NGO CSR jobs Box

NGO CSR jobs Box Ngo 12A 80G regarding csr 1 registration and renewal in 5 days and csr in 2 digit funds available pa

Ngo 12A 80G regarding csr 1 registration and renewal in 5 days and csr in 2 digit funds available pan india niti ayog government schemes project and csr | FPO | pmkvy | Ddugkvy school project fund raising funds WhatsApp 9289406941


We can help in New / renewal / company/ section8 / ngo 12A,80G, Fcra , Audit Report, Anual Report, Niti Aayog,
Csr certificate , Lei certificate Contact ngo / section8 company/ Pvt ltd company registration. Csr - government fund Avl in 2 digit WhatsApp 9289406941 and 32 govt and csr fund Avl 5 lakhs to 8 crore 🔥🔥🔥 #
WhatsApp 9289406941 CARD
Projects !!
1. School Project.
2. Hospitals Project.
3. Oldage home Project. Etc.
4. Skill development training provider
5. Ddugkvy
7. Lab work incubator
8. Cultural department
9. School project
10. Niti ayog project
11. Lab setups work
12. Library extension/ new setup
13. Naps project
14 . Nsdc
15. Card (gov) work
16. Pond new existing subsidiary work
17. iTi setup / you can start new iti institute and place railway jobs

18. Cold storage 5000mt government subsidiary project
19. Oldage/ orphaned home start or run
20. Digital lab government schemes
21. Motor driving centre start
WhatsApp 9289406941

 fund Avl # WhatsApp 9289406941


We can help in New / renewal / company/ section8 / ngo 12A,80G, Fcra , Audit Report, Anual Report, Niti Aayog,
Csr certificate , Lei certificate Contact ngo / section8 company/ Pvt ltd company registration. Csr - government fund Avl in 2 digit WhatsApp 9289406941 and 32 govt and csr fund Avl 5 lakhs to 8 crore 🔥🔥🔥 #
WhatsApp 9289406941 CARD
Projects !!
1. School Project.
2. Hospitals Project.
3. Oldage home Project. Etc.
4. Skill development training provider
5. Ddugkvy
7. Lab work incubator
8. Cultural department
9. School project
10. Niti ayog project
11. Lab setups work
12. Library extension/ new setup
13. Naps project
14 . Nsdc
15. Card (gov) work
16. Pond new existing subsidiary work
17. iTi setup / you can start new iti institute and place railway jobs

18. Cold storage 5000mt government subsidiary project
19. Oldage/ orphaned home start or run
20. Digital lab government schemes
21. Motor driving centre start
WhatsApp 9289406941

 fund Avl # WhatsApp 9289406941.


Delhi 9289406941 WhatsApp
अरुणाचलप्रदेश ,आसाम ,उत्तर प्रदेश ,उत्तराखंड ,उड़ीसा, कर्नाटक केरल गुजरात ,गोवा ,छत्तीसगढ़ ,जम्मू और कश्मीर ,झारखंड, तमिल नाडु ,त्रिपुरा ,नागालैंड ,पंजाब पश्चिम बंगाल बिहार ,मणिपुर ,मध्य प्रदेश महाराष्ट्र ,मिजोरम मेघालय, राजस्थान ,सिक्किम ,हरियाणा ,हिमाचल प्रदेश, इटानगर , दिसपुर ,हैदराबाद ,लखनऊ ,देहरादून , भुनेश्वर, बेंगलुरु ,तिरुअनंतपुरम ,गांधीनगर, पणजी ,रायपुर, श्रीनगर ,रांची ,चेन्नई ,अगरतला ,कोहिमा, चंडीगढ़, कोलकाता ,पटना , इंफाल ,भोपाल मुंबई ,बाजार शिलांग , जयपुर गंगतोक ,चंडीगढ़ ,शिमला, संघ क्षेत्र हमारा भारत के अंडमान एवं निकोबार ,चंडीगढ़, दमन , एवं दीव दादरा, एवं नगर हवेली, दिल्ली, पांडुचेरी , लक्षदीप ,भारत पोर्ट ब्लेयर चंडीगढ़ ,दिल्ली ,पांडुचेरी,... आवर्ती नई दिल्ली भारत सभी राज्यों के लिए राष्ट्रीय एनजीओ अपने कर्ज योजना बनाकर कार्य क्षेत्र क्षेत्रफल और जिला पंचायत बेनिफिशियरी लिस्ट 20 लाख से एक करोड़ तक का प्रोजेक्ट सबमिट कर सकते हैं सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट में 40 से अधिक विभागों में registration consultant-Delhi

