to question ACAUT movement and how it mobilises its resources.
Once again, ACAUT assures that as long as it has the support of the people it will continue to fight for what is right and will not deviate from its course.
Media Cell (ACAUT)


ACAUT is now AGAINST CORRUPTION AND UNABATED TAXATION. Sorry for the inconvenience and confusion caused. We have clarified it in the news papers and in the social medias and also in the ACAUT Page.
I in my personal capacity as the Social Media Convener of ACAUT clarify it one more time and we are still willing to do it again and again. As an anti-corruption movement we have filed two RTIs against two Government Departments which appeared in all the newspapers in Nagaland.
Please young people read the newspapers because reading is a very good habit.

Social Media Cell ACAUT Nagaland.


The ACAUT Logo controversy has to be clarified since ACAUT Nagaland is a people's movement and people's sentiments matters to us.
See ACAUT Logo competition was announced and we had to beg to people in different pages to participate. The response were tepid but finally people responded and we were very happy. We are very grateful to all of you for your enthusiastic participation.
Now, we haven't been able to monitor the logo competition properly because of the 2nd and 3rd phase district tour. Not only that four or five times a week, meetings are held. When we come home , we have to make calls or take calls. Our personal lives are no more there but we are willing to do it for the Nagas. No justification but we failed you and we apologize.
Regarding the entry after the last date of submission, one person inboxed me for which i asked for the views of my leaders. They told me to upload it since it is a people's movement and we have to be compassionate. The Logo was arduously made and it was good. So, we decided to make concessions. The logo creator has no relations with us ; none of us know him or are related to him in person. Please, let us make concession for him forhis hard work . It is a people's movement so let us be compassionate. None of us are dictators.
To be fair on everyone, the last date of voting has been extended by five days ( 20th June). Lobby for your favorite entry, may your favorite entry win. God Bless everyone and once again our deepest apologies to all.
Kevitho Kera ACAUT Social Media Convener.


Commissioner Excise apologizes
DIMAPUR, JUN 12 (NPN) :Published on 13 Jun. 2014 1:50 AM IST

