
IamfromChhattisgarh Now that you are here, Come let's see Chhattisgarh through my eyes.
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Mapping Sacred Spaces : Mahadeo Temple Devbaloda.Dated back to the 13th century this temple is built by kalchuri Dynasty...

Mapping Sacred Spaces : Mahadeo Temple Devbaloda.

Dated back to the 13th century this temple is built by kalchuri Dynasty. Still unknown to many this temple witnesses devotees from all around during Mahashivratri.

The temple is well connected by the National Highway by road, located 20 km from the capital Raipur city and about 15 km from Bhilai Nagar.

Feel free to ask your queries about the temple in the Comment section. Also those who have visited this temple please do share your review in the comment section. 🎯


क्या आप एक रनर/फ़ोटोग्राफर/राइटर या रील मेकर हैं तो फिर दिखाइए अपना हुनर इस शानदार आयोजन में और जीतिए इनाम

आयोजन की इस शृंखला में रन फ़ॉर सी जी प्राइड, स्लोगन प्रतियोगिता, फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी प्रतियोगिता एवं रील प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया जा रहा है ।

14 दिसम्बर को आयोजित होने वाली रन फ़ॉर सीजी प्राइड दौड़ की अंतिम पंजीयन तिथी 12 दिसम्बर है, तथा शेष तीन प्रतियोगिता की 15 दिसम्बर है ।

*आप सभी इस साहित्यिक एवं अनूठे आयोजन में ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा सहभागिता सुनिश्चित करें तथा सभी को इस आयोजन से जुड़ने के लिए प्रेरित करें*

कार्यक्रम का सम्पूर्ण विवरण एवं पंजियन की जानकारी
https://www.cgmodel.in पर देख सकते हैं।

छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य अपनी भिन्न भिन्न वस्तुओं के लिए हमेशा से प्रचलित रहा है।चाहे वह  सुंदर दृश्य ,कला शैली या यहां के ग्रामीण...

छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य अपनी भिन्न भिन्न वस्तुओं के लिए हमेशा से प्रचलित रहा है।
चाहे वह सुंदर दृश्य ,कला शैली या यहां के ग्रामीण रीति रिवाज़ हों।
छत्तीसगढ़ में विभिन्न जनजातियों के द्वारा शुरू किए गए प्राचीन सभ्यताओं के चलन इसके अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में देखने को मिलते हैं।औए छत्तीसगढ़ में प्राचीन सभ्यता कितनी फलती फूलती रही है इसके प्रमाण हमें देखने को मिलते हैं।
दंतेवाड़ा से लगभग 14 किमी. की दूरी पर स्थित है ,गामावाडा नामक यह छोटा सा गांव प्रकृति के मनोहर दृश्यों के साथ ही पुरातन काल की सभ्यताओं को भी समेटे हुए है। यहां
पत्थर के बड़े छोटे स्तंभ पाए जाते हैं जिन्हें “स्मारक स्तंभ” कहा जाता है।यह स्थान एक प्रसिद्ध महापाषाणकालीन समाधि स्थल है, जहां कुछ स्तंभ 3000 वर्ष पुराने हैं। साइट का पहला दृश्य आपको यूनाइटेड किंगडम में विश्व प्रसिद्ध स्टोनहेंज की याद दिलाएगा। यह स्थल स्थानीय जनजातियों की एक सदियों पुरानी परंपरा को प्रस्तुत करता है जहां इन विशाल आकार के पत्थर के खंभे सदियों पहले स्थानीय निवासियों द्वारा अपने मृतक बुजुर्गों, रिश्तेदारों और जनजाति के प्रमुख व्यक्तियों की याद में बनाए गए थे। इन स्मृति स्तम्भों में लोहे के प्रयोग के साक्ष्यों से यह माना जाता है कि शायद यहाँ के लोग भारत में सबसे पहले पिघले हुए लोहे का प्रयोग करते थे। इस स्तंभों का निर्माण कई शताब्दियों पहले यहाँ के स्थानीय निवासियों ने अपने प्रिय मृत व्यक्तियों की स्मृति स्वरुप किया था।इस महापाषाण संस्कृति का पालन मुख्य रूप से बस्तर के मुरिया, मारिया और गोंड जनजातियों द्वारा किया गया है,और यह पत्थर के साथ मानव के विकास के कृषि चरण के दौरान शुरू हुआ था।
इस संस्कृति की झलक तमिलनाडु ,असम, और महाराष्ट्र के हिस्सों में देखने को मिलती है एएसआई ने दिलमिली और गामावाड़ा में स्थित इस साइट का संरक्षण किया है ताकि इन्हें सहेजा जा सके और भविष्य में इस प्राचीन सभ्यता की झलकियां हम संभाल कर रख सकें।

