International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) is having ISSN 2347-6389 (online), monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December by Lattice Science Publication (LSP)đź”— Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2013. It is academic, online, open access, peer reviewed in
ternational journal. It aims to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Textile Engineering and all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering Sciences. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the board of committeeđź”— of IJAENT. The aimđź”— of the journal is to disseminate original, scientific, theoretical or applied research in the field of Engineering and allied fields, to dispense a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component, to aqueduct the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research, to seek original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works for the publication globally, to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Textile Engineering and all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering Sciences, to impart a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component, to create a bridge for significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research, to solicit original and unpublished research papers, based on theoretical or experimental works. Papers for the regular issues of the journal can be submitted, year-round, electronically at [email protected] After the final acceptance of the paper, based upon the detailed review process, the paper will immediately be published online. However, assignment of the paper to an specific Volume / Issue (see archiveđź”— ) of the Journal will be taken up by the Editorial Boardđź”— later; and the author will be intimated accordingly. For Theme Based Special Issues, time bound Special Call for Papers will be announced and the same will be applicable for that specific issue only.