We,, the people of India ..
Dhruv Rathee
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A dangerous Cancer causing chemical - "Ethylene Oxide" has been found in many Indian spices
* Hong Kong European Union
Have banned multiple Indian products! But PM Modi doesn't care about your health. He is busy making you fearful about religion.
Your children's health, your own health is at risk if you don't wake up!
#facebookreels #dhruvrathee #education #information #mission #JaiHind #VandeMataram
PM Modi using Hitlers 'Big Lie' strategy!!
#facebookreels #dhruvrathee #education #information #mission #JaiHind #mission100cr
One more lie by PM Modi 🫡
Video - Dhruv Rathee
#facebookreels #education #Indiana #JaiHind #mission #VandeMataram #dhruvrathee #information
Dhruv Rathee Reality of Modi Ki Guarantee! More than 25 politicians who were accused of thousands of crores of corruption scam are now in BJP..
#mission #JaiHind #Indiana #education #facebookreels
Video - Dhruv Rathee
Jai Hind 💖
Mission 100cr.
#dhruvrathee #mission #partytime #JaiHind #VandeMataram
Video - Dhruv Rathee