Location- Memory Pillar, Village gamawada

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The only ancient temple of Mata Kaushalya in the country is at Chandakhuri, cited as the birthplace of Lord Ram’s mother...

The only ancient temple of Mata Kaushalya in the country is at Chandakhuri, cited as the birthplace of Lord Ram’s mother.
A 51-feet high statue of Lord Ram was also constructed to pay tribute to Ram ji's visit into Chhattisgarh.

रायपुर से करीब 20 किमी दूर स्थित चंदखुरी को प्राचीन कौशल की राजधानी माना जाता है। यहां भगवान राम की माता कौशल्या का एक प्राचीन मंदिर है। इसमें भगवान राम माता कौशल्या की गोद में बैठे दिखाए गए हैं। यह पूरी दुनिया में भगवान राम की माता को समर्पित एकमात्र मंदिर माना जाता है।

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छत्तीसगढ़ के बस्तर जिले में स्थित बारसूर को मंदिरों का शहर भी कहा जाता है | लेकिन बारसूर के जुड़वां गणेश मंदिर शायद पूरी ...

छत्तीसगढ़ के बस्तर जिले में स्थित बारसूर को मंदिरों का शहर भी कहा जाता है | लेकिन बारसूर के जुड़वां गणेश मंदिर शायद पूरी दुनिया में अनोखा है। इस मंदिर में दो गणेश प्रतिमा स्थापित किया गया है। एक की ऊंचाई सात फ़ीट और दूसरी की पांच फ़ीट है। इन मूर्ति के निर्माण में कलाकार ने बड़ी ही शानदार कलाकारी दिखाई है।

बारसूर शब्द की उत्पत्ति बालसूरी शब्द से मानी जाती है, बालसूरी कालान्तर में बारसूरगढ़ के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुआ। प्राचीन युग में यह नगरी बेहद समृध्द व वैभवशाली नगरी थी, बारसूर के चारों दिशाओं में यहाँ के शासकों के द्वारा 10-10 मील दूर तक कई मंदिर और तालाब बनवाये जिस कारण इसे मंदिरो और तालाबो कि नगरी भी कहा जाता है।

कहा जाता है कि बड़े गणपति की प्रतिमा अपनी बिटिया रानी और राजकुमारी उषा के लिए और छोटी गणेश जी की प्रतिमा अपने मंत्री के बेटी चित्रलेखा के लिए निर्मित करवाई। ऐसी मान्यता है कि भगवान गणपति अपने दोनों भक्तो उषा और चित्रलेखा के अटूट भक्तिभाव से बहुत प्रसन्न हुए थे यही कारण है कि इस स्थान पर सच्चे मन से मांगी गई मनोकामनाएं फलित होती है।

इस प्रतिमा में गणेश जी के उपरी दायें हाथ में परशु तथा निचला हाथ अभय मुद्रा में है इसी तरह उपरी बायें हाथ में गदा तथा निचले बायें हाथ में वे मोदक धारण किये हुए हैं। प्रतिमा के ठीक नीचे चलती हुई मुद्रा में मूषक अंकित किया गया है। इस परिसर में अभी भी मंदिरों के अवशेष बिखरे हुए नजर आते है। पुरातत्व विभाग की अगर माने तो यहां उन दौरान इस विशालकाय गणेश जी की प्रतिमा के चारो ओर छ: मंदिर हुआ करती थी।

Source - dynamicbastar.com
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We would thank for inviting us for this influencers meet where we got to learn so much about Dantewada, it's rich cultural history, hidden Architectures built by our ancestors.
We thank IAS for guiding us Throughout. We are looking forward to become part of more such Educational tours.