Commissioner of Excise Maongwati Aier has offered apology for the “misunderstanding” with ACAUT Nagaland over the recent controversy over missing cases of IMFL that were to be destroyed.
In a letter addressed to the chairperson ACAUT, Nagaland Aier that he had cleared the May 26 destruction of confiscated IMFL kept in the malkhana of the Superintendent of Excise Dimapur as per the recommendations of the liquor destruction board. He said the destruction of seized IMFLs on May 26 was done in presence of board members, media, mass-based organizations and public.
Aier clarified that when ACAUT complained about missing IMFL consignment, he personally “enquired and verified” from Dimapur district excise office on May 27 and found that the Superintendent of Excise did not bring the entire consignment as per the claims of ACAUT. Further, Aier said he had also issued show cause notice for the lapses and apologized for the “misdeeds” of his own department. Maongwati said he was looking forward to cooperation and unity of ACAUT to “wean out” all corruption and enforce liquor prohibition in all days to come.
~~~ Nagaland Post.


Being in ACAUT Nagaland is a thankless job and at every given opportunity we are criticized. Everyone is looking for that small c***k in the armour which is understandable.
Now why we are taking up Corruption? We faced retaliation from the people we are appealing that it is the Government which is taking away the biggest share of the pie and we can't be double standard or be biased.
Case in point, in the recent 2nd phase ACAUT tour, a villager in Pfütsero retorted that in his village only 38 days of wage under MNREGA were distributed ; we all know for 100 days of work 100 days wages should be given. Now do we remain silent or turn blind to such injustice?
Now i hope you understand why we are taking up corruption too. We are taking it up on piece meal basis.


Against Corruption and Unabated Taxation Nagaland is not debating on the contentious issue of prohibition. ACAUT Nagaland is not for or against Bars and Pubs per se. ACAUT Nagaland does not care a hoot if Nagas drink or does not drink. ACAUT is not some RSS type moral policing force out to curb underage drinking, night clubs, or Valentine’s Day celebrations. ACAUT Nagaland is SIMPLY STAGGERED that 2054 bottles of IMFL/beer goes missing but the Commissioner of Excise first denies it and then accuses ACAUT of not taking their permission to count the bottles! Later, he issues a Show Cause notice asking his subordinate officer why he should not be taken to task because of the missing bottles. This very Show-cause notice is an admission that bottles indeed vanished, thereby vindicating the stand of ACAUT. Ladies and gentlemen, THIS IS CORRUPTION IN ITS TRUEST SENSE. The SIPHONING OF 30 TO 50 LAKHS WORTH OF BOOZE INTO THE BLACK MARKET IS CORRUPTION IN ITS TRUEST SENSE. ACAUT is simply saying that the Excise department should not make a mockery of the law. The law says that alcohol is prohibited in the state; therefore, it’s the duty of the department to implement the law in letter and in spirit. ACAUT is saying that the Commissioner instead of engaging ACAUT in needless media war should instead implement the law in totality and shut down those places where the LAW IS MOCKED everyday- the so-called wine shops and hotels, bars, pubs, restaurants, etc., instead of looking the other way when he has the POWER to do so. IT IS HIS JOB TO DO SO. IT IS THE JOB OF ANY COMMISSIONER TO DO SO. This Commissioner simply happened to be one Maongwati Aier at this point of time! THE DAY THAT OUR TRIBAL AFFINITY AND LOYALTY PREVENTS US FROM WALKING THE TALK SHALL BE THE DAY THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION AND UNABATED TAXATION IS BROUGHT TO A GRINDING HALT.


We need Volunteers for ACAUT Car sticker distribution right now. It is happening at the moment, Spear heads go to City Tower Junction right now. There was confusion about the date, so sorry. Am heading there now, see you there.

Social Media Cell.


Those who are interested in Car Stickers of ACAUT can come to City Tower, Dimapur with their Cars or Two wheelers . Stickers will be distributed.
Time: 7.30 a.m till 10 a.m.
Socia Media Cell.


" Requesting all young Nagas to be " Citizen Journalists". If you see corruption, please take photos from your Cell phones and post it in " Naga Spear" or ACAUT Page. If you prefer to remain anonymous, inbox me the pictures. I will be creating a Photo Album titled " Naga Citizen Journalists" where your pictures will be uploaded.
You can take picture of a Butcher using false weights or a Policeman collecting illegal taxes at Check Gates. Please do and help our Society."

By our Social Media Convener, Kevitho Kera.

Help our Naga Society please.


Consultative Body members of ACAUT Nagaland
1. Niketu Iralu : Noted intellectual, peace activist and NBCC Peace Committee member
2. Monalisa Changkija : Editor, Nagaland Page
3. Bano Haralu : Editor, Eastern Mirror
4. Rosemary Dzuvichu : Social activist, Lecturer of English, NU
5. Dr. Aotoshi : Entrepreneur, former President, CII, Nagaland chapter
6. Nyemto Konyak : Mon CCI President, social activist
7. Khekiye k. Sema : Writer, IAS (Retd)
8. Yanbemo Lotha : Asst. Pastor, Lotha Baptist Church Dimapur
The list of Consultative body members is not exhaustive. These members are a part of the ACAUT movement on the basis of their standing in society. These are some of the individuals who have garnered the respect of the people because of their love for the Naga people despite inherent weaknesses; they all share a common vision, that is, the greater common good of the Nagas. They’re renowned for their integrity, social convictions and of course their intellect. PS: None of the present lot is in ACAUT because their tribal background though tribal representation from all the different districts is being explored.


ACAUT Nagaland on IMFL pilferage by Excise department

As per official figures laid out by the Commissioner of Excise, 85,065 bottles/Cans or a total of 4448 cases of IMFL/beer were supposed to be destroyed by the Excise Office on 26th May, 2014 (Table: Nagaland Post, dated 27th May). However, the ACAUT Nagaland team on counting the number of IMFL/Beer that was unloaded from 4 vehicles in 7 trips from the Excise Malkhana to the Commissioner office found out that only 2394 cases or 53.82% were destroyed. In other words 2054 cases of IMFL/beer or 46.18% were missing. If the count is by the number of bottles destroyed the percentage of cases destroyed given could be much lower since some of the cases were half empty/ missing bottles of IMFL beer. ACAUT like to question the department as to how much cases of IMLF can a small mini truck carry in 7 trips. ACAUT would like to ask Mr. Maongwati Aier, Excise Commissioner to come out clean as to what he meant by “There was no chance of pilferage as it was carried out under the watch of a transparent board of supervisors” (Morung Express 27/5/14) when it was clearly established that nearly half of the cases was missing which was proven by physical counting.
Further, ACAUT would like to ask Mr. Maongwati Aier, Commissioner Excise as to what he meant by “It’s not their duty to count. These are government properties and we were acting under the directions of the court of law. They did not take any prior permission to conduct the check,” Eastern Mirror 27.5.2014. ACAUT would like to remind him to go through his office order No. EX-5/10/05 dated 22th May 2014, where he has clearly mentioned that representatives from NGOs are to be present during the process of destruction. ACAUT considers his statement as “very unfortunate from a high ranking officer like him” who instead of acknowledging the discrepancies and appreciating the effort of NGOs has question those NGOs as “It’s not their duty to count”. ACAUT would also like to remind him that Nagaland is not an authoritarian state but a democratic state and therefore the public and NGOs has every right to act as a “watch dog” for such illegal activities by the department. ACAUT would like to remind the department that the counting was done in the presence of Independent observers, such as the media, NGOs representing Youth Association of Nagaland (YAN), Business Association of Nagas (BAN), Dimapur Urban Colony Council Chairman Federation (DUCCF), Dimapur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) and East Dimapur Business Association (EDBA).