Delhi 9289406941 WhatsApp
Government project consultant Delhi
CSR project consultant a2z registration consultant- Delhi
👉👉👉👈 NGO Consultant
Delhi 9289406941 WhatsApp 👈👈

👉NGO Registration,
👉Society Registration,
👉Trust Registration,
👉Section 8 Company Registration,
👉Co-Operative Society Registration,
👉Proprietorship Firm Registration
👉Partnership Firm Registration,
👉One Person Company Registration,
👉LLP Company Registration,
👉Private Limited Company Registration, 👉Public Limited Company Registration,
👉 VAT Registration,
👉CST Registration,
👉TIN Registration,
👉TAN Registration,
👉Sales Tax Registration,
👉 Service Tax Registration,
👉Trade Mark Registration,
👉Copy right Registration,
👉Shop & Establishment Registration
👉Gumasta Registration,
👉Food License Registration,
👉Export/Import society Registration,
👉 Housing/ Flate Society

Registration.NGO Consultancybox 📧📧A2Z registration consultant-

, , , , , **********
NGO Consultant *******

✉💐कंसल्टेंसी सर्विस सभी सामाजिक संस्थाओ एवं गैर सरकारी रजिस्ट्रेशन हेतु समर्पित

1. नये सोसाइटी /ट्रस्ट/पार्टनरशिप/कंपनी रजिस्ट्रेशन

2. पैन कार्ड

3. नीति आयोग रजिस्ट्रेशन

4. दस्तावेजीकरण एवं रिपोर्ट लेखन

5. वार्षिक लेखा परीक्षा रिपोर्ट ((Annual Report))

6. 12 A एवं 80 G निबंधन

7. F.C.R.A

8. Project Proposal

9. Company registration consultant

10. a2z registration

11. Old company for sell

12. Old NGO's for sell

13. Get GST Registration

14. NGO GST registration

Delhi 9289406941 WhatsApp
Let's connect for social responsibility.

Dear friends I'll send your full details in your whatsapp very NGO Consultant
Delhi 9289406941 🔥🔥🔥WhatsApp

Whatsapp & NGO Consultant
Delhi 9289406941 WhatsApp 🔥🔥🔥About

NGOs working for society and senior citizens, Children, Women Empowerment, Environment, Education, Health, Skills Development Livelihood and having required experience and eligibility criteria are free to contact us at We are Ngo consultants for ngo / society/ trust/ section8/ Pvt ltd help in making certificate 12A 80G and csr1 and csr/ government fund avl for 20 lakhs to 24 cr plz niti ayog , nsdc , pmkvy , ddugkvy, silai centre , computer centre WhatsApp 9289406941 Time limit and fund raising
T&D Delhi 9289406941 WhatsAppNGO SERVICE AND REGISTRATION section8
2.पेन कार्ड
3.नीति आयोग रेजिस्ट्रेशन
7. MSME रेजिस्ट्रेशन

10-Final certificate 12A 80G
12- audit report 3 lakhs to 100 cr
13- annual report according to csr
14- projects report for hospitals,schools, Oldage home 🏠, hostel
12- csr Fcra fund Avl
13-Fcra registration / renewal
14-section8 compliance
15- Pvt ltd company compliance
16-home for women working day care projects Avl
Csr/ government fund Avl in two digit WhatsApp 092894 06941


Ngo we help in making certificate and and / fund avl for to plz , 9289406941 and fund raising pan
advisory whatsapp 9289406941




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