In the ancient town of Varanasi, their lived a beautiful Blue frog which is very intelligent and helpful to the fishes around. whenever the fishes had any problem the consulted with the frog and got guided.
A snake found more number of fishes in this river and its started to visit the river frequently and consumed a lot of fishes. As the fishes were living in community little far away from each other, they were not aware of this. But over a period they realised the number of fishes in this zone is getting raduced and they found the snake is eating fishes from this river.
They went to the frog and complaint about this to the frog. But the frog told it is the condition of the nature the stronger species consuming the weaker species. so you have to accept the law of nature. a man from the nearby village tried to catch fishes from the river using their fishing net. Along with the fishes the snake also got into the net. the fishes bit the snake and the snake was heavily wounded. Somehow the snake escaped through the opening in the net and met the frog and complaint about the about the fishes. The fishes saw this from the net and listen to what The frog was say.
When you were stronger you hurted them. Now as a group they are stronger and they did what you did to them so they were right. I will support the fishes. Only. The fishes were very happy with his reply so to get them to try to escape from the net and came near the snake to death.