The Superintendent of Excise, KY Sangtam while not refuting the claim of the ACAUT released a media statement that 3480 cases of IMFL were destroyed which means 968 cases are still missing. While the ACAUT totally rejects the statement of the Superintendent of Excise as incorrect, the moot point is, the department in clarifying that 3480 cases were destroyed is also tacitly agreeing with the ACAUT observation that huge quantity of IMFL/Beer was diverted to the black market since according to the Superintendent’s given figure, 980 cases of IMFL/beer are still missing, thus vindicating the stand of ACAUT and this is the crux of the issue. It has already been clarified by the ACAUT that the Vice-President of DUCCCF sensing that the number of cases brought for destruction being suspiciously lower than the actual number slated for destruction asked Excise Commissioner to stay the destruction. But he ignored the request and chose to go ahead with symbolic destruction. In the light of the above massive pilferage done by the department, ACAUT request the District administration to immediately set up independent Judicial enquiry at the same time request the Govt. of Nagaland to take cognizance of the matter and carry out necessary action, including suspension of erring officials, so that the judicial inquiry can maintain neutrality.
At this juncture ACAUT questions the farce and the hypocrisy on the whole business of Prohibition Act and for how long this nefarious activity has been going on?. Therefore, the NGOs and Churches who are strongly advocating for a “dry state” and yet have maintained silence on this extremely serious exposure by ACAUT, should stop the whole charade of catching small time bootleggers which is of no consequences. Silence by NGOs and Churches on this issue may seriously impact the whole debate of Nagaland Prohibition Act, 1989.


Check out the pictures of ACAUT's second tour of Nagaland in the ACAUT Page.


Morung Express News
Dimapur | May 27

Against Corruption And Unabated Taxation (ACAUT) Nagaland - a movement that has spurred the Naga public at large to voice out their resentment and protest against the excesses of taxation imposed by both overground and underground groups- today commemorated its completion of a year.

“ACAUT has taken a very difficult journey, a journey that touches everyone’s life,” said Khekiye K Sema, member of ACAUT’s consultative body, in his speech at the commemorative programme held at Hotel Saramati, which was attended by a cross section of people.

Sema, however, regretted that ACAUT’s “noble initiative” has so far received little or lukewarm response from people who matter in the society and reminded the gathering of Edmund Burke’s famous lines, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” He also said the Church, which has tentacles reaching to the grassroots, has so far remained silent to ACAUT’s movement.

Instead, it is the common and downtrodden people who have shown what coming together can do and cited the case of the public of Phek who have risen to the occasion by refusing to bow down to the dictates of certain armed groups.

Clarifying that there is no “hidden agenda” or “sinister design” behind ACAUT’s movement, as alleged by certain groups, Sema said the one and only issue for ACAUT is “survival of the common man.”

He said what ACAUT wants is an “honest and dignified survival” of the common man, presently being bogged down by taxation imposed by numerous Naga Political Groups, each professing their own brand of “sovereignty.”

Social activist and member of ACAUT’s consultative body, Niketu Iralu, said “We are in the right place, right time, doing the right thing, to the right people in the right way.” Iralu said in the present context, the Naga political struggle has become “bankrupt” not because the beginning was wrong but that Naga people, or the political groups, do not know how to go any further.

Quoting George Washington’s “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God,” Iralu said that is what ACAUT has been doing all along. He said instead of pointing fingers at ACAUT, the Naga Political Groups should display maturity and say “thank you” to ACAUT for endeavouring to raise the standard of the Naga movement by calling for unity among all groups and doing away with corruption.

Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) president, Hokivi Chishi, dwelled on the genesis of ACAUT and how the movement has reached its present status due to unwavering support of the Naga public. Chishi said ACAUT was born a year ago when DCCI and the business community of Dimapur approached Naga Council Dimapur, with their grievances and told the latter that due to multiple taxations, the “business community was in ICU.”

Naga Council Dimapur president, Bangerloba Ao, Naga Women Hoho Dimapur president, Hukheli Wotsa, Alem Sunep Jamir from TROTB Ministry and former Nagaland Assembly Speaker, Z Lohe, also addressed the gathering.
Co-chairperson, ACAUT, Joel Nillo Kath chaired the programme.


‘Cease to engage in dialogue’ is ‘unfortunate’

ACAUT activists, writers, intellectuals react to NSCN (IM)

Morung Express News
Dimapur | May 27

Members of the consultative body of Against Corruption And Unabated Taxation (ACAUT) Nagaland comprising social activists, writers and intellectuals have termed the NSCN (IM)’s declaration that it would “cease to engage in dialogue” with ACAUT as “unfortunate.”

“It is not worthy of any Naga group to restrain others. In fact, they (Naga political groups) should be the first ones to say ‘thank you’ to ACAUT for taking the responsibility to make society better,” said Niketu Iralu.

“As long as dialogue continues, we have better chance of resolving issue or differences. The moment we close the door to others, we are condemning ourselves... silencing others by way of threats is not the right way,” said Khekiye K Sema. Requesting the NSCN (IM) to “rethink” their declaration, Sema added, “to us it is not a civilized way to deal with others.”

Terming the NSCN (IM)’s move as “unfortunate,” Rosemary Dzüvichü said the group must realize that ACAUT is a people’s movement and instead of closing the doors to dialogue, the intellectuals in the NSCN (IM) must reach out to ACAUT and have fruitful discussions.

Monalisa Changkija said that though Naga intellectuals and public may not be well versed in “Naga history,” as alleged, “we know our reality and ACAUT is a consequence of knowing our reality.”

Against the backdrop of the ‘Lenten Agreement’ and the common Naga desire to solve the Naga issue, Bano Haralu said the NSCN (IM)’s statement “to silence a movement” like ACAUT was “unfortunate.” After all, ACAUT’s movement to fight against corruption and unabated taxation has the people’s mandate, she added.

“There is a need for mid-term corrections and changing of track. Peace talks and the cry of the people are not mutually exclusive and a time has to come when both have to converge,” Dr. Aotoshi said. He also said one needs to ponder whether the ACAUT movement can accelerate the peace talks between the Government of India and the Naga political group.


Guy's do u agree with this??
NSCN stands for Never Stop Crimes in Nagaland.
Here are some of the words what actually it is..
1. Nagaland for Crisis they use as Nagaland for Christ
2. Freedom frightheners not a freedom fighters.
3.Fighting for murderland not motherland.
4. Fighting for notion not nation
5.Beast talks not peace talks
AtlAst i should say that they can't fool anymore the modern educated Nagas as they fooled our parents, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

