Chennai Live 104.8 FM focuses on the growing demand for urban music. Established in 2008, Chennai Live, India's first talk radio FM station is also the leading English radio channel in Chennai. Chennailive 104.8FM is a locally involved radio station aimed at entertaining, educating and updating the people of Chennai. It focuses on local happenings, information and issues relevant to the day to day
life in Chennai. It features discussions and debates with studio guests and listeners. In between the intelligent and stimulating talk, the station plays the best of Tamil and International music recorded over the years combined with the best songs of the moment. The philosophy of the station is to bring together a wide range of opinions and viewpoints currently in the city and it will also cover the progress with a profound history, a proud present and a bright outlook for the future of the city. Unlike other radio stations in India, we have a very different outlook toward radio, we believe that radio is by/for/of the community, and we are very easily/conveniently approachable. People like YOU & ME making amazing stuff. We just provide them with a platform that enables them to connect with around 7 lakh like minded listeners.