Those of us born between 1990-2005😎
We were nothing special.
But we were lucky🤦
When we were little, we used to put our hands inside our clothes and say, I have no hands
There was a pen which had four types of ink
And I tried to tap its four buttons together
In our time, pens equal to one hand were available, but we used to cut the pen again and invent much smaller pens🤦
I used to hide behind the door to startle someone, I would come out impatiently because he was late 🤦
While walking at night, I used to think that wherever I am going, the moon is also going with me😞
Press the fingers on both sides of the current switch to turn the switch between on and off
I tried to bring it to the position 😴
Everyone together while going to school
I used to run 🏃🏃 in the class playing pen and pen, in the notebook
Playing cricket, thieves and robbers🕵️
I used to play
Many times I used to hang out with some friends after school
How much would I give?
Colored or coconut ice cream for one taka 🦱 🧑
, Hawaii does not eat sweets
If I could, I would feel bad
All of a sudden, when a helicopter went through the sky, we all came out of the room and looked at the sky
When school was over, I would run home to watch Mina cartoons, see Sisimpur.🕵️
I used to wait from 3 PM on Friday when the movie would start on BTV 😎 and after evening Alif Laila, Sindbad, Robin Hood, McIver all over.
I waited for a week
I used to worry if I ate a piece of fruit
Whether there will be a tree inside the stomach
If I was hit on the head, I would hit again on my own for fear of growing horns
If someone was sitting, I would jump over his head.
So that he can no longer be tall🧑🏭
In the afternoon Kutkut, Kanamachi, Gollachhoot, 1A season, if I didn't play the afternoon tie would have turned to soil😭
After the final exam, there is no study in the morning
It was so much fun beyond words.
It was time to go home to Nanu, Dadu, 😎 What happens if you don't play badminton, Keram, Ludu.
December and winter were so colorful in our childhood
However, the earlier the date of December 31 came, the more fear grew in my mind, what else would the result of the final be given on that day, 😭😭
I know those of our generation who are reading this, must have smiled on your face??
When I remember these things, I want to go back again ©