It gives us immense pleasure to put-forth and set-right our denoted-connotations in our promising-and-flourishing English ‘LIFESTYLE’ wholesome monthly magazine ‘Ethnicity’. Thoughtfully-resolute, conscientious and meticulous, painstakingly, our enduring efforts come-to-a-fore with the orb long-desired – long-yearned wishes. In contrast, in-keeping with temperate Summer (s) high, say… a-loud a mus
t-have Summer moist winds, yawning, for Autumn/Fall loom, brimming a Monsoon torrential down-pour, overflowing our heart & soul galore….. uber-chic ‘Lifestyle’ qualitative and quantitative up-shot subject-matter. And as we come to a-fore with in-depth – insights of the business of fashionable-Lifestyle stash and stock pile, we have ever since then… for ever and a day intended phenomenon in our fabrications…. for us and for our fragment strong-minded focal-point on the ‘Society’ and its’ true ‘Lifestyle’
Interestingly, by-and-by, contentedly, the episodic predictable magic charm is all about a-typical poise – in-and-out of the usual run on things, fundamentally, greeting a lounge and change-over. Our coverage envelops elaborations on the latterly-interpreted and stretches to a time-span frame on ‘The Society Lifestyle” repercussions.
“With and in ‘Ethnicity’, I wish to bring to light, ‘life full-of-beans’, and give back to the Society, what the ‘Society’ really deserves”.
“We closely-look at it, from each and every ‘Social’ aspect of life – so – take a close look at it (‘Ethnicity’) final count-down, dotted and spotted on, now”.