Chhattisgarh Cleanest State ❤️
For the consecutive third time, Chhattisgarh will be awarded for being one of the cleanest states of India by President Ram Nath Kovind in New Delhi on November 20.

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Godna Painting : Tattooing is an age-old tradition of India in general and tribal societies in particular. In Northern and Central India, tattooing is popularly known as ‘Godna.’

Contemporary Indian society has continued the pre-historic rock art tattoos as their popular tradition. Noteworthy Godna paintings are Devar Godna of Rajanandgaon district of Chhattisgarh, Godi godna of Surguja district of Chhattisgarh.

Modernisation has influenced the Godna art and artists to a great extent. The tribal women are improvising on the art form by painting ‘Godna’ on fabrics, silk, canvas, wall and doors and various other means, instead of just body painting.

Source: Lalit Kala Akademi

   Chhattisgarh is home to several tribal castes with Gonds of Bastar being the prominent among them. The Baiga, Korba, ...

Chhattisgarh is home to several tribal castes with Gonds of Bastar being the prominent among them. The Baiga, Korba, Abhuj Maria, BisonHorn Maria, Muria, Halbaa, Bhatra and Dhurvaa are other major tribes of the region.
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Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched an innovative project of electricity production by using cow dung.Wi...

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched an innovative project of electricity production by using cow dung.With this project, villages and gauthans of the state will soon get illuminated by the electricity produced from cow dung. The machines installed in Rural Industrial Parks of gauthans would be run on electricity produced from cow dung.
In the first phase, units for power generation from cow dung have been set up at Rakhi in Bemetara district, Sikola in Durg and Bancharoda in Raipur district. One unit will produce 85 cubic meters of gas. Since one cubic meter produces 1.8 KW of electricity, 153 kW of electricity will be produced in one unit.
In this way, about 460 kW of electricity will be generated from the biogas genset units installed in the above three Gauthans, which will power the lighting system in the Gauthans as well as the machines installed.
Source: ANI

Traditional Folk Dance Forms of Chhattisgarh : Chhattisgarh is one of the ancient states of India. Sharing Its borders w...

Traditional Folk Dance Forms of Chhattisgarh :
Chhattisgarh is one of the ancient states of India. Sharing Its borders with the states of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand to the north and northeast, Odisha (Orissa) to the east, Telangana (formerly part of Andhra Pradesh) to the south, and Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to the west.

The Chhattisgarhi culture is immersed in varieties of dance forms, mainly due to the number of tribes residing in the vast expanse of the state.
The state’s tribal population has developed many native indigenous folk performances of their cultural beliefs.
Most of the Chhattisgarh folk dance forms are performed as part of rituals, performed in reverence for the gods or denoting the change of seasons.
Special costumes and accessories are made for such dance forms and the fast movements combined with perfect timing will leave you mesmerized.
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Traditional Folk Dance Forms Of Chhattisgarh : The Chhattisgarhi culture is inundated with varieties of dance forms, ess...

Traditional Folk Dance Forms Of Chhattisgarh :
The Chhattisgarhi culture is inundated with varieties of dance forms, essentially because of the number of tribes dwelling over the tremendous field of the state. There is a social amalgamation because of the commitments of every tribe and sub-lingo.
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Did you know ??Jaitkhamb is 7 ft taller than Qutub Minar.

Did you know ??

Jaitkhamb is 7 ft taller than Qutub Minar.

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All about Plasma Donation and associated guidelines :

Convalescent plasma therapy involves extraction of plasma from a person who recovered from the virus.

The plasma extracted from recovered persons contains anti-bodies of the virus. On transfusion to the patient, these anti-bodies help him or her recover.

Who can donate?
Well, the first criterion of course is that you need to be a COVID survivor. You can donate 28 days after complete recovery.

In India, women between the ages of 18-55 years can donate plasma only if they have never been pregnant.