~~~ By R Jings Lee ACAUT Member


ACAUT Nagaland would like to appeal to young ACAUT Members not to misuse the name of ACAUT or use the Membership-cum-Id Card being issued wrongly and unwisely.
Also Young ACAUT Members should be very careful of what you write or say in social media. Everything about you now reflects the Movement. We care so we make this appeal to everyone.


ACAUT Nagaland has been really busy, so we couldn't update on the ACAUT Logo issue. The door is still open for young Naga designers to come out with good Logos. We will pay you a token of appreciation and a certificate. You will be remembered for your contribution in Naga History.
The Logo should portray our fights against corruption and our appeal to streamline unabated taxation.
The Logo should have something to do with Nagas.
We suggest the designers to add traditional Naga touches such as hornbill, dao, spear, necklaces, etc...
So far we have received three good entries.
Please encourage young Naga designers to contribute. Contact/Inbox our Social Media Convener Kevitho Nightwing Kera.
The entries will be displayed on the ACAUT Page and members will decide which Logo to be used by voting/ giving "Likes". The entry with the highest "Vote"/ "Likes" will win.
You have time till end of this month. Hurry!


ACAUT would like to remind and request one and all not to speculate on press release issued today on "Student Union Collection" as to which student body was involved. ACAUT would further like to make it clear that we have proper evidence and accordingly we have send a clear message to them instead of going public as a first measure. Further, ACAUT would like to clarify that the press release has nothing to do with DNSU nor was it involved.





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