All male COVID survivors in the 18-55 age group can donate plasma.

Not all of them are eligible for donation of plasma. Persons with co-morbidity conditions, senior citizens and pregnant women are not supposed to donate plasma.

Religious story singing or reading is generally considered to be the work of men, but the peak of popularity reached by ...

Religious story singing or reading is generally considered to be the work of men, but the peak of popularity reached by women story singers in Chhattisgarh is unique. The courage and commitment that these illiterate or semi-literate women artists have faced with inequalities like social bonds, family difficulties, is commendable. The journey of Pandwani to become an established iconography and the contribution of women Kathagayakas in it was not that easy.

On this auspicious day of International Women's Day, I would like to pay homage to all these strong women who paved the way for many and became an inspiration for countless of girls in this state.


Religious story singing or reading is generally considered to be the work of men, but the peak of popularity reached by women story singers in Chhattisgarh i...


Jashpur (जशपुर) :-
With our today's video, we are going to introduce another district, Jashpur, in our series 'Dynamic Districts of Credible Chhattisgarh'. Historically a princely state during the times of british administration.
The hilly terrains and the lush green forests of Jashpur is located in the northeastern side of the Chhattisgarh.
Let's dive in to know more interesting facts about Jashpur and all the places one can visit there.

Full Video Link In Bio🌻

Caption by - Anurag Bamne
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Clip Credit- DK808



Korea District Of Chhattisgarh :

Chhattisgarh, one of the few landlocked states in central India, is a treasure house of natural beauty. Dense forests abound in the state, and in them, reside various tribes, each with their unique customs, traditions and way of life.
Visiting Chhattisgarh means enjoying its waterfalls, natural beauty, tribal culture, handicrafts, temples, wildlife, waterfalls, hill stations, monuments, temples, caves, trekking, boating, bird watching, sightseeing, archaeological sites, adventure, arts & crafts and cuisine.
Koriya district, is a district in the north-western part of the Chhattisgarh state in Central India. The administrative headquarter of the district is Baikunthpur.
The district came into existence on 25th May, 1998, in Madhya Pradesh State, now a part of Chhattisgarh's district.After Indian Independence in 1947, the rulers of Koriya and Chang Bhakar acceded to the Union of India on 1st January, 1948, and both were made a part of Surguja district of Madhya Pradesh state. Let's find out what more korea has to offer to people .

Editing by- Arpit Sahu
Clip Credit- Online ORB and DK 808

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Repost :  “Hello! I am Jigyasa Gupta from Bhilai. Born and brought up in the city, I did my schooling from a BSP school ...

Repost :

“Hello! I am Jigyasa Gupta from Bhilai. Born and brought up in the city, I did my schooling from a BSP school and graduated as a Computer Engineer. I then moved to Delhi in 2018 to prepare for civil services examination. Last year, I came back home because of Covid-19 and wanted to do something productive which could benefit others as well. And so, I started making documentaries on Chhattisgarh. As of now, I am promoting tourism as well as taking interviews of people from various backgrounds be it theatre, music or science.

While I was in Delhi, it once occurred that we called in Pest Control service. In a conversation with a serviceman he asked me about my native place. When I answered Chhattisgarh, he wondered if Naxalites lived closer to my home. I also sensed discomfort from his expressions. This was unexpected. I then explained him the reality but this incident got stuck in my head. I had noticed that people didn’t know much about Chhattisgarh and many have misconceptions about it. It crossed my mind that one cannot expect people to believe everything unless you show it to them; that’s why I chose Chhattisgarh for my videos.

I have always been loved and appreciated by people around me but this is something very different than I thought I would be doing . As I kept going on this journey, people started connecting with me. I keep getting texts from people and it feels great when my friends tell me about their relatives mentioning my videos. It encourages me to follow the path I am heading on. In recent times, the audience interacts more with memes or funny content than an informational video but there are still people on the net who seek the content that I create. My attempt is to reach out to that portion of the audience. Once a famous journalist who had done some research on ‘Ramnamis’, offered me to present it. And just like that, I got some help and suggestions keep floating in, and that gets me going.”


Nehru Nagar


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